Category: Mompreneur

5 Ways to Market Your Side Hustle Business (As a Stay-At-Home Mom)

Are you a stay-at-home mom wanting a mom job?

Starting your side hustle business was what helped me start this road to making a living from blogging.

And, it’s the perfect business for a stay-at-home mom! Figuring out what side hustle you want to do and developing a plan around your side hustle are two of the most important things to start with.

Email Marketing Strategy Made Easy for Mom Bloggers

Have you recently started a business for your blog?

This means when you want to monetize your mommy blog, you are starting a business mama!

Going from blog to business usually starts with an email list.

Why? Because once you start collecting email addresses from your readers, you can start developing a connection and a relationship that’s unique to you and your blog.

You get to know your email subscribers on a deeper level.

The Only Work from Home Job for Moms

Are you a stay-at-home mom or working mom wanting to work from home?

I hear you, mama! Before I became a work from home mom blogger, I worked in the school system. I worked long hours and had to travel up to 2 hours a day for my job.

It was grueling.

We were newly married and living in a one-bedroom apartment. I wanted to work from home since my hubby was doing it and when I became pregnant with twins, I knew that being a working mom wasn’t going to help us get out of our small place for good.

Home Office Ideas So You Can Work At Home (Full-time)

Want to start a blog and eventually work at home?

You can do it, mama!

I’m Elna, and I’ve been working at home for a while now. I started when my twins weren’t even two years old, and now they are in school.

This will be my first year as a full-time blogger!

I’m excited by the possibilities to grow my blog traffic, my sales, and my email list. This is also the first time I have my own home office.

Before we moved, I had my office in our master bedroom while my husband had his downstairs.

When we moved, we decided I should have the office room since I need the room for my office equipment. My husband now is using the master bedroom for his office.

We are also talking about conjoining our offices so we are in one big room, but that may come later!

5 Financial Goals to Set as a Work at Home Mom Blogger

You’ve decided to work at home as a blogger! Congrats! But, that might mean living on one income. Setting financial goals as a blogger is important when you’re new to blogging.

Your blog won’t generate income for a while and that might mean bootstrapping your blogging until you start making money with your blog.

And if you are no longer working that 9-5 job and you’re not generating income, then you need to cut expenses, live frugally and plan your monetization strategy for your blog.

But, that doesn’t have to sound like a bad thing!

Blogging is a creative outlet and fun! I’ve been doing this for four years and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

And now that I have my time management goals figured out, my blogging goal ideas created, I can focus on my financial goals!

Why I Changed My Monetization Strategy (And Taking a Break From Creating Courses)


Do you know that feeling when you’re riding high and enjoying – no, LOVING – what you’re doing online?

Like, everything is clicking at that precise moment?

The blog posts you are writing are easy, the comments you see make you smile and feel good that you are actually helping other people.

Man, that feeling is amazing!

No matter what you are doing, you wake up every day feeling amazing and filled with tons of ideas for your blog and business.

But, then –

You realize, what are you really doing here?

What are you really working for?

A number of things happened recently, and I guess part of it is realizing the reason behind blogging.

My Blog Sites, How I Make Money And How I Have Time For It All (With Twins in Tow)

Take a look a the blog sites I have as a mom blogger!

I have a confession to make –

I’m a serial blogger and entrepreneur.

Twins Mommy is not my first or last blog. I have other blogs – some of which bring in most of the income – and I plan to have more niche type of blogs.

Why do I do this?

I absolutely LOVE blogging and helping others.

How to Work From Home as a Mom Blogger – The Ultimate Guide

Are you a stay-at-home mom or working mom that yearns to stay home and take care of your little one?

You see so many other mom bloggers making money blogging and doing this full-time.

How to work from home is a real thing but you do need a plan and you need the time.

I know.

Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners: How to Create that Income Generating Post

Are you new to affiliate marketing?

As a mom blogger, one of best ways to generate income for your blog is to do some affiliate marketing. For me, I have a diversified income stream that helps me make income every day from my blog.

But, when I started Twins Mommy and when I was ready to grow my income, I started with affiliate marketing.

18 Ways to Promote Your New Facebook Group

Need help in promoting your new Facebook group?

You’re pumped about all the cool things you want to share like challenges, daily prompts, pics and more, but there’s only one thing:

How will people know you have a new Facebook group?

How can you promote this new social media group to your audience without spamming every other group or your email list about it?