
6 Critical Ways to Position Your Blog for Making Money

Is your blog stuck?

Stuck from moving and not growing?

For a lot of new bloggers, the thought quickly turns from wanting to get more pageviews to wanting to make their first $200 or more blogging.

But, you get stuck. You have no idea what you are doing and why it isn’t working at all. You’re spinning your wheels and getting frustrated at the thought of trying to make money blogging.

I started Twins Mommy almost three years ago, and in that time, I grew my blog from 0 pageviews to over 100k pageviews, $0 to over $8,000/mth and 0 email subscribers to over 20k email subscribers.

It’s still a progress and journey to monetize my blog, but I’ve realized there are six critical elements bloggers need to position their blog for making money.

Not every blog will make money. So, how can you increase your chances of monetizing your blog?

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, I have a handy step-by-step tutorial on starting your first blog!

1. Have a Traffic Generation Plan

Okay. The foundation of a profitable blog is traffic. You don’t need a lot of traffic, but you do need enough and the more, the better chances you have for making a living out of all this.

When I set out to grow my traffic, list, and income on Twins Mommy, I made a strategic plan to get more eyes on my blog.

I knew I had to create content for my audience, promote my posts on social media and hone my brand so that people can remember my blog.

For your traffic generation plan, make sure you answer these questions:

  • How often will you publish content per week?
  • What social media platforms will you promote your posts?
  • How often will you share your posts on social media?
  • What methods are you going to use to entice readers to click on your link on social media?
  • What’s your plan for SEO?

Traffic encompasses not only social media but also SEO. This is Google traffic, and it’s something to think about as a new blogger if you want your blog to be ranked and become the go-to site for a particular topic.

So, when you look at your blog, see how you can incorporate some keywords ( I like looking on Pinterest for keywords), have a headline that makes people curious and wants to click and a content schedule so that your blog is filled with things to read.

Check out my proven blog traffic recipe!

2. Solidify Your Brand

Branding is so important for the foundation of your blog. It can make or break your strategy to monetize your blog.

But, what is branding?

To me, branding is the visual component to your blog and the overall feeling someone gets by looking at your blog and reading your content.

Branding starts with the WordPress theme you choose and the customization you do on it to make it more personal.

You can add personal touches to your blog by:

  • The colors you choose
  • The images you use
  • The language you use for your menu and your About page
  • Your headshot

The biggest component of your brand is your blog images. This is what people will first see on social media, and it will entice or repel them to your blog.

I’ve changed my main Twins Mommy pin graphics since I started. Here is one of the first pins I created for this brand:

5 Essential Tools You Need to Successfully Work From Home

I was using a dark image and putting a white transparent text box under my words. I also had a pink bar at the bottom with my URL.

I soon removed the bar and still used the transparent text box as well as used other colors of my brand.

How to Launch Your Online Side Hustle Today

Then I changed my font and decreased the line height between my copy and tracking between letters.

10 Smart Ways to Make Money As a Mom Blogger + Plus FREE Guide to Promote Your Products

And now, my pins have more white space (no more text box), and I’m changing it a bit to not use my fancy font to using different accents for my pins.

My pins have evolved and have helped me shape my brand for Twins Mommy. Will it stay like this? No, it’s already changing a bit even now. But, I feel it’s still part of my brand and element of Twins Mommy.

You can also brand your copy on your site. This means how you write your blog posts. One of my favorite mom blogs I enjoy reading is Cath’s blog. I was immediately sucked into her fun and vibrant brand and equally fun personality she put in her writing.


One of the best ways to start growing your tribe, i.e. your followers, is to have that engaging writing when you blog. This is your voice and for a lot of us, it doesn’t come out right away.

I’ve been blogging for over five years, and it took me over a year to really hone my voice as a blogger. I kept falling into the trap of copying how other bloggers write and converse in their posts.

That’s why it’s important to find your own voice, nurture it and set it free!! You’ll be more authentic, build your brand in the process, and people will flock to your blog.

3. Know Your Niche and Audience

Do you know who reads your blogs? Is it moms? Millennials? Travelers? Entrepreneurs?

Knowing who is reading your blog or subscribing to your newsletter will help you get the right type of blog posts and serve your audience. But, what if you don’t know your audience?

If you have a brand new blog, you may not have a lot of people coming to your blog.

But, you can get an idea of who you want to attract with your blog posts by going to various Facebook groups and seeing what users are asking.

