
A Quick Way to Start Making $100 A Day (for Moms)

Are you a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to earn $100 a day without a real job?

You want to earn some extra cash either before you go back to work or just because you want to contribute to the household finances.

That was me – I was a stay-at-home mom taking care of my twins. They were around a year and a half when I made the decision that I did not want to go back to work.

Well, I think it was my motherly desire or over-controlling nature but I couldn’t imagine leaving my little ones to someone else!

Oh, and well, daycare for two is expensive! So I found a way to make money as a stay-at-home mom.

And you know what? I feel it’s the quickest way to make at around $100 a day.

This strategy to earn extra cash isn’t easy. You do have to hustle hard and work at it, but it’s possible. I’ll show you how I started generating that when I first started blogging!

Interested in starting a blog that can help you make money? Take my free blogging course where I help you set up your blog and teach you money making tips!

About Other Ways to Make Money Blogging

According to Sue Dunlevie from Successful Blogging, it can take up to 6 months to make money with your own products, while affiliate products can take up to two months to see any profit – and then often months longer for you to actually get a payout.

And this profit she’s talking about, is only enough to pay for your daily coffee habit. While these strategies do work to yield you four, five or six figures a month, it does take up to a year or more to really see any success.

These methods (having your own Etsy shop, starting a blog or doing some affiliate marketing) just take too much time.

Having a blog is more than pumping out content. It’s promoting it, networking with other bloggers and creating pinnable graphics.

Now, wouldn’t it be awesome if you can make money from your blog an entirely different way that didn’t take hours upon hours to do?

The Quick Way to Earning $100 A Day

The easiest and quickest way to start earning money from your blog is to offer a service.

And since your talent is blogging, why not become a freelance blogger?

Don’t take it from me though. Adam Connell from Blogging Wizard says this:

The most effective way to earn a full-time living from your blog is to become a freelance blogger. The best thing about this is that no matter how challenging it is to make money in your niche, you can make it happen by leveraging your skills and knowledge as a blogger.

That’s right – a full-time living and you can do it by only working part-time hours.

I’m doing it right now and I have been doing it for over three years.

Mama Bloggers – You Have a Head Start

If you’re a stay-at-home mom who also has a blog, then you definitely have a head start on other aspiring writers who want to be a freelance writer.


1. You Know How to Write a Blog Post

You know you need a clickable headline to entice people to read your post. You also know you need a strong introduction to hook readers to keep on reading.

I’m sure you know you need subheadings in your post to break it up and make it easier to read. And above all, you know how to make it engaging with your conversational writing.

And you know what? Online business want that! They want a writer who is engaging and formats their blog posts correctly.

2. You Know How to Upload Your Post into WordPress

One skill you learned as a blogger is how to use WordPress. This is a great skill to have if you want to be a freelance blogger.

For many online clients, if you know how to upload your own post, understand how to use Yoast SEO and set the permalink, you can make more money.

See, clients want a writer that can either save them time or make them more money.

If you can save them time by uploading your own post and getting it ready for publication, they’ll continue to request your writing service.

3. You Know How to Promote on Social Media

Do you know a lot of online business have no clue how or where to promote their blog posts?

A lot of them only use LinkedIn, but you know better, right mama blogger?

You know how valuable Facebook groups are or Pinterest groups are, right?

Knowing how and where to promote your client’s blog posts can help you land a writing gig with them and make you more money.

For example, because I’m developing a Pinterest strategy for Twins Mommy, one of my clients has asked me a couple times to pin his posts (because I have a big reach).

I’m more than happy to do this for him:

How Much Can You Really Make as a Freelance Blogger?

The sky’s the limit mamas!

I make anywhere from $300-600 per post for blogs posts of over 1000 words. And my highest paying gig was for $1200 for a blog post.

Yes, one epic blog post.

And remember, I’m doing this part time.

My freelance writer gal pal Jorden Roper makes over $8k a month strictly from freelance blogging.

So the potential is definitely there and for most brand new freelance writers, you can assume to get around $100 a post to start. And if you pick up a few clients, you can start writing a post a day, or earn $100 a day.

Yes, it’s a lot of writing, so you could up your rates so that you’re writing a few posts a week to generate a $100 a day. This is what I do since each post for me averages around $600.

To Get Started

To set up a freelance writing business, you’ll need a blog and a services or Hire Me page.

