
53 Best Niche Products to Sell on Your Mom Blog

Do you want to do more with your mom blog than just write blog posts?

Sure, a lot of us are in the mom-blogging game to make money, but sometimes we want to do more than bank on affiliate marketing or ad placement.

A lot of mom bloggers in my Facebook group have many different ways to make money with their blog and the one overwhelming method is selling niche products.

By offering niche products, we can expand on our income stream as well as help and support our blog audience by providing them with direct solutions to their challenges.

It’s really a win-win for both the blogger and their audience!

The blogger extends their ability to help other people while making money and the customer receives a valuable product that will help enrich their lives.

The best part about having a niche blog is that you already have a focal point when it comes to your audience, so you can really create some unique products that will be beneficial to them!

Why Niche Blogs Make Money

The most profitable blogs out there are the ones where people are actively searching for solutions to their challenges or some sort of transformation.

They are also the blogs that have a clear blog niche and have built trust with their audience.

Now, granted, a lot of income from blogging typically comes from having high traffic and earning from affiliate marketing or ad placement.

However, those same readers who are willing to spend money on products endorsed or recommended by a blog are likely to be willing to pay for products created by the blogger.

So if you own a niche blog, which is a blog focused on a specific topic or group of people, you can maximize your earning potential by offering products for sale.

The big reason why niche blogs are so successful in making money is that they tend to focus on a smaller and more valued audience. I’ll give you an example:

Say you have a blog in the financial niche. You could offer your expertise to anyone who makes money – but then you are facing stiffer competition from other financial blogs.

If you narrow down your niche to mom (or even single moms) then you are targeting a very specific audience and facing less competition.

Narrowing down your niche may seem limiting and complicated but, as long as you know what your passions are, it’s really quite easy!

And doing so will increase the profitability of your blog when you offer niche products.

Are you excited about your blog income potential? Let’s dive into these 53 niche products you can start selling on your blog!

Oh yea!

53 Best Niche Products to Sell On Your Blog

I could just tell you to sell printables related to your niche but I wanted to give you more detailed product ideas for specific niches that have proven to be profitable.

It’s important to point out that, no matter your blog niche – whether your blog about succulents, marriage, breastfeeding or pets to name a few niches, –there is an opportunity to maximize your products’ profit by bundling them into packages or offering a monthly/yearly membership for unlimited access.

For example, if you have a homeschooling blog, you can create a paid-for customer portal that allows members to download as many printables, planners and worksheets that they need.

Since homeschooling parents will always require materials, there is definitely value in a paid membership for them.

When it comes to blog niches where you can offer consultations and coaching calls, such as financial and fitness niches, you can easily package these services into a bundle along with a guide or eBook.

These are just some of the ways you can take sellable products in lucrative blog niches and create something valuable and unique that your readers will want to buy.

So, here are some of the best blog  niche products you can sell on your mommy blog.

Homeschooling Blogs

The number of homeschooling parents has risen at a fast rate and those who homeschool are always looking for easy to access and easy to use materials when it comes to teaching their children.

Because homeschooling parents are pooling their attention and time into teaching their children, they don’t have a lot of time to prepare materials and plans.

If you’re into the educational niche, you can certainly create a variety of printable products to sell to homeschooling parents:

  • Academic Worksheets
  • Flashcards
  • Lesson Plans
  • Grade Trackers
  • Report Cards
  • Daily Schedules
  • Themed Lessons

Like I mentioned above, this would be a perfect niche to look at bundling products or offering membership access to printables, since homeschooling parents will need these materials on a regular basis.

Here is a membership example of a Montessori blogger with a niche product for Montessori homeschool parents.

Health and Fitness

People, especially moms, who want to get their health and fitness on track typically turn to the internet before exploring any other options.

For this reason, blogging in the health and fitness niche provides the potential to sell related products that people will actually want to buy.

Apart from printables, you can also offer courses, plans and books as niche products on your site.

  • Online Training and Courses
  • Books and Guides
  • Workout Plans
  • Meal Plans
  • Printable Goal/Progress Trackers
  • Coaching Calls/Consultations

You can personalize these products, and make more money, by offering coaching calls and consultations as an additional service.

Here is an example fro Fit Mother Project on her fitness program for moms.

Organizing and Time Management

Mom-life is notoriously chaotic so it’s no wonder mothers turn to blogs to find out how to get their life in order! I know I do when I need some motivation!

This is a huge blog niche and can encompass anything from household organization to schedules to huge family planners and more.

The best products to sell in the organizing and time management niche are printables:

  • Goal Tracking Sheets
  • Schedules
  • Family Planners
  • Labels
  • Routine Checklists
  • To-Do Lists
  • Grocery Lists
  • Chore Charts
  • Monthly and Weekly Calendars
  • Personal Consultations
  • Workshops

However, like many other niches, you can also offer personal consultations or workshops when it comes to organization and time management.

The Mom Agenda sells many planners, including the daily mom planner

Diy and Crafts

How much time do your little ones spend watching YouTubers making slime and other types of crafts?

There is definitely a market for offering DIY and crafting products on your mom blog. Even though you can easily access videos for free, there are many products that moms are willing to buy online:

  • Craft Kits
  • Workshops
  • Crafts
  • Printable Paper Crafts
  • How-To Guides

And this blog niche doesn’t simply have to focus on children’s crafts. You can branch out to include guides and workshops on how to make DIY gifts, home decor and more!

Craft With Sarah sells layered letters to customize art and craft projects!

Food and Recipes

Blogs in the food and recipes niche are extremely popular and aren’t going to lose steam anytime soon.

Moms are always looking for easy-to-make meals and meal plans to help streamline this task and make their lives easier.