So, if you decided to start a home decor blog and you belong to some DIY or crafting Facebook groups, you can see what types of problems or questions occur in those groups to help you see if your content aligns with those readers.

Once you understand your audience, you can market to them and sell to them.

It took me a while to figure out my target audience. When I first started Twins Mommy, I was speaking to the work-at-home mom with little ones. But, then it changed to mom bloggers with little ones. And now it’s mom bloggers who want to become mompreneurs.

So, it can take a bit of time to find your audience!

4. Network and Collaborate

One of the best things you can do as a new blogger is to network with other bloggers in your industry. Since I was new to the mom blog niche, I had to find other mom bloggers or other mom business bloggers and connect with them.

By following them, joining their Facebook group or Pinterest group, you get to grow your brand and audience.

And it doesn’t hurt to have those connections down the road. Joint webinars, giveaways, summits, guest posts, and more are the result of networking.

5. Create an Email List

Should a new blogger create an email list? Yes! Totally!

Starting an email list is the best way to connect with your readers. This will shape your content and focus on who is reading your blog and not what you want people to read on your blog.

An email list is also great for marketing any future products you might have. The conversion rate with email is high than the conversion rate on social media for selling a product.

If you don’t have a big budget, go with MailChimp or MailerLite. But, if you invest in your blog, I suggest going with ConvertKit. It’s easy to use, set up and it can grow your email list fast.

And to help you out with growing your email list, check out my Email List Building Challenge!

6. Be Authentic and Give More Than You Take

It’s important to be authentic and stay true to yourself when you have a blog.

I don’t’ know about you, but when I read a blog post I want to know who wrote it, what they look like, their story and get a feel for their personality.

Now, I know there are blogs that don’t have a personal story and are doing great, but for me, I like that connection. This makes me remember the blogger and blog.

One thing I did on this blog was traffic and income reports. I’ve never done them before, and I wanted to help other new mom bloggers and thought these reports would help.

Other ways to be authentic on your blog are:

  • Share your experiences
  • Tell stories
  • Share your failures

Position Your Blog For Money

There ya go! The six ways you can get your blog up and running to make money. Over to you – what’s the most important thing you need to make money with your blog?

Tell me in the comments and please pin me!!

