
25 Easy Ways to Recycle Content from Your Blog Posts

As a  mom blogger, one of the most important things to do is maximize the visibility of your blog and brand.

And to do that, you need to get your blog post out there for people to read.

But, whether you’re blogging as a side hustle or this is your full-time gig, churning out original content on a consistent basis is a challenge.

I know it is for me!

I have a Youtube channel with original content, I have an email list with original content and my blog is filled with original content.

And even with ChatGPT to help you create content faster, it’s difficult to get the best type of content for your blog.

There’s just no time to produce epic-proportion-type posts that will grab your audience and make them read, share, and sign up to your email list, amiright?

On top of writing posts you also have to create graphics, and then spend most of your time promoting the post on social media once it’s published.

So, what do you do when you have no time to create content, but still want to grow your blog and brand?

The answer is recycling your content.

When you recycle your content, you reuse and reformat your old posts making them suitable for other content outlets.

But, if you’re a new blogger, you probably haven’t embraced – or even know about – newer ways to recycle content.

Let’s look at 25 ways to use the content you already have and change it around to reach more people.

1. Infographics

Infographics are a visual representation of your blog post.

They are a great way to boost your social shares since visuals are shared more than written posts.

Plus, Pinterest absolutely adores infographics.

I don’t use infographics enough and I should.

They are easy to create as well.

I like to use Canva to create my infographics.

You can use a template or just create your own.

Just add your theme colors and fonts and key points from your content to turn it into an infographic.

The best types of content to recycle to an infographic are:

  • Blog posts
  • Emails
  • Youtube videos

2. Instagram Reels

A popular and easy way for content recycling is to use an email or blog post and turn into an Instagram Reel.

A reel is a short video that can be educational or for entertainment purposes. 

While the best reels are ‘real life’ events, it’s okay to create a digital reel too.

You can also use Canva to create a reel from your content.

I don’t use this method too often but if I’m stuck for Instagram ideas, I will do this.

For example, I created this reel in Canva and it generated over a fifteen hundreed views.

3. As a LinkedIn Post

Are you on LinkedIn?

I use LinkedIn mostly for my freelance business and if you have a business then you should be on LinkedIn too.

But, you can’t just create a profile and leave it at that. You have to be ON the platform and creating consistent posts.

Instead of trying to come up with original content, I will just recycle my old content to use it as a LinkedIn post.

Some of my more popular LinkedIns posts have been old emails.

Another way I repurpose content is to use a Medium post as a LinkedIn post.

Medium is a blogging platform where you can share ideas like a blog. It’s a great way to grow your brand and get more readers to your content.

But, since LinkedIn posts can be long-form, you can take most of your short Medium posts and use them for this purpose.

4. Use Your Content as a Facebook Post

Facebook is a great way to get more engagement for your blog.

For me, while Pinterest helps me grow my traffic, Facebook gets me more comments on my blog – hands down.

You can capitalize on this engagement by repurposing your blog post into a Facebook post for a Facebook group or your Facebook page to incite discussion.

This is something I did early one when I started Twins Mommy, but have veered away from it lately.

But, here’s an example I recently did about the Google Core update for a Facebook post. I used the introduction as the post and then used a bullet list to list out the subtopics in the post.

I then dropped the link to the full post in the comment section.

Remember when repurposing your blog post as a Facebook post is to always share valuable content.

Whether you post on your Facebook page or in a group, always be authentic and share actionable posts.

5. In Email Newsletters or An Email Series

If you’re stuck on what to email your list, you’re not alone.

A lot of bloggers have no idea what to email their list, other than notifying subscribers about their latest blog post.

But, if you want to capture your list and get to know them better, you can provide exclusive tips and strategies just for them.

Doing this week in and week out, however, can be tough.

There’re only so many awesome tips you have, right?

One quick and easy way to get more exclusive tips is to repurpose questions in your Facebook group – or any Facebook group.

