When I started Twins Mommy, I was full of energy to blog!
I blogged twice a week until I couldn’t anymore.
I had no plan and no blogging schedule, and I quickly burnt out!
If you’re a new blogger, creating a daily and weekly blogging schedule is a MUST if you want to stay on track and actually make money with your blog.
You might be wondering how much time you should devote to blogging each day or week, what topics you should blog about, and how to create a content plan.
Or, maybe you’re thinking about how to stay consistent blogging when you have a toddler to chase all day.
I’ve been blogging since 2014, and since added more blogs on top of my freelance writing clients.
I’m also a mom to twins!
So, I know the struggle, mama!
Over the years, though, I’ve been able to earn a six figure income simply by having a daily and weekly blogging schedule that keeps me on track to do the highest ROI tasks for my business.
But, if you were like me when I first started blogging, you don’t know how to create a blogging schedule and actually be consistent with it!
This can lead to procrastination, which can lead to a lack of blog posts, leading to a loss of money!
By following a few simple steps, you can easily create a daily and weekly blogging schedule that will help you make money blogging.
This blogging schedule is based on my six-figure schedule!
How to Create a Blogging Schedule You Can Keep
One of the struggles I had early on was time management.
I would play tea party with my twins and realize I have been playing with them for 45 minutes and left no time to finish my client article.
Or, I would blog while my twins were eating and then focus too long on my blog post than my twins and end up having a messy kitchen!
I was a wreck!
I had a ton of mom guilt during that time, but I quickly turned that around and told myself, “give yourself grace.”
And, you should too!
What ended up helping me was a blogging schedule that was easy to follow and was it was okay if I didn’t accomplish everything I set out for that day.
If that’s what you want, then here’s how to create a consistent blogging schedule you won’t fail at doing!
1. Figure Out How Much Time to Devote to Blogging Each Day/Week
Look –
You probably say you don’t have ANY time in your day or week to blog if you’re a busy mom, but trust me, you DO!
Knowing how much time you CAN devote to blogging will help you be accountable and WANT to blog.
It will also help you stay on track which, in turn, will help you become a better blogger!
If you don’t have a set time to blog, you may find yourself with writer’s block, which leads to checking social media and wasting your time.
You don’t want that!
Creating a blogging schedule will help you stay focused and organized.
So, the first step is to set aside time each day to write new blog posts, edit old ones, promote your blog on social media, and interact with your readers.
But where do you find the time to devote to blogging?
You’re either a stay at home mom, work full time or you take night classes. How do you find the time?
1. Wake up earlier to have more time to blog
That’s where a little creativity and some planning come in!
You may need to wake up earlier each day to have more time to blog, or you may need to devote an hour on the weekends to writing new blog posts.
If you have a flexible job, you may be able to take a break during the day to write a post or two.
And if you’re a student, you can use your study breaks for blogging.
It’s best if you found the time each day and week to devote to your blog. This is an important part of creating a blogging schedule to make money.
For me, I blogged during my twins’ nap times and when they went to bed.
I’m not a morning person, so I couldn’t wake up before my twins (they wake up at 6 am!), but maybe you can!
2. Set a goal for how many days a week you want to blog
Another way to help you find the time to blog is to set a goal for how many days a week you can devote to a blogging schedule.
This will help keep you focused and motivated. For example, if you decide that you want to blog four times a week, then you’ll know you’ll need at least an hour or two each day to write a couple of blog posts and create social graphics to promote your new content.
This can also help you plan out your editorial calendar.
If you know you publish a blog post every Wednesday, you can start your outline and rough draft on Monday, your editing and graphics on Tuesday, and then proofread your post for Wednesday before you publish your post.
3. Blog in 20 minute bursts
As a mom with a little one, sometimes you have to blog several times a day.
Try blogging in 20 minute bursts while your child is napping or doing a toddler activity next to you.
This is a form of using the Pomodoro technique where you do focussed work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break.
This may mean you’re not blogging every day, but it’s still possible to create a consistent blogging schedule by knowing what days you can’t blog.
No matter how much time you have to devote to blogging each day or week, setting aside time to blog is important. This is part of creating a daily and weekly blogging schedule to make money with your blog.
2. Choose a Topic to Blog About
When forming a blogging schedule, it’s important to choose a blog topic or two you will write about for that week. This will motivate you to want to write a blog post!
For example, if you want to start a blog on parenting a sensitive child, then you can create blog posts about different topics each week such as potty training a sensitive child, disciplining a sensitive child, and nutrition for a sensitive child.
If you’re a fashion blogger, you may want to blog about new beauty or fashion trends.
By choosing a blogging topic for your week, you’ll be able to plan out your content and stay focused easily.
