Category: Mompreneur

6 Critical Ways to Position Your Blog for Making Money

Is your blog stuck?

Stuck from moving and not growing?

For a lot of new bloggers, the thought quickly turns from wanting to get more pageviews to wanting to make their first $200 or more blogging.

But, you get stuck. You have no idea what you are doing and why it isn’t working at all. You’re spinning your wheels and getting frustrated at the thought of trying to make money blogging.

How This Stay-at-Home Mom Makes Money With Her Blog

Right now my twins are listening to the Frozen soundtrack (“let it gooooo, let it goooooo!”) playing spaceships and deciding where to fly next.

I finished cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast, had my morning coffee, and I can steal away quickly to get my ideas down for this post.

How I Made My First $200 Blogging

I started this blog a year ago, and within four months of starting, I was making money.

But, it wasn’t a lot (around $20). But that didn’t matter! I did it! I made an income with my blog, and I was happy with that. For the next couple of months, I made some money, but it never topped over $50.

I started to lose motivation and told myself I wasn’t even focusing on monetizing my blog. This gave me permission to “forget” about it and return to it later.

Does this sound like you?

Growing My Blog and Income for February: From $200 to $2000 in 1 Month

Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Elna Cain, and I’m a blogger, freelance writer, and a mama to twins.

I started Twins Mommy back last year as a way to engage with a new audience of mommies.

It wasn’t until April that I really wanted to grow this blog.

I wanted to start a new blog and grow my traffic, list, and income and share my story because I know a lot of you are struggling to grow your blog too!

These Lady Bosses Know How to Use Affiliate Marketing to Make Money

Hi mamas! Are you wanting to earn an income with your blog? I mean who doesn’t! It’s the perfect side hustle for stay-at-home moms and there are about a million ideas to make money with your blog.

I want to serve you as much as I can to help you become a successful mompreneur, so I’m starting a series on how to make money online using your blog.

My first in the series was how 11 Freelancers Make Money Online With Their Blog.

For today’s post in this series, I wanted to see how other bloggers – especially mom bloggers – use affiliate marketing to make money on their blog.

Growing My Blog and Income for 2017: How I Grew By 10k Pageviews in 1 Month

Hey, mamas!

It’s a new year, and even though my blog is in its ninth month, I want to start a new traffic and income series. I’ll still relate back to my older traffic series and tell you all about my eighth month since I didn’t publish a report for that month.

Aaah! This month was amazing for blog growth…and I made money!! Stay tuned…

How 11 Freelancers Make Money Online With Their Blog

Are you interested in being a freelancer?

My name is Elna and I’m a freelance writer and mom blogger! After I had my twins, I wanted to get back to work, but daycare for twins was a lot of money! My paycheck would cover the daycare service and I wouldn’t have had much left.

Plus, I was a fierce mama bear and couldn’t even imagine leaving my little ones with someone else. That’s why I decided to work from home. I chose freelance writing, worked part time and within 6 months was making a full-time living only working part time!

Freelancing is a the perfect way to make money for mamas! It’s totally budget-friendly – all you need is to start a blog, put up a services page, set up social media profiles and that’s it!

You can do this as a side hustle like I am or if you’re a stay-at-home mom with school-aged kids, make this your full-time gig!

And since I want to serve you as much as I can to help you become a successful mompreneur, I’m starting a series on how to make money online using your blog.

The One Small Thing That Boosted My Course Sales

Have you recently launched a course?

For a lot of bloggers, creating and launching a course is the popular thing to monetize your blog. I’ve launched a course  on my freelance writing site and I know it’s a great passive income stream.

How to Make Money Blogging On a New Blog

Hi, mamas!

I’m Elna, and I started Twins Mommy as a passion project over eight months ago. I can’t believe it’s almost a year since I started this blog!

You might be wondering, how to make money blogging.

I’m so happy that I did start a blog. I absolutely LOVE blogging, and that’s probably why I’m a freelance blogger! If you’re new to Twins Mommy, then you may not know that I’ve been chronicling my blog’s growth since last April.

The Best of the Best Freebies for Mompreneurs

Hi there mamas!

I thought I’d do something fun and free for mamas! For a while I’ve been posting a lot of freebies for you. From Tailwind tribes to calendars, planners and more!