
Why Tailwind Is Now Becoming More Important For Bloggers Using Pinterest

Starting your blog can be one of the best things you can start!

As a mommy blogger with five-year-old twins, I’ve seen how my blog has grown my income, helped me meet amazing mompreneurs and above all, inspire and serve my readers.

But,  once you start a blog, the next biggest puzzle piece is promoting it. There are many different ways to increase blog traffic for your blog, but when I started Twins Mommy, I knew I had to rely on social media.

SEO for new bloggers doesn’t come into play until six months to 1 year later.

But, I’m a mom. A mom blogger. A freelance writer too!

I had no time to share my latest blog post. I had to invest in an automated scheduling tool to do the work for me and help me grow my new blog.

And that’s when Tailwind came into my life!

How Tailwind Helped Grow My Blog

For the past two years I’ve been using Tailwind to grow my blog and I know it has helped me get my first 4,000 pageviews in the first month of my blog! I was shocked by this since my other blog took months to get to 10,000 pageviews.

And then I started growing my income because of Tailwind. One of my pins became popular for a popular search term and that helped me make sales every single day.

But, that was then.

What about now?

Tailwind Is More Important Than Ever Right NOW

Pinterest is my main promotion strategy, but recently they have changed their platform. From a new look to new analtyics to new information about how to use keywords for our pins, it’s been an eye-opener to say the least.

Here’s my graphic on showing all the recent changes up to June 2018.

The biggest takeaway is that Pinterest favors fresh pins and content creators.

Let’s dive into this:

Pinterest Has Stated that They Are Prioritizing Fresh Pins

What is a fresh pin?

This is a pin that has never been shared on Pinterest and comes from your blog.

So, these are your pins for your blog post, your blog and for your email freebies or landing pages.

You can look at it like this:

  • You create a blog post
  • You create pin for that blog post
  • You place the pin in your blog post
  • Publish your blog post
  • Pin that pin in your blog post to a board on your Pinterest profile

That is a fresh pin.

Pinterest Is Favoring Content Creators

Look – without us – content creators, bloggers – Pinterest wouldn’t be that popular or even have pins on their platform.

As a blogger, we create these pins that get shared on Pinterest and Pinterest is finally recognizing how important we are to them.

So, they’ve been “loosening their grip” and sharing more about how content creators can use their platform as a way to grow their blog traffic.

With this new direction, content creators are free to pin as much as they want and create as many pins as they want!

Tailwind Can Help Push Your Pins Out

Did you know that every single pin that Tailwind schedules to Pinterest is considered a fresh pin to Pinterest?

It’s true.

This is great for content creators and for their blog traffic! Oh, one other thing – Pinterest doesn’t mind if you ONLY pin YOUR pins.

It’s up to you if you want to do that – I do pin 3rd party pins strategically – but Pinterest has stated they actually want you to pin your pins more.

So, by scheduling your pins to Tailwind, you are sharing “brand new fresh pins” to Pinterest all day long (depending on your Tailwind schedule). How awesome is this?

As a busy mommy blogger, you need to focus on the optimized blogging tips to help you grow your blog quickly. And having to manual pin takes a lot of time. Don’t get me wrong – I do manual pinning strategically too, but it’s time consuming, especially when I have more than one blog!

Tailwind Is an Approved Pinterest Scheduler

It’s come to light that Pinterest has stated Board Booster is NOT an approved scheduler and bloggers should not be using this schedule as their account will be deemed spam or suspicious.

I was using Board Booster too, but have since stopped for all my blogs’ Pinterest accounts. So, if you’re using Board Booster, it’s time to switch to Tailwind!

Can You Schedule TOO Many Pins?

Yes, you can, but you have to play around with how many you schedule. The most I’ve scheduled was around 150 pins a day. But, I had over 100 group boards and personal boards, so my pins were dispersed across over 100 group boards.

I have since lowered my pin scheduling amount to around 30 pins a day.

One thing to note is pinning at the best time. You don’t want to schedule your pins when your followers aren’t on the platform or engaging with your pins during the time you schedule them.