When creating a blogging schedule, you may find it helpful to brainstorm a list of topics for your blog niche.
To get you started, look to these ideas to help you create your first few blog posts for your blogging schedule.
1. Choose a topic that you’re passionate about
Try choosing a blog topic that you’re passionate about.
If you’re not passionate about the topic, it’ll be difficult to come up with new blog post ideas and keep writing regularly, right?
So, if you’re a stay at home mom and passionate about your dog, blogging about training your puppy, or the best toys for dogs or best dog beds for large dogs would be something you enjoy writing about!
2. Choose a topic that your readers will be interested in
It’s also essential to choose a topic that your readers will be interested in. This is important because you want people to read your blog and to actually leave a comment (but people think blogs are dead, which they aren’t!)!
You find what your readers will be interested in with SEO.
SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it’s a way to find keywords or key phrases people search for on Google.

You can use these keywords or key phrases to help you develop topics for your blog posts.
For example, if you want to create a blog post about helping your child clean their room, you can use a free keyword tool like Ubersuggest to see if it’s a popular and EASY keyword you can rank for.
This means there aren’t huge brands dominating the first page of Google.
Another way to find what your readers will be interested in is to look at your Google Analytics.
This tool that will show you how many people are visiting your website and what they’re interested in.
Here is a snapshot of Smart Mom Idea’s top blog posts.

You can use this information to help you come up with topics for your blog posts. For example, knowing that pregnancy symptoms is a popular topic for Smart Mom Ideas, I can find similar topics around symptoms that will appeal to readers of that blog!
3. Choose a topic that you can easily write about
If you’re not sure what to blog about, you can use the list of subtopics that you brainstormed earlier to help you come up with ideas.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to blog about a new topic each week. You can also blog about the same topic multiple times.
For example, if you’re a stay at home mom and want to blog about potty training, you can blog about different aspects of potty training like creating a reward system, the best potty seats to use, having a solid potty schedule, and more.
This is a great way to keep your readers engaged and to provide them with fresh content.
3. Create a Content Plan for Each Day and Each Week
Now comes the fun part!
What I mean by this is you need to plan each day to create social media graphics, create an email newsletter or freebie for your readers and leave time for learning more about blogging.
I like to schedule my social media graphic creation during my downtime when creating a content plan. So, I’ll make a set of fresh pins or Instagram posts after dinner or right after I send out an email.
This is because it’s a quick and easy way to do it and can lead to mega-traffic!
What I create the most is Pins for Pinterest.
To do this, I use Canva.
It’s a free online graphic design tool that’s great for beginners. With Canva, you can create social media graphics, email freebies, and more.
But pins are what I use Canva for the most!
To help you create highly optimized and converting pins, grab my 52 Stylized Canva Pin Templates.
Once you’ve created your social media graphic, it’s time to move on to creating your newsletter or an email freebie for your readers. This is a great way to get people to sign up for your email list.
I send weekly newsletters to my Twins Mommy email list, and when I was setting up my blogging schedule, I made sure to begin half of the week (M-W) was devoted to emailing my list.
I do my best to talk about things that are not about my latest blog post, but things like:
- Behind the scenes of mom life
- Update on my courses
- Update on my Pinterest strategy or SEO strategy
- Affiliate marketing promotions
- Repurposing old blog posts
This makes my newsletters fresh, and I don’t have to come up with new content constantly.
If you still have time, this would be a time to focus on creating an email freebie for your readers. This is a high ROI task since it will lead to email subscribers and eventually, income from blogging.
To create an email freebie, you can use a tool like Canva.
This is what I used to create my Ultimate Blog Planner Kit!
When coming up with a freebie topic, you need to make sure you are solving one problem and that it’s a quick win.
For example, if you’re a pregnancy blogger, you may want to create a freebie that helps your readers know what to expect when they go for their first prenatal doctor visit.
Your email freebie should be valuable and that your reader will want to sign up for.
Lastly, it’s important to leave time for learning more about blogging.
This may include learning about SEO, how to use social media platforms to promote your content, email marketing, affiliate marketing, etc.
I know!
It’s a lot, right?
But, if you devote 30 minutes a week to reading a blog post about a new topic or researching a course about a challenge you’re having, this will help you generate income with your blog.
I focussed on my copy and looked at copywriting courses to help me create conversion-type copy.
I also spent a lot of time learning digital marketing and social media marketing!
When I started Twins Mommy, I was new to Pinterest, and that was what I focussed on for my blogging education!
4. Research Keywords for Blog Posts
Now that you have a content plan, it’s time to write your blog post!
