I'm married to my college sweetheart, a mom to wonderful twins and together we are the parent entrepreneur family.
When my twins were barely a year old I started a freelance writing business from scratch with NO previous online or business experience. And within six months I was making a full-time income, only working part time hours while surviving on a few hours sleep.
A year later I started Twins Mommy to help other moms like me start a blog and grow their traffic and income. Together with hubby we grow blogs, try new strategies and share our successes and failures as parent entrepreneurs.
Twins Mommy provides my best information to help moms start a blog – and make it a biz – so you can stay home with your little ones...for good!
Start a Blog
Start your WordPress blog the right way for 2024
Start an Email List
Start your email list with ConvertKit
Make Money Blogging
Your definitive guide to earning big from your blog
Make & Sell Printables
Learn how to make amazing printable to sell in 2024