Here’s an example a blogger’s newsletter recycling a question from a Facebook group.

You can also use comments from your blog to expand on your answer for a newsletter.

Other ways to use repurposed content for emails is to use an old blog post and pick out the best tips.

You can update it to reflect how it’s relevant during this time in your weekly email.

If you want to create an email series, you can use old blog post content to welcome your new subscribers.

6. As a Free Course

Free courses are usually used as a lead magnet to grow your email list, and it’s the perfect way to start a sales funnel if you have a paid course or service you want to offer.

There’s no rule that says you can’t use old content and repurpose it into a free course.

Go ahead and take old blog posts and even other lead magnets and turn them into a jam-packed, high-value free email course.

Just make sure the blog posts are quite old but still highly relevant.

7. As a Youtube Video

Another big search engine is YouTube, and a lot of bloggers are using this video platform to reach a new audience.

Video also helps your brand become more authentic and more personal with your followers.

They see and hear you and make a new connection to you.

This can strengthen your brand and help you make more sales.

One thing I sometimes do is use an old blog post and turn that into a Youtube video.

Sure, you can use the post as a script and do the video that way, but what I like to do is either create a slide show from a blog post or just read the blog post as the actual video.

For example, I created this post about affiliate programs and then later used that to make a Youtube video.

Another way to use recycled content is to create the Youtube video and then use the video to create a blog post.

I have also done this with this video about how to add affiliate links.

I noticed how this video was doing well on Youtube, so I decided to create a blog post from it.

I made sure to also add the video to the post!

8. For an eBook

Many bloggers first digital product is an eBook.

But, for a lot of bloggers, creating an ebook takes time out of their day.

If they work full-time and have a family to take care of, their blog is often the last thing on their plate – not to mention that their idea is shelved as low priority.

So, instead of trying to come up with unique and new material for your book, why not use inspiration from your blog?

Find some popular blog posts and repurpose them into an ebook.

This is a good way to repurpose your content, especially if it’s original, unique thoughts in that content.

Over on my freelance blog, I have a shop filled with tiny eBooks. I clearly state that these are blog posts but I have added new worksheets.

This is an easy way for new bloggers to create a minimal value product to make daily sales.

If you need help creating an eBook, check out my video (and make sure to subscribe to my channel).

9. As a Challenge

Challenges are also another great lead magnet idea to grow your email list.

Challenges allow you to be in your subscriber’s inbox every day, or at least more often than your regular schedule for your newsletter.

This fosters a relationship and helps let your subscribers know you on a different level.

In a challenge, you create a game plan for your subscribers to follow.

It can be anything from growing your email list in 30 days to tips and tricks to potty train your child in a week, and anything in between.

10. As Video Tip Series

Another way you can use video to repurpose your content is with a video series.

You can repurpose old blog posts, emails, Facebook posts or any other type of content and turn them into a video series for a lead magnet.

For example, Pinterest manager Michelle Stevens has a Pinterest Optimization mini course with video. I’m not sure if those are repurposed blog posts but they can be!

11. As X/Twitter Updates

Did you know that an X post is up to 4,000 characters?

That is between 571-1000 words you can post on X/Twitter.

Your X posts don’t always have to be about your latest blog post though; use Twitter as a way to provide valuable tips to your target audience.

Why not recycle snippets of a blog post? Or an email? Or an Instagram post?

You can create a thread and create multiple X posts to make it more valuable for your audience.

12. As Instagram Posts

For mom bloggers, Instagram is your way to be more authentic, real and in front of your ideal audience, right?

Filled with lovely images, inspiring Instagram Stories and Lives, it can boost your brand and help you grow your audience.

But what do you post on Instagram for business?

You can repurpose your blog posts as an Instagram post.

Make sure to be a bit more authentic and personal in your post, provide a link, and use appropriate hashtags.

The Boss Project often use parts of their post as their Instagram captions, like they did for a post about five myths about productivity.