I’ve already mentioned the importance of using keywords, but keyword analysis is a big part of your blogging schedule.
This means finding the keywords you KNOW you can rank for.
If your blog is under three years old, you can only rank for low competition keywords.
When using Ubersuggest, it’s the ones in green.
Many of these may not have high search volume, but don’t worry about that.
I just want you to gather a list of keywords that you can possibly rank for.
Once you do this, you can start researching those keywords by putting them into Google and seeing what the top few results are.
Are they ultimate guides? A listicle? A big brand like Pinterest?
This can tell you what the user intent is.
I would research the same keyword on Pinterest to see what is ranking there!
And, then you can form a good blog topic that is popular on Pinterest and low competition.
I have DONE all that work to make it super easy for you!
It’s all in my Easy Keywords for Ranking guide!
I give you the keywords in 14 niches for moms!
So, this part of your blogging schedule should take no more than 10 minutes to do!
Once have your keyword or keywords, you can create a simple blog outline that you can use to frame your posts and keep you in line!
5. Edit and Publish your Blog Posts
Once you’ve written your blog post and inserted your keywords, it’s time to edit your post.
This involves not only proofreading your content, but also adding certain elements like images, a call-to-action and more to your blog post before your publish it.
1. Run your post through Grammarly
Grammarly is a free online grammar checker that will help you spot any errors in your content. Grammarly can check for grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, and more.

2. Check for spelling mistakes
Even after using Grammarly, it’s still a good idea to check for spelling mistakes.
For example, writing “blogging” instead of “blogger.” This is something Grammarly may not catch.
3. Optimize your subheadings
When I create my outline, I don’t pay too much attention to my subtopics at that time.
When I edit my blog post, I have to change my subheadings for SEO and make them all similar.
For example, I don’t want one subheading to be, “How to Create a Blogging Schedule” and the next to be, “Blogging with Bluehost.” Logically, the next subtopic should be a “how to” or a step, like “1. Sign up to Hosting.”
To optimize your subheadings for SEO, make sure they’re all similar in terms of length, keyword density, and more.
4. Add your images
Adding images to your blog post breaks up your content and just makes it more visually appealing!
When adding images, make sure you use high-quality images relevant to your topic.
When I first started Twins Mommy, I used free feminine stock photos, and I eventually bought a subscription to one of the stock photo services!
5. Adding call-to-actions
Adding call-to-actions to your blog will help you grow your email list, income and engagement.
It’s that important!
When I’m done editing and adding images to my blog post, I will add opt-in forms throughout my content.
For long-form blog posts – over 2,000 words – I will add several different opt-in forms.
6. Promote Your Posts on Social Media
The last part of your blogging schedule is your promotion strategy.
One great way to promote your blog post is by using social media.
When done writing your blog post, share it on your social media channels. You can also use social media to find new readers and followers.
There are also a few other ways to promote your blog post.
1. Emailing your subscribers
Of course, you can tell your list about your new blog post in your next newsletter!
There is no shame in promoting your content to people already interested in what you have to say!
2. Commenting on other blogs
When you’re reading other blogs in your niche, leave a comment with a link back to your blog post with freebies!
I don’t have a freebie for my new niche site, but I want to gain new readers so I’m commenting on other similar sites that allow me to drop my website.
3. Posting a teaser on social media
If you don’t want to share the entire blog post on social media, you can post a teaser instead. This is a summary of your blog post linked to the full post.
I do this often for my Facebook posts on my Facebook page!

4. Guest post and share your freebie
Another great way to promote your blog post is by guest posting on other blogs. This is where you write a blog post for another blog in your niche.
To find guest blogging opportunities, you can Google “[niche] + guest post.”
You can also use Facebook groups to find other bloggers in your niche that offer guest posting opportunities!
How Does a Blogging Schedule Make Money?
Blogging is a long-term game and it’s not singular.
You need other parts to complete your blogging business like an email list, like products, like affiliate marketing.
Once you understand all of this, you can use your blogging schedule to create a system that you can consistently do.
Now, I don’t want you to think I’ve had the same blogging schedule all these years. Nope!
My blogging schedule changes every season!
But, the point is, I have a plan that I follow to help me make six figures blogging every year.
I do have my free blog plan that helps you create your blogging schedule, so make sure to pick that up!
Your Blogging Schedule!
Now that you know how to create a blogging schedule, it’s time to get started!
This involves choosing a topic for each week, creating a content plan, researching keywords every week, editing and publishing your post every week, and promoting it on social media daily.
This will help you gain the plan to start monetizing your blog!
Over to you – do you have a blogging schedule? Share with me what you do to stay consistent and make money blogging!
Please pin me!