This is where you explain what type of services you can do. For freelance blogging you can offer:

  • Editing
  • Rewrites
  • Copywriting
  • Article writing
  • Blog writing

Try not to list a million services; I would stick to blog writing and editing and as my main categories, and within each category explain what I can do for a client.

Once you have your services page up, the next thing you want is to align your blog with your services page.

What do I mean by this?

I mean your blog should be your inbound marketing tactic. What this basically means is instead of actively trying to search for clients (you still have to do that), your blog will act as a passive way to hook prospects.

A great example is Twelveskip. Pauline offers many different services on her blog and her blog showcases her knowledge in those areas and only reinforces that she’s the go-to gal for social media banners or SEO strategies.

Finally, finish your month by landing guest posts in the niche or niches you want to write for. Target popular and niche-specific blogs. Be sure to give these bloggers your best content because their blog is seen by thousands more people than your blog.

If you don’t know what this means it’s when you have your best content on someone else’s blog that’s more popular than yours.

When you do this you get an author bio. This is where you can promote your freelance blogging services, your blog and lead magnet.

Before you submit your guest posts, make sure to work on crafting a solid author bio. Prospective clients will hopefully see your author bio and visit your services page to see what you’re all about.

Now it’s time to source gigs. You first have to hustle and find work.

Places like Problogger and Blogging Pro have job boards for bloggers. Visit them daily and note any gigs that interest you.

When you see a gig that really interests you, send your pitch.

A pitch is an email that:

  • Explains who you are (a freelance blogger with expertise in your niche)
  • Provides proof you are a writer (guest posts and your portfolio or blog)
  • Details your experience and skill set
  • Showcases any noteworthy things (a feature on a popular blog for example)

Most prospective clients want a blog writer that has written for blogs before, has a social presence online, and can create awesome content.

The more you pitch the better chance you have at landing your first client.

Now, I know what you’re saying.

You’re totally new so you can’t say you’ve been doing this for a year.

But you know what?

What you can say is how long you’ve been a blogger and maybe give some metrics behind building your blog.

For example,

I have a big social media following and I’ve also built my email list to over 500 and many of my posts have been shared hundreds of times.

Also, if you build your brand and social media presence, you might notice prospective clients reaching out to you for content.

Yes, this has happened to me. I’ve had full-blown influencers in the blogging industry message me on Twitter asking if I would be a ghostwriter for them!

(Psst…ghostwriting is when you write under your client’s name and you don’t get any recognition that you wrote it. But, it’s very lucrative!)

Next Is Networking

An essential step to getting clients is to start networking with them! You can do that easily using Facebook groups. Find Facebook groups where your ideal client hangs out.

Do some social listening and find out which user has questions that you can answer and support them. For example, in my Mom to Mompreneur Facebook group, I have a lot of moms just starting their blogs or just starting to create a product.

As a freelance blogger, you can lend your service to those that need marketing content to help them grow their brand.

Is This Way Really Quick?

While you can’t start making $100 a day on day one, it is possible to do it in a month or a bit more. The secret is securing recurring projects where a client needs your service daily or weekly.

And you can compare this way to more traditional monetization strategies like affiliate marketing. I also do affiliate marketing, but it took me over 6 months to make more than $20 a month!

You can also sell products like printables, eBooks or courses and that can prove to be sustaining as a way to make a living off of your blog, but it takes a lot to get to that point.

The biggest thing is growing your audience and serving them so that they come to you for their challenges. I didn’t provide a course for my Twins Mommy audience for over a year. It was also the same for my freelance writing blog audience.

I cultivated a strong tribe of followers and based on that I was able to serve them with the right type of product.

But, that’s not to say that making that extra cash will be easy. It will take a lot of marketing and selling your services as well as networking.

Over to you – what is your plan for your side hustle?