This is something I’m always searching online!

If you have a food blog, you can easily compile your most popular recipes into a cookbook and sell it on your site. You can also design and make your own seasonings and mixes to sell to your audience.

Here are some other ideas of products you can sell in the food and recipes niche:

  • Printable Meal Planners
  • Cookbooks
  • Online Courses
  • Seasonings and Mixes
  • Baked Goods
  • Baking Kits

Depending on the time you have to dedicate to selling products on your food and recipe blog, you can also look into other physical products such as baking kits or even baked goods.

Six Sister’s Stuff is an amazing brand with amazing moms. They have many cookbooks to choose from and are perfect for the busy mom lifestyle.

Money and Finances

Challenges when it comes to money and finances seem to be a universal struggle, especially for moms. Curbing spending and saving money are often impossible feats for most families.

Financial niche products are a hot commodity right now since most people don’t even know where to start when it comes to taking control of their finances.

If you run a blog in the money and finances niche, this provides a great opportunity for you to sell products that not only educate individuals about money but helps them track their spending and plan their finances:

  • Budget Tracking Sheets
  • Printable Financial Planners
  • Financial Coaching/Consultation Service
  • Video Courses

When you design and present your financial products in a way that can help your audience, they will see the value in what you are offering and pay the money to help them reach their financial goals.

The Budget Mom sells many finance products to help moms and parents. Here is her holiday-theme spending tracker printable.

Pregnancy and Postpartum

Pregnancy and postpartum is a huge, huge, huge niche when it comes to blogs and products – so you would definitely benefit from narrowing down your niche and focusing on specific aspects of these two experiences.

That being said, there is a large variety of products (both physical and digital) that you can offer on a blog in this niche:

  • Belly Oils and Skin Care Products
  • Booklets and Guides
  • Subscription Boxes
  • Baby Clothes/Blankets/Stroller Covers/Etc.
  • Monthly Baby Photo Printables (1 month old, 2 months old, etc.)
  • Baby Shower Games
  • Photoshopped Pregnancy Announcements
  • Printable Feeding Tracker

Alexandra from Coffee and Coos has an amazing Pregnancy Planner that she sells!


We are all looking for ways to better our lives, especially moms who don’t have the time to take care of themselves mentally, physically and emotionally.

Mom blogger Gina has an amazing self-care program geared for the faith-based mama! See how she niched down to find the right audience?

As you can see, there is a huge market for self-help products that you can sell on your mom blog:

  • Coaching Calls
  • Online Courses
  • eBooks and Workbooks
  • Journals
  • Printable Quotes
  • Habit Trackers

When selling products in the self-improvement niche, as with any niche really, it’s important to highlight how your product is going to help the customer overcome their challenge or struggle.

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Tips For Making Your Blog Niche Profitable

The blog niches I mentioned above are highly profitable niches which makes them very popular in the world of mom blogging.

But if they’re so popular, how can anyone make money with so much competition?

Here are some tips to make sure your blog and niche products stand out from the crowd.

Find Your Unique Voice

When your blogging in the same niche as so many other bloggers, you need to bring something unique to the table.

This includes understanding your target audience in order to develop a writing voice, brand and content ideas for your blog.

The type of people who will be attracted to your unique personality, perspective and style will become a loyal audience and future customers.

Do Some Research

There’s no magic formula to creating a profitable niche blog so it’s worth taking the time to look at those who are doing it successfully.

To start, head over to Pinterest and search for your niche. Click on the first few results and visit their blogs.

Here are the results for toddler activity blogs:

Browse around and see what kind of products they are selling. Are they selling printables?

Are they promoting other peoples’ products to earn affiliate income?

Now think about what is missing: Do they offer video workshops? Printable bundles? Membership access?

This is a good jumping point for planning and developing your own niche products. Filling in the gaps is a great way to stand out in the market.

Take Your Time

Just because I say that pregnancy and postpartum is a popular and profitable blog niche doesn’t mean that starting a blog on this topic is going to earn you a fantastic income within a month.

Creating a profitable blog takes time – blogging is a journey and requires focus, nurturing and time in order to grow.

To explore other ways to make money with your blog please check out my Youtube video and please subscribe to my channel!

Once you’ve established your voice, brand, content and products, take some time to focus on growing your traffic and audience.

This may mean stepping back from promoting your niche products and focuses instead of creating informative and consistent content that will attract people to your blog.

Once you gain a loyal following, you can begin to promote those products and have an easier time selling them.

There You Go!

Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas when it comes to the types of niche products you can sell on your blog.

Don’t see your niche in this list? Add it in the comments and let us know what kind of products you sell!

Please share and pin my infographic! Thanks so much!


Awesome Tips! I plan on promoting products soon. Thank you!
Hi Elna Thank you for this information, Elna. I’d like to start a mommy blog. however, my problem is niching down. I have read your post on choosing a niche but I still get confused. I,d like to talk about a bit of education for the kids, the pregnancy journey, and raising children. Something like the Do you think this would work?
Hi Gloria, Sure it can work if you promote a lot on social. Lifestyle blogs that have more than one niche idea tend to do better on social than with Google!
Hi,Elna. This post is useful for me. I’m a new blogger.My blog is regarding growing succulent, but now I planning to narrow down my niche to parent who love gardening , because gardening is a good way for me to improve the relationship with my daughter. Can this be done? One more question I would like to ask is how do I find out what type of voice that prefer by my audience?
Hi Mei, Succulents and succulent content is awesome. I like your ideas of niching down to the type of audience. I would have content that’s more just for understanding and taking care of succulents no matter what type of person you are as well as content just for moms about gardening and succulent content.