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Thank you so much for this great post!! I have been writing for years, and have done alot of different piece articles. My blog features bedtime stories that parents can read to their children, and I have recently began thinking of how to brand my blog and who would be my readers. I’ve decided its parents and people interested in personal development. Now, Im trying to translate that into writing for my readers, like you were discussing in your post. Your post is definitely helpful to me as I am trying to monetize my blog and grow my blogs audience. create a blog that people look forward to reading is definitely my goal. I definitely need to create a monthly plan with goals. Alot to do…Reply to Erin
Erin, I’m so happy that you have a PLAN! That’s the first step in anything. You are understanding your brand and niche and your audience. Kudos to you! I can’t wait to hear more about it.Reply to Elna
Another excellent piece, Elna. I loved the last point of being authentic and giving more. This truly helps. Most of the successful bloggers always share their experiences and stories with their readers. This helps in grabbing the attention of readers and engage them throughout the post. ArfaReply to Arfa
Hello Elna, I really enjoy your blog. I got inspired to take my blogging more seriously and spend more time really building it from scratch. I started my blog just a few months ago and I was feeling very discouraged to continue writing. I fu=ind it so hard for anyone to notice my blog and I’m not good with the SEO thing either. Good thing I found your blog on pinterest. Thank you for giving free tips and helping stay at home moms like me to grow their blogs.Reply to Ciel
Hi Ciel, Thank you so much! So happy you found some tips for your new blog. Yes, getting traffic to your new blog and then monetizing it is a challenge, but it’s possible! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Elna you know I read Neil Patel’s post and you were in it in one of the sample images he used. Congrats!Reply to Hena
Hena! Thanks. I know of only one post where he featured my freelance writing blog and course! Thanks so much!Reply to Elna
Hey Elna! Once again, you are hooking us up with great info. I just started a blog a couple of months ago and am like a sponge trying to soak up every bit of info I can so thank you for this post. I keep seeing more and more bloggers saying that they wish they had created a mailing list right away but I have put it off because I thought it costs (who’s got a stay-at-home mom budget? This girl!) but at your suggestion, I just checked mailchimp and its FREE! Also, I have to say it is hard to stay motivated (5 page views/week=blow to my already small ego) but coming to your blog motivates for my HOPEFULLY eventual blog greatness. Thank you!Reply to Crystal
Hi Crystal, Thanks so much! Yes, MailChimp is free and so is their automation! So amazing!! I love MailChimp and ConvertKit!!! Amazing email service providers. Good luck on your new blog!! Yes traffic is the bane of every blogger’s existence…that’s why I’m going to help you solve that problem soon!!! Wait for it!!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, What a great post. I luv your writing style and content, and I appreciate your generosity with information/resources. I truly feel that you genuinely want to help other bloggers out there. Thank you for sharing. KayReply to Kay
Hi Kay, Thank you so much! I’ve been blogging for a few years now and writing professionally, so I guess it’s rubbing off 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thanks for a great post! As someone just starting out on this journey, I find it so easy to just get lost in my “research” online. It’s amazing how social media can just suck me in. Anyway, thanks for some actionable recommendations to hone focus–just what I need to execute my ideas!Reply to Amanda
Hi Amanda, Thanks so much! I’m glad you found a way to focus!! I get the shiny object syndrome ALL. THE. TIME!! So I know the feeling!!Reply to Elna
This is so helpful! I am new blogger, and I am looking to start making money on my blog. Reading this gets me so excited to really get into it! I have been struggling networking with people in my nitche. I keep plugging away and hope that my blog is as successful as yours!Reply to Katie
Hi Katie! Thanks so much! Yes, persistence is key to getting further ahead!! Keep up the good work!!Reply to Elna
This was such an informative article. I am a travel blogger and still found this very relevant and useful 🙂Reply to Chandrika
I’m so glad! Thanks so much!Reply to Elna
These are all great ideas. I have spent some time trying to brand my blog with color. Like you, my pins have evolved over time. I now use the same fonts and colors in all of them. The pictures might be different and I mix up the elements, but hopefully, when someone sees my pins they will recognize them as something from my blog. Time will tell. 🙂 I really like your pin images, by the way.Reply to Beth
Hi Beth! That’s great! I love finding a template for my graphics as it makes it easier to do! I can spend hours looking at images and rearranging my titles! Ha.. Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Each week or so I seem to change the appearance of my graphics. Glad to know it’s normal. I have to keep reminding myself that this IS a journey and not a race and there’s a lot to learn and perfect, from polishing my branding style to perfecting my voice. Oh, and all the other stuff, too!!! Thanks Elna for sharing as you learn. It’s a big, big help.Reply to Kate
Hi Kate, Thank you so much and I LOVE your site! It’s beautiful 🙂 Yes, I try not to change my pins too often; just when I want to re-brand a bit…Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Gosh, having your own style of writing paired with unique graphics is what I too feel contributes to a lovely Blog. I’m still discovering great blogs, and so far yours is in my top ten! 😀 I simply love reading your posts Elna. Keep up the great work. Also, could you give me some suggestions on collaborating with other bloggers and networks? I’d love to know your views.Reply to Angela
Hi Angela! Thanks so much! I’m actually diving into that topic (bloggers and networking) so please wait for it 🙂Reply to Elna
Will gladly wait. <3Reply to Angela