13. Part of a Course

If you want to develop a course for your audience, you don’t have to start from scratch.

Over on my freelance blog, I share a lot of posts about writing tips, getting started as a freelancer, finding clients and much more.

I then created a course, Write Your Way to Your First $1k where I dive deep into starting a freelance business. The ideas are taken from my popular blog posts – obviously, I’m going a lot deeper on the topic in my course than on the blog.

For a lot of readers, they would rather buy a course that has all the important tips and strategies packaged, rather than hunt around your blog and read every post you have.

14. As Webinars

Webinars are another great way to grow your email list and get more personal with your target audience.

They not only help show your experience in your niche, but it can show your personality, odd quirks, and all-around peppiness.

Coming up with topics can be a challenge, but you don’t have to look far to find that perfect topic.

Use your blog posts as a way to find that magic webinar topic.

For example, I can look at my Google Analytics to find popular blog topics on my Twins Mommy blog to recycle it into a webinar.

My Google Analytics

I can see from my Google Analytics that my audience enjoys topics about making money at home and keeping their kids busy and entertained as they build their home business.

I can come up with a few webinar topics that my audience would gobble up!

15. Syndicate Your Content

The main goal of repurposing content is to get your blog posts in front of more people. Syndicating content is usually the main way a lot of businesses repurpose their content.

But, it’s something some bloggers do too.

A popular site to syndicate your content on is Business2Community, but some large sites like Medium also allow its writers to syndicate content on their platform.

Sometimes sites like Yahoo will find content and syndicate it on their own.   

For example, a post on Momtastic was syndicated to Yahoo Entertainment. They attributed their post to Momtastic.

16. Republish Your Content

A similar approach to syndication is to republish your content.

This is another way to get more eyeballs on your content.

There are many ways to republish your content.

You can repost it to Quora, or use LinkedIn, or use Medium.

For example, if you were to republish a blog post you had over on Medium, make sure to let Medium know this. 

After you write your post, go to Settings > Advanced Settings and click on the box to say it was published somewhere else.

What’s great about these platforms is that they have a large built-in audience to leverage for traffic, and they also offer an excellent opportunity to include call-to-actions to landing pages for email list growth.

17. As a Lead Magnet

Growing your email list can be a challenge.

It can depend on your promotional strategy, your audience, or your opt-in freebie to see how successful your strategy is.

When creating an opt-in freebie, you don’t have to look far.

Your blog posts are there to help your audience’s problems, so why not use that content to craft a lead magnet?

As a mom blogger, I don’t have a lot of time to create content.

I have many clients and multiple blogs to juggle, and I’m a bit time-starved.

So, one thing I did early on was repurpose a blog series I had on my blog – 12 Days of Holiday Freebies – and turned that into my lead magnet – 190+ Free resources to grow your blog (no longer available).

Old lead magnet

Doing this helped me save a lot of time because the research was already done when I created my series.

Bundle a blog series or expand on a blog post and create a lead magnet that solves your audience’s problems or helps them overcome a challenge.

18. As a Podcast Episode

Podcasts are becoming more popular among bloggers across every niche.

When creating episodes for your podcast, a great way to structure them is to build a theme around your blog and podcast.

This can help form episode ideas, and it can lend itself to repurposing your content either way.

For example, Phoebe Gill has her website and an SEO podcast. 

She often creates a blog post and then a Podcast episode about it.

It’s a great way to find topics for your podcast and vice versa and appeal to different types of audiences (i.e. one that loves to read and one that loves to listen).

19. As Guest Posts

Guest posting is another way a blogger can use to get noticed and get more people to read your content….and recycle your content.

It’s said that guest posts should be your best content since it’s going to reach a new audience and has the potential for conversions.

However, there’s no law that says you can’t repurpose content you already have on your blog or other places for a guest post.

Use your old content as a way to inspire you and help you get more ideas for your guest post.

