List Building

42 Freebie Ideas to Grow Your Email List (+ Free Video Tutorial)

You’re there finally.

Starting your blog is totally past you and now you are working on growing your email list. I get you.

Practically every blogger out there that wants to turn their blog into a profitable blog will go on the road to starting an email list.

But, there’s more to it than just signing up Convertkit for your email marketing strategy.

You have to find out what kind of freebie you want to offer your would-be subscribers. Because just having a sign-up box that says, “Join my newsletter” won’t attract many bloggers and it won’t attract the right audience.

What you need is a lead magnet. This is an incentive you have to let readers know that if they sign up to your email list, they’ll receive something free in return.

Now, that’s pretty sweet, eh? Who doesn’t want something free? Instant access come my way!

5 Ways to Find Freebie Ideas

So, how do you find that mind-blowing incentive idea to grow your new email list? Let’s look at five ways you can use to find some amazing freebie ideas and then look at some ways to package that idea.

1. Look at Your Popular Blog Posts

You started your blog maybe a month or two months ago and you have a couple of blog posts. What better way to create an incentive than with what is already resonating with your audience?

You can use Google Analytics to get an idea which posts are getting the most traffic.

For example, if you have a homeschool blog and your most popular blog post is one about how to find the best school curriculum for your child. This post also has a lot of social shares.

You can build from this blog post and create a freebie about the same topic.

You might want to make a list of various home school curriculums and do a compare and contrast.

Or, maybe you can create a toolbox of things you need to start homeschooling. In it, you can have a guide, checklist, and planner.

2. Generate Freebies Based on Your Blog Posts

If you don’t have a lot of blog posts or you don’t have a lot of traffic coming to your blog, you can still base your freebies around your blog content. This is called a content upgrade.

Content upgrades are freebies that relate to the blog post you are reading (for example, in this blog post, my content upgrade is a video on how to create freebies using Google Slides).

Try to think of content upgrades as enhancing a blog post. Some bloggers will gate the content instead.

What this means is a blogger will publish a post with a high list number (example: 50 Free Date Ideas) but only put half or less than half on the blog post.

To see the rest of the list, you have to sign up to the blogger’s email list. And the freebie they are offering? The rest of the list!!

This isn’t the best way to make friends with your readers. They may be annoyed and get turned off if you end up doing something like this.

Instead, offer an addition to your post. For the above example, an incentive freebie idea might be a dress guide: 5 Hot Outfits to Make Your Date Swoon.

By providing a dress guide to go with the list of date ideas makes perfect sense.

When this happens, the likelihood of someone opting onto your list is very high.

Why? Because they are already primed on that topic. Your freebie is the icing on the cake.

3. Find Out What’s Popular or Trending In Your Niche

Do you have a blog niche?

If you do, you can see what’s popular in your niche or what’s trending. How do you do this? Here are three ways I find out what’s happening in my niche.


Search on Pinterest your niche or a blog post topic. For example, if my blog is about fitness and caters to moms, I can search on Pinterest “yoga for moms.”

I can see the most popular pinned posts and get ideas of what’s trending. From this result I can see these popular topics:

  • Yoga for children
  • Yoga for nursing moms
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Doing yoga with your child

From here you can come up with a freebie idea for your fitness mom blog.


BuzzSumo is a free tool that looks at popular content based on social media shares. Plug in your keyword, niche topic or website and see popular posts.

Here’s my result for productivity tips.

Based on this list you can see what posts are most popular on Pinterest and Facebook (and even LinkedIn).

These can inspire you to make a freebie for your blog about being more productive or mindful. It is a list post and gives tips to transform your life.

You can niche this down and make this a list for your family (70 Productivity Hacks for a Happy Family) or you can do a roundup of bloggers in your niche to get their #1 productivity tip (35 Mom Experts on Beating Procrastination and Boosting Productivity in Your Child).

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool to search keywords in your niche and see how they trend over the time.

For example, bullet journaling is a new activity and you can see that in Google Trends.

I also searched for “baby-led weaning” and you can see it is a growing trend over time.

If you’re in the parenting lifestyle niche, you can blog about bullet journaling and baby-led weaning. You know that these topics are popular and will resonate with your social media audience.

4. See What Other Bloggers Are Doing

It’s okay to get ideas and inspiration from other freebies that you see online. This can help you identify what is popular.

For example, maybe there might be a push for printables or video workshops.

Knowing this will help you figure out which format will be good for your freebie. For example, my free email course over on Elna Cain converts great. I get 20-30 optins a day.

