Category: Blogging

8 Surprising Ways to Find Out How Much Traffic a Website Has

The one thing after starting a blog and writing blog posts is getting website traffic.

Where is the blog traffic?

Why are other blogs in your niche seemingly getting hoards and hoards of blog traffic and your amazing blog isn’t getting the same love?

The first year of Twins Mommy, I spent most of my time trying to grow my blog traffic.

I wanted more readers and more pageviews each month.

42 Best Mommy Blogs that Are Successful (in 2023)

Mommy blogs.

I love them! This is one of the reasons why I started Twins Mommy.

I wanted to connect with other moms out there – especially ones with little ones and that worked from home.

30 Websites that Pay Up to $700 For a Blog Post

Feeling like you don’t know where to start with making money with your blog?

There are so many ways to monetize your blog, but I know of a faster and much easier way to start making money online.

Want to know what it is?

It’s getting paid to blog!

4 Shocking Truths About Blogging No One Tells You

Have you recently started a blog and feel like you’re in the dark when it comes to how do bloggers make money?

I was in the same boat not too long ago.

When I started Twins Mommy four years ago, I wanted to see if I could make money as a typical blogger, using typical ways to make money blogging.

And, while I had some fails, I figured it out and can call myself a full-time blogger now.

How Do Bloggers Make Money?

Blogging is a great way to make money!

Whether you’re looking to create a small stream of income or make a full-time income from blogging, it’s totally possible.

What I love about blogging is that while it requires diligence and consistency, there really is no limit to how much you can earn.

I started blogging when my twins were less than a year old.

How to Turn Hard to Read Blog Posts Into Scannable Posts

New to blogging?

What’s the one struggle you have?

To get people to read your blog posts!

I know it was for me when I first started Twins Mommy.

7 Easy Blog Post Ideas For When You Have NO Time to Blog

Whether it’s summer time and you have your kids at home ALL.DAY.LONG or you’re a mom with a toddler, finding uninterrupted time to blog is like finding a long lost unicorn.

Before my twins started school, I was managing a budding freelance writing business and writing on my blogs.

Setting up activities for my twins to do did help, but what I relied on the most regarding saving time were certain types of blog posts that were easy to write, not in-depth at all and were popular to read.

21 Super Simple Website Ideas for Bloggers

Get some fantastic website ideas for your first blog!

Starting a blog is an adventure!

And it can change your life. But there is more to blogging than just starting one.

Finding website ideas is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers. What type of blog do you want, and is it one you can create or feel you’re not experienced enough?

This isn’t all about your blog niche, either. This is a topic about the framework of your overall blog plan.

The Best Blog Post Frequency to Grow an Audience

As a new blogger, figuring out what to blog about usually is the biggest challenge.

But, once you figure that out, you might be wondering, how often should I publish a blog post? Is there a right number of blog posts you should publish per week?

And what happens if you can no longer maintain that content schedule? What do you do?

What to Do When Your Blog Traffic Goes Down

You started a blog and were amazed with how suddenly you got some traffic for the first few months.

You loved it and enjoyed it and couldn’t believe it.

But, then it happened.

The traffic you gained this month isn’t nearly half of the traffic you had last month.