If you are an email marketing specialist, most of your content will center around email marketing.

Suffice it to say that each of your posts – and guest posts – will have common elements such as email service providers, using social media to grow your list, creating a welcome series and more.

20. Update Old Blog Posts – Refresh Old Blog Posts

Google has been unleashing lots of Core updates and other types of updates.

So, many of us, who want to be in the good graces of Google, will probably want to update old blog posts to ensure it’s still relevant and helpful.

If you have older blog posts with outdated information, screenshots or even wrong information, you can update them and breathe new life to them.

This serves as a way to refresh old blog posts and repurpose them into better content for your audience.

21. As a Facebook Live

Live streaming is a hot trend lately, and it’s something that can build your brand quickly and reach a lot of people.

You can use Facebook Live on your Facebook page or in a Facebook group.

Go ahead and repurpose your blog post or even a lead magnet.

I often did this early on when I started with Facebook Lives.

22. As a TikTok Video

Just like you can use your email or blog post as a Facebook Live or Instagram Reel, why not recycle it as a TikTok video too!

Who says you can’t take the same video and publish it on different social media paltforms?

Every blogger and content creator is doing that right now!

Just make sure to scrub the social media watermark when you repost! 

When I recycle my TikTok video to an Instagram Reel I use the website I’m sure there are other similar ones for other platforms.

23. As an Instagram Live

Similar to a Facebook Live, you can also do an Instagram Live and use a blog post as a template.

I sometimes do this. If I wrote a blog post about SEO, I will take some of the subtopics and create a unique Instagram Reel.

I may angle it differently too. If the post talked about good SEO practices, my Instagram Live might be what NOT to do with SEO.

That way, it looks like you didn’t recycle any content but you actually did! Win-win!

24. As a Youtube Live

Are you seeing a pattern here?

There are soo many places to create content and another place is as a Youtube Live.

Youtube Lives usually run an hour so you can take groups of your blog posts and create a Live out of it.

I did this way back when I started Twins Mommy. I did a Live about growing your email list and by that time I had posts about growing your email list so it was easy for me to do that live.

25. As New Blog Posts

As a blogger, you have to come up with new blog topics every month, right?

I mean sure, you can use ChatGPT but I’m finding the topics are very generic and not that great. There’s a better way to find topics for your blog.

Instead of trying to come up with new and innovative blog post ideas, why not look to what you already have?

Go through your old blog posts and see where you can repurpose content.

For example, you might extract a subheading from a post and make a brand new blog post out of it.

Or, you can turn a blog series into one epic post, and vice versa.

Take one idea or one blog post and split that into a blog series.

One way to reach a new audience is to turn an old blog post into a roundup.

If you have a popular post on your site, why not ask key influencers in your niche to contribute to your post?

Take an idea from one of your popular posts and repurpose that into a question you can ask bloggers for your roundup.

Another way to repurpose content is to create a list post based on old blog posts.

This is a great way to link to supporting content when you create your list post.

Finally, you can expand on a blog post comment.

Take some time to look over your blog comments; there’s a blog post waiting to happen in one of your comments.

Over the years, I have used every one of these ideas to create a blog post for you!

Wrapping it Up

Growing your blog traffic takes a lot of time!

With the content creation and editorial process, promotion strategy, creation of any imagery, and general blogger outreach and networking, your days are probably fully booked.

But, for many of us, blogging isn’t our full-time gig.

We have work, family and other obligations that often makes finding time to blog, difficult.

One way to shave off time is to recycle your blog posts. This is a huge time saver and a great blogging practice to use.

Let me know – what’s your favorite way to repurpose your content?


These are fantastic tips Elna, thank you! We always talk about repurposing blog posts into social media captions, but it’s rare to see such a detailed guide with SO MANY options. There’s so much we can take out of our existing content… 🙂 Thanks for the inspo!
Hi Sofia, Oh, thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed this post about recycling your content so you are’t on the content wheel!

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