My Twins Mommy blog did not have any type of automated course like that, but seeing the success with my Elna Cain site, I decided to create a free blogging course.

So go ahead and see what optins other bloggers in your niche are offering. From this you can get some ideas but make sure not to copy other optins 100% as this is a bad blogger practice.

If you feel you’ll be doing that, then it’s best to go offline and get inspiration there.

5. Survey Your Subscribers

Your email list right now might be small. But, they can be a wealth of information to help you hone your niche and your freebie idea.

You can write a personal email and ask them some questions, or you can create a Google Form and link to that in your email.

You can ask them about their biggest challenge in your niche topic or what’s the one thing they would love to see you have on your blog or something like that.

You can get your subscribers talking to you about their challenges and problems and how you and your blog can help them with those problems.

Now that we looked at how to find these amazing freebie offers, let’s look at how we can package them and make sure your readers will be raving about your offers.

7+ Optin Freebie Ideas to Grow Your Email List

1. Cheatsheet/Checklist/Worksheet

My first freebie on this blog was a cheatsheet. Cheatsheets, checklists, and worksheets are easy to create and they can relate to your blog post or for your blog niche.

Not all cheatsheets or checklists are popular, however. If you can find a good niche topic then your freebie will fly off the rack! For example, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income has a Free Podcast Cheatsheet.

Another example is Mariah Coz’s Course Criteria Worksheet. This is highly niched and for bloggers that are interested in creating a course, this worksheet will attract them quickly.

Think of these types of freebies as a top level freebie. While they are specific to a topic in your niche, it is a top level incentive that makes blogger look at the whole picture of a particular step or concept.

Let’s look at niche topics and see what kind of ideas we can come up with:

  • Work at home blog: Get Started as a Mompreneur Checklist, Self-Care Cheatsheet for Work at Home Moms, Work From Home Checklist.
  • Food blog: Grocery List for a Weeks Worth of Meals Checklist, Macro Nutrition Breakdown of Common Restaurant Food Cheatsheet, 7 Freezer Meal Prep Checklist.
  • Productivity blog: Minimalize Your Home (or Biz) Checklist, 5 Ways to Maximize Your Time With Your Child.

2. Email Course/ Video Course

Many people see value in courses. Online courses are very popular right now so why not leverage this popularity and offer a free course or mini course?

Most free courses are delivered via email (even video courses for sure!) and what’s great about this format for your freebie is that you get to be in your subscriber’s inbox consistently.

Most email courses run every day for a set time. This gives you time to nurture your list and create a connection with your new subscriber.

Convertkit makes it easy to create an ongoing or automated series.

To create an email course, click on Automations > Sequences. Then click on “New Sequence.”

From here you can customize each email and set the interval for each email after the first email sent.


This means, if you want someone to go into a welcome series or a mini funnel to educate and inform your new subscribers of your new product AFTER they get your freebie, you have to connect the two.

If you want to do a video course, you can use Quicktime or ScreenFlow.

You can host your videos on YouTube or on Teachable. With YouTube, post your video as unlisted and share the link in your email. Only those with that link will be able to see your video on YouTube.

Some course ideas for different niches:

  • Make money blog: 5 Day Free Course – Make Your First Facebook Ad to Sell, 6 Day Free Course – Become a Coach And Land Clients.
  • Beauty blog: Free 4 Day Video Course – Makeup for Beginners, 7 Day Free Course Learn 7 Sultry Eye Makeup Looks, Free 5 Day Course Learn KonMari Method for Your Home.
  • Parenting blog: 5 Day Free Course Stop Yelling Bootcamp, 6 Day Free Course Safe and Fun Sleep Training for Tired Moms.

3. Guides/eBook

If readers can get their answers in one place, they will pick up your freebie for sure. Since your freebie idea should be specific, putting this up as a guide will be helpful.

Most of my freebies are guides – 8-14 pages full of information and action tips. If you want to make something longer, create an eBook.

If a subscriber finds your freebie valuable, they will be hooked and become a raving fan. And you can create that by delivering awesome and amazing tips for free!

For me, I create my freebies around my blog posts. These are called content upgrades.

If you write a blog post about a topic you can create a freebie around a subset of that topic, a subheading of that topic or a complimentary of that blog post.

