
12 Happy Mom and Happy Home Freebies (No More Momster)

Hi there mamas!

Today I thought I’d do something fun and totally free for you! If you look at my home right this minute, there’s about three loads of laundry that needs to be put away, a full load of dishes that need to be put away as well as a sink full of dirty dishes. Oh, and don’t get me started on the closets, beds and living room!

12 Happy Mom + Happy Home Freebies

I typically have a chore list that I try to accomplish daily, but lately I’ve been in a funk!

Before I get into the post, here are some more freebies for you mamas!

16 Awesome Podcasts for Mompreneurs
10 Useful Facebook Groups Just for Mom Bloggers
11 Awesome Pinterest Groups for Mom Bloggers
14 Free eBooks to Grow Your Blog and Income
12 Free Planners to Help You Grow Your Blog
16 Totally Free Tools to Grow Your Blog Traffic
11 Helpful YouTube Channels for Mompreneurs
11 Free Calendars to Start 2017 Off On the Right Foot
11 Tailwind Tribes for Mom Bloggers to Explode Their Traffic
14 Free Courses to Earn More Income as a Stay-at-Home Mom
I’m on a quest here.

A while back I did an epic post where I rounded up 40 mom bloggers and asked them how they juggled everything. Do you know why I did that? Because there are days  when I’m a hot mess.

I needed to find a way to enjoy my days, be a happy mom – and not a MOMSTER – and find purpose in my day.

So for today, I’ve rounded up 12 freebies to help you be a happy mom and have a happy home! Enjoy.

1. Banish the Mom Funk Challenge


Have you heard of Messy Motherhood? I haven’t until just recently and I’m in L-O-V-E with Amanda’s teachings. Amanda is a Children’s Mental Health Therapist and her core theme is helping moms with anger.

It’s hard to admit being a momster but that’s exactly what I was turning into. I was too stressed and I need a break. And this Banish the Mom Funk Challenge literally changed my life! And it’s free! Take the challenge and read the blog!

2. 31 Days to Better Parenting



Nina of Sleeping Should be Easy is my idol. She has a six-year-old boy and three-year-old twin boys. She sure has her hands full and still has an amazing blog. Whenever I have a problem with my twins I just check out her blog!

Make sure to also check out her 31 Days to Better Parenting worksheets and tips.

3. Free Happy Mom Email Course


This free happy mom course comes from Military Wife and Mom. While my husband isn’t in the military, her blog is still filled with practical mom advice to help you with your child or children.

In the free email course you’ll learn:

  • How to manage anger as a mom
  • How to create an organized and peaceful house with your kids in it
  • How to have more joy and gratitude as a mother
  • Science-backed tips to improve your happiness

4. 30 Days to Become a Happier Parent

I don’t know about you, but whenever I go to drop ins with my twins and talk to other moms, all I get are happy stories. Yes, well my daughter slept through the night at 6 weeks old. Or, I had twins and three other kids and I managed to leave the house every day.

Oh, pah!

I want the real truth and this book will give you tips and strategies to be a happy and confident parent.

5. How to Organize Your Entire Life


Lisa of The Merry Momma has a wonderful blog for moms – and she keeps it real. Her book will help you create a system to get your life more organized. What Lisa teaches you will increase your productivity and have a greater sense of peace and calm.

If you’re scatterbrained pick up How to Organize Your Entire Life today.

6. Savoring Slow


Do you sometimes feel you never get enough done in a day? I do. I want to do a million things at home and with my business, but I just can’t do it all. And you know what ends up happening? I just live for tomorrow.

Well, if you feel the same way, then you can change it today. Learn how to savor those slow times in your life and live for the moment.

Savoring Slow will teach you to be present every day while still managing to get things done for the day.

7. Simplify + Curb the Chaos in Your Life


Christina’s blog, Embracing Simple Blog is filled with advice to live a simple and peaceful life. This blog is one of the first blogs I started visiting when I created Twins Mommy. Christina is also a freelance writer and a mama and I noticed her pins all over Pinterest and have been following her ever since.

Her four-week Curb the Chaos course will help you simplify your home, your mind and your schedule. Here’s what you’ll learn in the course:

  1. Tips on decluttering your home
  2. How to improve your relationship with technology
  3. How to stop busyness
  4. How to manage your time wisely

8. Printable Recipe Binder


Don’t you just love printables! I have been lately and the queen of printables is of course Abby from Just a Girl and Her Blog! Her blog is filled with just awesome printables, but the one I like the best is her Printable Recipe Binder.

Having an organized place for your recipes and meal plan will make for a happy family and happy home for sure 🙂

9. 31 Days to a Better Marriage


This eBook originally created by Carlie of Fulfilling Your Vows is filled with tips from 31 writers. She’s compiled them all in one place – this eBook – that you can grab for free!

10. Goal Setting for Busy Moms

If you’re seriously lacking getting everything done in your to-do list, then this eBook, Goal Setting for Busy Moms, will totally help you!

11. 5 Days to a Better Morning


Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom is the queen of better mornings and evenings. She even has a course for a better morning, but if you aren’t sure you want to invest in the course, she even offers a free email series called 5 Days to a Better Morning. You can’t beat that!

12. Kids Approved Family Meal Plans and Weekly Shopping Lists


JoAnn of No Guilt Mom is lifestyle blog for moms. One of her freebies she offers is a Kid Approved Easy Family Meal Plans and Weekly Shopping List guide.

I don’t know about you, but when it’s supper time, I’m usually in the kitchen just thinking about what to serve for dinner! I know..I need to prepare ahead of time. That’s why I love meal plan guides. It takes the guesswork out of your dinners!

From Grumpy Momster to Happy Mommy

Kids can be a challenge for sure, but as moms there will be days when you think you just can’t do it. These freebies will totally help you get out of your funk and also help you declutter your mind and house!

Tell me what you’re favorite freebie is on this list!


Hi Elna. Interesting stuff. I’ll pass your blog along to ladies I know here. Thanks.
Great List. I’m just starting out and trying to get running with a dress and t-shirt business as well as a blog. Not to mention, I’ve got several kids!
Hi Amanda, I know what you mean! 🙂 Good luck!