What happen if you are a terrible speller grammar is not that good I would like to learn how to blog I like to talk a lot I don’t know my daughter is in Kansas I have her for the summers I would love to be a stay home mom be able to take care of the house and maybe do crafts on the side to besides this I am but I heard you could go to court for blogging and it scares me because I’m not a good speller and my grammar is not that gooo? Were you scared to do it are you scared to do it up first now are you were you are you dumb ass at first ?
Hi Amy, There are online editing tools to help you with your spelling and grammar. For example, the Hemmingway App has a free tier to use!
I’m a stay at home mum.. Got 2 kids with severe food intolerances. This blog is truly inspirational to all mums. I have been following Elna’s blog when I started my blog last year and joined her FB groups. It’s amazing to see simple things that mums could do to earn a simple living.. blogging has certainly been fun and rewarding.
Hey Tamara! I’m so happy to know that you gain some inspiration and help from my blog and Facebook group! Knowing that I helped one person is enough for me 🙂 You are doing great as a mom and I’m here to help you get your blog going! Take care!
This sounds like a neat idea. How do the people hiring you afford to pay that much? How do they make their money? Thank you!
Hey Tiarra, It’s based on your client. Do you want to work for bloggers, entrepreneurs, authors, brands, huge companies? The bigger the business, the more money you can make.
As always amazing, helpful post! I’m still relaunching my freelancing services since baby #3 so this was perfect timing!
Hey Carrie! Thank you so much! That’s great! Good luck with your freelance biz!
Great post. I love this idea. I’m definitely going to put a media profile together.
Hi Jacqueline, That’s awesome! Quick ways to earn cash online isn’t always legit. But, I know this way is! Have fun!
Hi! I found this super useful and I’d love to pin it but can’t find the Pinterest icon? Preparing to launch a blog as a new mum at home and really appreciated the fact you replied to everyone in the comments even as a busy working mum! Thank you, xo
Hi Lucie! The buttons are on the side and at the end of the blog post? Maybe refresh or try in a different browser? Also the pin image should be pinnable if you hover over the image!
Hi Elna, as always this is a very helpful post. I am finding it difficult to monetize my blog while balancing the full time day job and family responsibilities as a single mom. I like your recommendation of freelance writing, but I am a bit concerned it will tap into the little time I have set aside for working on my blog. Thanks!
Hey LC! Thanks so much for stopping by! Yes, monetizing your blog as a beginner is challenging. I started out offering a service and that was the easiest way for me and I know it is for a lot of other mamas! So do what works for you!
Great post, Elna. I’ve considered doing blog writing in addition to my Pinterest Pin Design service, but the question keeps coming. Since I blog about organization, should I have a separate blog (maybe on blogger) for my services that are to bloggers and business women? Right now I have a page on my blog but I just didn’t know if that’s a good strategy if I’m going to create blog posts to show my expertise. I don’t want to confuse my main audience of moms needing organization tips. Any ideas appreciated.
Hi Rose! That is tricky for sure. Ideally, having a built-in audience is helpful when you start a new service. Maybe you can start writing blog posts that lean into Pinterest? Like organizing digital things? It’s something to think about. You can also ask your email subscribers if they are interested in this service. You may just offer it to your list and on social media (outreach sort of), rather than promoting on your blog. So in your welcome email you can tell your subscribers that service?
<3 Perfect. Thanks for brainstorming with me! I super appreciate these ideas. <3
Elna, thank you! I have been thinking of ways to earn money as a full-time blogger and, before that, I thought I wanted to be a freelance writer. This is the perfect solution! I have a few things to tie up first, but I am going to give this a go! Thank you 🙂
Hi Megan! That’s awesome! So happy you want to be a freelance writer! I love writing and it’s awesome to get paid for it 🙂 Have fun learning more about it!
Elna, as always such super tips. Im trying to get started with freelance writing ATM so this post was reaĺly helpful.
Hi Poovanesh, That’s great! Freelance writing is a great way for stay at home moms to boost their income for sure!
Thanks Elna, I have heard of this idea and and i faced lots of difficulties when i started but your article solve my lots of stuff. I love it! I am not new to writing, but new to blogging. Thanks for this tip!
Hi Mary! You’re welcome! Finding a quick way to start making $100 a day seems like a dream for many, but if you put in the work, it is very very possible! Glad you started a blog and want to try these tactics out!
Thanks so much for this blog post! I’ve learned so much and took TONS of notes!
Hi Nessa! You’re welcome! Glad you took notes and if you ever need more help, just email me!
Thanks so much for the invaluable tips Elna. It’s always great learning from you. There’s so much to take away and implement! I hope to come back with a testimony in 2019.
Hey Patience! You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed this post on how to start making $100 a day! I know it seems daunting but you really need a strategy to get there and the best way is offering a service with your blog. You can get there quick!
Great tips again Elna. I am a fan.
Hey Kristen! You’re welcome! Glad you found some tips to help you get $100 a day online!