Let’s look at some of these ideas based on different blog post topics:

  • How to Organize Your Office as a Work At Home MomProven Ways to Maximize Your Time When Working From Home, How to Use Bullet Journaling to Organize Your Business Working From Home.
  • 6 Essential Back To Scool Items for Your ChildCreate an Easy Transition When Going Back to School, Immune Boosting Guide for a Healthy School Child.
  • How to Get Your Toddler To Stop Whining For GoodUltimate Parenting Hacks Guide (For When You’re At Your Last Straw), Stop That Behavior Guide (Effective Teaching Guide for New Parents).

4. Webinar/Workshop

Webinars are full of awesome tips. They are typically more than 30 minutes long and feels exclusive for people.

For my Twins Mommy blog, I’ve done two webinars and loved doing them! For my first webinar, I got 370 new subscribers who signed up!!

Webinars can be a little daunting! My webinars aren’t perfect; I stumbled on my words, probably said “um” a million times but I got amazing feedback from my subscribers and that told me I did great.

If you want to do a webinar, what topic should it be on? Personally, it should be on a topic that resonates high with your audience.

Maybe you have a lot of shares on a particular post. You can turn that into a webinar. Remember, not every follower or subscriber reads every post. You can totally repurpose that blog post into a webinar.

Most webinars use slides to share their topic. You can use Keynote if you are a Mac user like me, or use Google Slides to create your slides.

If you are ready to do a webinar, you can do it for free with YouTube Live. Make sure to first set up a YouTube channel (you need a Gmail account for this).

Once you sign into YouTube, go to Creator Studio (click on your pic at the right-hand corner). On the sidebar click on live streaming.

Click on Events and Schedule a new event.

Make sure to:

  • Set your webinar to unlisted under Public setting (this makes it private and only those with the link will get to see your webinar)
  • Click on Quick (using Google Hangouts on Air) setting

When you create your event, click on it and it will show you on YouTube.

Click on the Share and you can use that link to tell your subscribers. What’s nice is that link is the same before, during and after your webinar making it easy for people to watch the replay.

Once it’s time for the webinar, log in to your account and click on Start Hangouts on Air. You can start 10 minutes earlier to make sure everything is working. People will come to your webinar when you tell them the time and click on your link.

5. Roundup

If you can round up the best of the best and create a freebie around that, people will sign up to your email list for sure.

My most popular freebie is my 190+ freebie roundup. I launched it in December and already have over 1,500 subscribers sign up to download this guide.


These roundups can be blog posts, but why not wrap that up as a freebie? People can download it and have it all the time. Here are some ideas in certain niche topics to help you:

  • Parenting blog: 176 Indoor Activities to Keep Your Toddler Busy, 120 Kid Inspired Meals, 156 Pre-K Printables and Flashcards
  • Craft blog: 78 Sewing Patterns For Millennial Moms, 182 Home Decor DIY Crafts in 10 Minutes or Less, 87 Farmhouse Nursery Crafts
  • Frugal living blog: 160 Frugal and Romantic Date Night Ideas, 86 Money Saving Hacks for a Big Family, 210 Frugal Family Vacation Ideas

6. Free Access

Giving a reader free access to an exclusive thing is highly valuable. Doing this doesn’t take a lot of time for you to create as the access was already created before (for most of these examples).

For example, Krista of Blog Beautifully gave away a free chapter of her Blogging Babe’s Handbook.

Some  other ideas to give away access:

  • Free access to a Facebook group
  • Free access to a course module
  • Free access to a limited portion of a membership area/ tool/service
  • Free access to a strategy call with you

The last example does take time out of your day and it’s something to think about if you want to give your time to those that sign for to your email list.

I find giving free access is a warm approach to a sales funnel. As a funnel, it’s a way to nurture your subscriber and educate them by presenting the solution to their problems with your product.

Having a free access to a Facebook group or module gives subscribers an introduction to your credibility and can help them connect to you.

7. Bundles/Kit

To make your freebie more valuable you can bundle several content pieces to create a bonus bundle or kit of some sort.

In my free blogging course, Start. Grow. Earn, not only do I provide a free email course, but also:

  • Video tutorial
  • 93+ freebies including 20 blog post ideas, 24 ways to grow your email list and 14 free tools to grow your traffic

Are You Ready to Grow Your Email List Every Day?

There are many other ways to grow your email list, but the seven examples I give are highly valuable and almost guaranteed to grow your email list every day.

Let me know what you use for your freebie idea OR what ideas you’ll use from this list!