Thank you so much for this information! A few questions: I use both Google Adsense and Amazon Associates. I’ve never made much from either one, but they were both very easy to set up. What’s your opinion of these resources? Also, what’s a good target number of page views per day/month to attract advertisers?Reply to Kara
Hi Kara, I never use Adsense or Amazon so don’t have any tips. As for advertisers, I was getting approached at around 18k pageviews.Reply to Elna
Even though I’m not a momblogger, I have found your tips very valuable. I just wanted to thank you for sharing them with us! 🙂Reply to Bring
Thank you so much! I know my topics aren’t strictly for mom bloggers, so I’m glad I’m helping all bloggers!Reply to Elna
Thank you for laying out some pointers that are doable. I am still trying to pin down a niche. I like the idea of joining Facebook groups for topics in my areas of interest. Maybe that will not only give me ideas for content, but help me figure out what I really want to share.Reply to Dorothy
Hey Dorothy, Yes, finding your niche can take time! For now just blog 🙂 Write about any topic and soon enough you’ll find one that sticks…Facebook groups are a great resource to topics!Reply to Elna
Amazing post Elna ma’am! 🙂 I must say your blog graphics are truly unique. Just loved the color combination of the text and numbers of every single blog graphic. Your email list point is truly helpful! I am working to improve my email list and the opt-ins. I hope to get it done right soon. Thanks! Best regardsReply to Dr.
Hey Dr. Nabankita, Thank you so much! I work hard with my images, but that’s just because I’m such a visual person! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
That’s really wonderful! 🙂Reply to Dr.
Great tips as usual, Elna! My pins have evolved HUGELY. I don’t even want to look at my old pins haha! Good job on ranking #1 on Google for your free stock photos post, that’s awesome! SEO is an area that I feel a lot of bloggers neglect, in favor of Pinterest. Pinterest is definitely important (and something that I certainly need to improve on) but I think it’s important to not put all of your eggs in one basket.Reply to Ashli
Hi Ashli! OMG! I know..looking at all my pins from all my blogs is a sight to see!!I think every blogger has to evolve with their brand, look and pin graphics! Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! Love this post, and tip #4 had me nodding my head in agreement 🙂 Joining different Facebook groups for bloggers has done wonders for my blog traffic . It is also great to connect with like-minded women who “get it.” Thanks for another great post!Reply to Cindy
Hey Cindy! Yes, there are lots of ways to start monetizing your blog but you need a foundation first of traffic 🙂Reply to Elna
Great post Elna! If something I’ve notice is that this journey will take you to places you probably didn’t expect to go. It’s constantly evolving and we have be ready to embrace the change. Your pins are all beautiful, but I definitely see the refinement as time progressed. Thanks for sharing. Nataly ?Reply to Nataly
Hi Nataly! Aww, thanks so much! And yes, blogging changes constantly and you need to adapt 🙂 It’s hard for many of us. Especially me! I fear the change!! LOLReply to Elna
This is a wonderful piece. Thank you for sharing. Every blogger definitely would want to make money blogging and these tips come in quite handy. ??Reply to Jessica
Thanks Jessica! Happy you found some good tips!Reply to Elna
Love this post! I really like seeing how your pins have evolved as they always stand out to me on Pinterest. Love the new look!Reply to Gemma
Hey Gemma! Thanks! Yeah, my pin graphics change all the time. In all honesty, I see a lot of copy-cats out there so I have to be one step ahead of them 🙂 But imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Thanks so much for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! I love your blog and have so enjoyed following the journey of Twins Mommy. Finding my audience has been the main struggle for me, as first I thought I wanted to target millennials, but now I’m thinking it is more for women who want to be inspired to live a happy life! Looking forward to reading your audience post next. (I’m not a mom and I still love your blog!) xoReply to Alexandra
Hi Alexandra! Thanks so much for being a loyal follower! I heart you!! Yes, finding your audience or niche is a journey…at list for me. I’ve changed my niche and audience a lot in the beginning so it’s not unusual. I say go with it! That’s a great niche! And YES non-moms CAN read my blog 🙂Reply to Elna
Love this post Elna! Number 1 is crucial, and one I decided to move to the bottom of my priority list for several months when I was in survival mode. Definitely saw the effects. It feels so good to be back at it, and watching my numbers grow again instead of shrink!Reply to Lisa
Hey Lisa, You’re a supermama for sure! I don’t think I could do what I’m doing with more than my twins around! It’s a gong show every minute in this house. So happy to hear that your numbers are growing! Congrats and thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Awesome information. I’m just starting to figure out how I’m going to build an email list.Reply to Adree
Adree, You’re welcome! So happy you found some tips to help you get started. Blogging is a beast for sure!!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, These are definitely some great tips for new bloggers. I totally agree, it takes time to get comfortable and write in your own voice. I am still working on this. Great job on growing your blog from 0 to 35k pageviews. I know that took a lot of hard work and dedication 🙂 I think it’s extremely easy to fall into that trap of trying to sound like other people who are already successful online. You’re definitely correct, we just need to be ourselves. You always share so much great information, I love reading your story. I am going to start using some of the tips you provide. Thanks for sharing these tips and I hope you have a great day 🙂 SusanReply to Susan
Hi Susan! I heart you!! Thanks so much. Yes, finding your own voice when you blog is a process! Do you want to be the friend blogger? Teacher blogger? Fun blogger? It takes time! I feel Twins Mommy is the place I can have fun and share my tips and hopefully help other mamas out there (and other bloggers too!). I love writing on Twins Mommy 🙂 Thanks for the comment!Reply to Elna