How to Use Tailwind To Schedule Your Pins

So, how do you use Tailwind to schedule your pins across groups boards or personal boards?

I created a video on how I use Tailwind – Update: I have changed my strategy slightly to include more personal boards – that shows you exactly what I’ve been doing for the past two years.

Understanding Pinterest in 2018

Pinterest is rapidly changing and it’s up to content creators to stay on top of that. Make sure to visit the Pinterest page just for creators and get on the Pinterest email list.

Just go to your profile settings on your Pinterest account and set the emails you want from Pinterest.

Also make sure to join the Mom to Mompreneur Facebook group for any up-to-date Pinterest news that I share and others share, like this Facebook Live from Christa of Pura Vida Moms.

Try Tailwind for Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Pinterest really is the best platform for mom bloggers. Did you know that 8 out of 10 pinners are moms? That’s amazing for us!

More and more are using Pinterest to search for the latest health trend to how to cut expenses to be a stay at home mom and more.

People are making buying decisions from Pinterest and purchase from Pinterest.

If you started a blog, get Tailwind to schedule your pins and start increasing your blog traffic!

Over to you – have your tried Tailwind?


Hi Elna, I think we can be super friends if we meet in person. I love Tailwind too. I think its SmartLoop feature is genius because I can republish my content at the right frequency and to the right boards–even my Group Boards which is super awesome. What’s your favorite feature of Tailwind that drives great results for your business? Valerie
Hi Valerie, Cool! I love Tailwind also. My favorite feature is their board list options. I love this because I can quickly schedule my pins to multiple boards at once!
These are some awesome tips for nailing Tailwind! XO Amanda || Affordable by Amanda
Hi Elna Thank you for sharing these great tips! BTW – I love your blog! I’ve been using Pinterest to promote my blog, but it hasn’t really increased my traffic as much as I expected. Do you have to use TailWind to grow your blog via Pinterest? Thank you!
Hi! You don’t need Tailwind to grow your Pinterest profile. I didn’t use TW in the beginning, but if you want to grow your blog over time, then it’s a great investment to have!
Hey Elna, I’ve been on the fence about investing in Tailwind, mainly because I’ve been confused about how to use Tailwind to schedule pins to group boards! But your tutorial is awesome. Thank you so much! I was getting myself tied in knots trying to schedule at least one pin to go to each of my group boards every day. Is that possible? Or even desirable? Or do you not worry about that? I have about 30 group boards – so that’s a lot of pins! Help!! (BTW, I have your Pinterest Perfection Masterclass – which has been a game changer for me. I’d seriously encourage anyone who wants to up their Pinterest game to invest in it – especially at that amazing price. And I was just thinking that it would be helpful to have this Tailwind tutorial linked to in the course somewhere?)
Hey Lois! Pinterest is ever changing but I feel Tailwind is the one thing that’s grounded! I think what you want to do is looping and Tailwind now has the looping schedule so that is possible. Glad you enjoyed the Pinterest Perfection Masterclass!! I will probably have to updated it soon too as I’m updating my Ready Set Blog for Traffic course too! Lots of updates this year!
Hey Elna, Thanks very much for posting this – It will really help beginners (and experienced bloggers!) understand just how helpful Tailwind can be. I’ve had a reasonable amount of success with manual pinning, and I’ve recently added Tailwind into the mix to help free up my schedule a bit to work on other things on my blog. From a convenience perspective, you just can’t beat it! I love the fact that Tailwind suggests popular pins from other pinners that I can then add to my schedule too, as opposed to Pinterest Analytics which only shows my top content! Keep up the great work (especially the videos, these are an awesome touch!) Cheers, Jonathan
Hey Jonathan, That’s great to know! Manual pinning does help but I find TW to be much more helpful! A lot of my Pinterest boards are the top boards I have so that’s a great thing!
Elna, This is awesome. Thanks so much. I am a new mommy blogger and signed up for paid tailwind but got a question I hope can address. I couldn’t find any information about using tailwind to schedule pins from group boards I’m in. I use tailwind to schedule my own posts’ pins into the GB, but to abide by their rules of 1:1 or 1:2/3, I do it manually. I only think it’s fair but it’s time consuming. What’s your tip? Many thanks in advance