Hello Elna, I came across your blog today because I was researching on how to grow your email list, freebies, etc. I don’t have a very clear idea of what freebies are and how they are connected to growing an email list. And your blog gave so much useful informations..Thank you for sharing. I will surely get back to your blog again and again for reference. Regards to your twins and to you..take care.
Hi Nona, I hope this post helped you figure out what an optin freebie is and how that helps you grow your email list. You want to offer an incentive, something free, in exchange for someone’s email address. Enjoy creating a freebie! I’m in the works to do just that!
As always you have the best and most informative blog posts. This is exactly what I needed.
Hi Kelly, Oh, thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed this post on optin ideas for email marketing 🙂 Have fun creating your lead magnet!
Elna, thank you so so so much for this! I’ve been blogging for some years, but I’m about to launch my self hosted site and I’ve always struggled to come up with ideas for freebies that I felt would be successful. Soon as I read this – it was like I had a mental breakthrough. Bless you!!
I’m not a mom but I found this blog post extremely useful. I’m gonna go ahead and share it with my fans on social media. Thanks.
Hey Mike, That’s okay! Most of these posts can be applied to any blogger online 🙂 Thanks for sharing this post!
Thank you so much, Elna. I found rhis information helpful. I had to save it for future read incase I need to go back again. It’s worth the read.
This blog had SO much useful information that I’ll be implementing in my own blog that shares affordable finds and fashion blogging tips. Thanks again!
Hi Emma, Wow! I LOVE your blog. So styled and amazing! Good luck with your amazing blog!
As a mom , blogger and entrepreneur I can say that this content is practical and useable.
Hi Elna, Thank you so much for the wonderful guide. It has been very timely especially now that I am thinking of what to create for my email opt-in.
Hi Elna, Thanks for this. I jus started my blog, it’s a month today. I was just wondering if my freebies could be based on my hobby or craft. Does it have to based on my blog post?
Hi Fadila! Your freebie ideas can be based on individual posts. These are called content upgrades and this is what I did when I first started growing my email list! Have fun creating incentives!
Thanks so much for this thorough and informative guide! I just launched my blog, and my goal is to have a few freebies out next month, but I was feeling a little lost on where to start – I pinned this one, and am definitely not short on ideas now! Thanks again <3
Hi Katharina, So happy you found some freebie ideas for your blog and niche! It IS hard to come up with the perfect lead magnet idea. Glad this post will help you!
Hi Elna, What you’ve shared in this article is so valuable. Although, I am not fond of blogging (hence the reason why I’m on your site) I’m walking about with ideas to help bring traffic to my website. I was engaged the entire time reading line for line and taking notes along the way. It was like a mini-series. Excellent job!
Hi Courtney, Wow! Thanks so much for that comment! So happy you were glued to this post line for line! That’s saying something to a freelance writer 🙂 I loved making this post too and providing a lot of help for new bloggers! Have fun creating your lead magnet!
Elna, Thank you so much for this! I appreciate you being so transparent and helpful. I have looked at several things and at the end, they want $200 or a hefty monthly fee. I didn’t know about google slides. A couple of questions. When I go to BuzzSumo, it doesn’t seem free :). You mentioned Mailchimp was free, but so many talks a lot about the converter kit. Is Mailchimp just as good? I have to go back through everything again. Thank you again!
Hi Brenda, Buzzsumo does have a free tier but yes it is paid. Lots of tools you need are expensive but many have deals or free tiers. Mailchimp was great back in the day but a better email service provider that’s free is Mailerlite.
Thanks so much, Elna, this post was super helpful for me as I am in the process of creating my blog and am brainstorming for freebie ideas. Very useful stuff and this got my brain open and flowing with ideas 🙂 Much love to you!
Hi Keiu, You’re welcome! Glad you found this post about optin ideas great!
Although I operate under a completely different niche, this blog gave me loads of ideas for freebies, guides, and upcoming ebooks! Awesome stuff! – Laura //
Hey Laura, That’s what I like to hear! Glad you could use these lead magnet ideas in the niche you’re in!
I loved this post! It gave me a lot of ideas to think about for my opt in on my blog ( Thank you so much!
Hi Trista! That’s what I like to hear! So glad you found some email optin ideas for your next freebie!
This was a fantastic post filled with such great ideas to get email opt ins. Thank you so much for sharing will definitely be trying a few on my website at! Thanks again!
Hi Jenelle, That’s great to hear! I hope your optin ideas will generate lots of sign ups!
Hi Elna, This post was really great and gave me some great ideas! If you don’t mind my asking, how do you get the preview pictures of your freebie spread out on your Convertkit form?
Oh my gosh, there is so much good information in this post! I’m just at the point of getting my first lead magnet sorted and although I know where I’m going for this one, it’s so good to have all these other ideas to try out too! Thank you!
Hi Francesca, You’re welcome! I love creating lead magnets and wanted to help other bloggers that were struggling with email marketing! Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you very much for sharing your insight and knowledge. I literally have been stuck about freebees and what to put in my e-mails etc for too long now so much where it has STOPPED me from getting my P.O.Box and and starting an e-mail list! So thank you again! 🙂
Hi Tarin, I’m glad you are un-stuck! I hope you found a good freebie idea for growing your list!
Thank you so much for this valuable info. I have been struggling on an idea for my freebie but with your help, I think I came up with not only a freebie but a sales funnel idea as well. Thanks again!
Hi Elizabeth, You’re welcome! Wow! That’s awesome! Have fun creating your freebie and sales funnel!
Great tips, researching now how to grow the email list on my new blog- You def got the wheels a turning ?
Hi Rachel! That’s awesome! You cans start a free email list and grow your list with these freebies! Have fun!
Thank you Elna! You broke everything down so that it was easy to understand (gate, upgrade etc.) I would never have known the differences. Time to get to work!
Hi Kate! That’s fantastic to hear! No go forth and create amazing freebies for your audience 🙂
Such great ideas! Thanks for getting my brain going and helping me to settle on a great freebie to offer!
Hey Jen, That’s great! Glad you enjoyed my post about freebies!!!
Thank you so much for a great post..!! It has helped me alot… I am so sure that following these tips will help me get traffic to my blog. Thank you again..
Hey Sonali, That’s great to hear! Starting an email list and figuring out what email incentives to have on your blog is hard for sure! Have fun!
Hi Elna! This is sooo valuable. Thank you so much. I’m not a mom, but I’m trying to migrate my business from in-person to online. I’m an EFL teacher (English as a Foreign Language) from Argentina. I don’t normally leave comments but I believe your post is worth it. Thanks again, have an amazing end of the year 😉
Hi! Thanks so much! Glad you found this post useful and no, you don’t have to be a mom to use the tactics in this post! I just have a large mom audience 🙂
I would REALLY like to take your Ready Set Mailchimp course, but each time that I go to the landing page and click on “I’m convinced” or the one on the bottom, nothing happens. Sad day. 🙁
Hey Kaitlen, Sorry about that! Right now Mailchimp totally changed right after I created that course so I haven’t had time to update it. I feel it’s a disservice to keep promoting something that is outdated!
Thanks so much for all this useful information Elna. I’m in the process of starting a blog myself, and I really enjoyed seeing the examples from other bloggers and the screenshots you used. Really put things into perspective for me! I’ll definitely be bookmarking this!! 🙂
Hi Brooke! You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed this huge post on email lead magnet ideas!
Thanks, Elna. I have a question – have you ever worked a drip campaign for new subscribers into and completely separate list on MailChimp? I’d like to set up a completely new campaign for new subscribers (for say…5 – 7 emails), then merge that in with an older, more established list. Wondering if you’ve ever done this.
This is just what I needed! So many good ideas and actionable ways to implement them onto my blog. Thanks Elna!
Hi Teya! So glad you found some lead magnet ideas for bloggers! It’s hard to think of some great freebie topics to give to your subscribers! Good luck!
Hi Elna, wow what a great post! I’m bookmarking this for later when I have time to properly research my freebie ideas. Quick question, how did you add your email sign up banner at the top of your blog for your Pinterest freebie? Thanks again!
Hi, this is a very important question on how to impliment and deliver all these freebies. I would love a write up on this too. Looking into her code she uses Thrive leads plugin.
Hey Gemma! Thanks mama! My husband is the tech and coder behind this blog. I tell him what I want and he magically does it! I’m sorry I can’t help you but I believe there are certain themes that does this!!!!
So much value in this post.This is my go to site for all things mommy blogging.Elna,you give so much value on you blog.I now have an idea what to create for my freebie.Thanks
Hi Priscilla, Thank you so much! <3 <3 Your freebie idea can be a hit and miss. It took me a long time (over a year) to find a good freebie and I'm actually going to change it for the New Year!!! So play around and try new things!
Elna you simply amaze me.
Hi Rose! Thank you so much! I’m so humbled by that statement! I feel I’m no different than any of you mom bloggers. We are in this together!
This was a great post, and very informative. One of my hardest challenges starting a blog is thinking of an opt in freebie. I want it to be something compelling but valuable. This article has sparked a lot of good ideas. Thank you