I love using Tailwind to schedule my pins. I usually pin to my own boards lately but do occasionally pin to group boards! As for following the rules I wouldn’t worry too much, as long as the group has a lot of contributors (over 100) then an owner can’t really police their own board. At least I don’t! Just be mindful as best as you can!
Many thx!
Thanks for the insight! I LOVE pinterest for personal use but was very late in the game using it for my blog. And then once I hopped on I had no idea how to use it strategically. You blog posts are a great help! There’s a little rumor floating around that Pinterest is favoring those who pin to their own niched down boards as supposed to Group boards. I’ve seen a little boost in views but not enough to have me convinced yet so we’ll see.
Hi Laneic! Thank you so much! That’s awesome you are on Pinterest to market your blog. Yes, it’s true; Pinterest favors pinning to your own boards but you can still pin to group boards. You just have to do it strategically!
Thank for sharing Elna. I am still confusing about using Pinterest to increase my blog PV. My blog in Indonesian language and sometimes I share it to Pinterest. However, there is no impact after that. Do you have any suggestion?
Hi Liza, The best way to grow traffic with Pinterest is to identify your target audience and create boards around the topics they enjoy. Then create pins that will get more saves and are around those topics!
Hey Elna! OMG, I absolutely love Tailwind. I cannot be up at the hours my audience is up because 70%+ of my audience is in America and I stay in India. So it’s practically impossible for me to manually pin when they’re awake. So, Tailwind is a life-saver. Thank you so much for this post. It’s so informative, as usual! <3 I'm uber happy that they've created a Creator Section for us! Yay! There's so much to see on Pinterest. I like how organized you are. I'm going to practice what you've just said. So, from today onwards, I'm going to try and match all my keywords throughout my Boards, Pins and Profile. Can't wait to see the difference! Warm regards, Angela
Hey Angela, Thanks so much! And thanks for featuring me in your epic blog post 🙂 I’m still trying to keep up with all the changes Pinterest is doing. As as right now, my monthly views are finally improving and I’m getting a hang of this new strategy! Good luck!
Hey Elna, Good to hear! I’m still re-working my strategies. <3 And you're most welcome. Warm regards, Angela
Thanks for this Elna. I absolutely loved BoardBooster and was so sad when they had to close shop. I found it to be so user-friendly but I didn’t want to risk my account being closed, especially after Pinterest sent out the warning email. I’ve been trying to manually pin but what a chore it is! It’s just not for me. Time I switched to Tailwind (although I’m also checking out Buffer)
Hey Sheeroh, Yeah, BB was easy to use for sure! Oh well, I’m glad I stuck with Tailwind as they are a really good social automation tool to use! Buffer is great too!
Thank you for sharing this! I started with Tailwind after downloading your Pinterest promote planner and went from 137 views to almost 40,000 monthly views on my Pinterest account in a month! – The video tutorial is super helpful too and adds a nice visual. Thanks so much, Elna!
Hey Athena, Wow thanks so much! So glad your Pinterest views exploded after doing the Pin Promote Planner! Yes Tailwind is awesome for helping your gain more followers and growing your reach!
This is some great info! I’ve been using Tailwind for my blog, and it’s definitely been a big help!
Hi Kim, Yes! I know, right? Tailwind has been a game changer for sure! I used it when I started Twins Mommy and I’m soo happy about that!
Hi Elna, Great post indeed! I couldn’t agree with you more that tailwind is a great help when it comes to pin scheduling. I use tailwind and it has been a tremendous time saver for me. I know some bloggers claim to pin manually, I admire them though. However, I really don’t know how they get the time to do this, considering blogging work is so time demanding. Thanks for bringing to my notice Pinterest is favouring fresh pins, I’ll endeavour to create more content so I can create more pins on Pinterest. Cheers, Elna!
Hi Eki, Yes, I know what you mean. I’m super busy and I have no time to manually pin, although I try to squeeze it as much as I can during the week! Yes, Pinterest is loving fresh and brand new pins every day!