Hey Josh, Glad you found some freebie ideas for your blog! Finding that right optin idea is a challenge but what’s great is you can keep on trying until you hit gold!
What a great post. I have tried several opt-ins so far and none seem to work well. But thanks to your post, I’ve come up with lots of new ideas. I especially like the ones that tie to a blog post. Those should be easy to integrate into my resource library as well.
Hey Julia! That’s awesome! Glad you found some great opt in ideas for your blog. I know finding that right one can be tricky. So happy you found some ideas 🙂
Elna, you constantly amaze me with your value-packed posts! I appreciate always being able to learn so much from you. And your MailChimp course has been invaluable. The hardest for me is deciding what freebie to offer. I’ve tried several, but my most successful so far has been free access to a resource library for Bible journaling. I’m in the middle of your Traffic building course right now and am loving it also.
Hi Kristi! Aww thanks so much! A resource library is great for a freebie but you first have to fill up that library with other freebies! So checklists, workbooks and videos do good. So glad you are enjoying Ready Set Blog for Traffic course! Guess what! I’m updating that course and may change the name!!! Enjoy it for now!
Hi Elna! I’m so glad I found this post, I’ve been following your blog but I think I stumbled across this post off of pinterest. I’ve really been struggling with what kind of freebie to offer and now I have all sorts of ideas 🙂 Thank you for all the great info! Nicole
Hi Nicole! I just checked out your blog! I like! Beautiful picture of you and your baby! So happy you found this post about creating email incentives helpful! Trying to figure out what your optin offer will be is a challenge. It’s okay to try a million things and usually it will take a million things before you find the big ticket converting optin offer! At least it did for me! And I’m sure I can create a more converting freebie later!
Thank you, that’s one of my favorite pictures I’m a total newbie to blogging and have tons to learn, your site has been such a good resource for me so far 🙂
I’ve had such a hard time thinking of ANY opt-in freebies for my mom blog, but now I have 6 on my list thanks to your ideas! Thank you for this post! I’ll be checking out your growth course too!
Hey Callie, You’re welcome. Yes, finding that perfect freebie idea for your email list is so challenging. My Pin Promote Planner took like over a year to reveal itself. While it’s a great converting freebie, it’s not 100% the best out there. So I’ll sure be thinking of new ones throughout the year! Good luck and happy to see you have 6 ideas!
This post was super helpful! I’m in the process of creating some sort of opt-in freebie and my head is spinning a bit. This really gave me a lot of good ideas, so thank you so much for that!
Hi Kelli, Thank you so much! So glad you found some email incentive ideas!
hi Elna, I’ve created my opt in freebie, and set it up on Mail chimp. How do you create the clickable freebie graphic, that you have in all your posts? where the user can click and it pops up a subscriber email sign up? if you can help direct me in the right direction that would be great! Andrea
Hi Andrea! Mines customized but you can find a plugin for that like Bloom!
I’ve been looking at how to level up my blog, and this was fantastically helpful! This is going to be one of those bookmarked pages that I refer to over and over!
Hi Madison! Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m glad you’re going to bookmark this for when you need some ideas for your optin incentive!! Have fun!
I am a newbie blogger and I am so intimidated by the idea of Email lists and opt-in but this list has given me so many ideas and I cant wait to try them. Thank you so much!
Hi Brittny, That’s awesome! I’m so happy you aren’t intimidated anymore. This is exactly why I wrote this post. I want to help you figure out that one idea and take action and create that freebie! Way to go!
This is such a great post, I was doing a resource library access for my freebie but Im thinking of changing it to a worksheet or a pdf of some resources. Thanks again for this!
Hey Amy, I’ve done both and a resource library was a great option for me once I had multiple freebies! So try both!
This is an awesome post! I’m just starting out with my blog and trying to absorb as much information as possible. I love the actionable ideas you provided to grow an email list! Definitely has my wheels turning for some potential opt-ins! Thank you so much for posting this!
Hi Desiree, Thanks mama! Glad you found some ideas for building your email list! Good luck!
One of my big goals is to host a webinar, but I’m a little nervous to do it. I’m looking to grow my email list so it might be the push I need to try to host one! Thank you for these tips. Stephanie
Hey Stephanie! Yes, webinars are awesome and will grow your email list fast!! Good luck!
My first freebie didn’t do well but I’m willing to try again now I have more information.
Hey Bonnie, Good luck! I’m sure this post will help you get some more ideas!