Hi there mamas!
Don’t you love Facebook? When I started this blog I found so many amazing Facebook groups that I thought I could share it with you today!
Hi there mamas!
Don’t you love Facebook? When I started this blog I found so many amazing Facebook groups that I thought I could share it with you today!
Hi there mamas!
I thought I’d do something fun and free for mom bloggers! Yay! I don’t know about you, but if there’s a free resource to help me grow my blog or traffic or income, I’m digging in that for sure! Ha..I love getting free stuff, even if it’s digital!!
Hi there mamas!
Today I thought I’d do something fun and totally free! Don’t you just love free stuff? I know I do. If I can bootstrap my biz then I will for sure! I only pay for certain things for my biz that I know will grow my biz for sure.
Hi there mamas!
I thought I’d do something fun and free for ya! As a mom bloggers and freelance writer, I totally don’t have a lot of time to do all that I need to grow my blog.
Hi there!
Welcome to my series, Mom to Mompreneur Blog Growth Update! Wow! that was a mouthful.
For those of you who are new, my name is Elna Cain and I’m a freelance writer and a mama to twin toddlers.
I started Twins Mommy back in March as a way to blog some more – because I just love blogging ? – and engaging with a new audience.
It wasn’t until about a few weeks later – in April – that I really wanted to grow this blog.
I wanted to start a new blog and grow traffic, readers and income and share my story because I know a lot of you are struggling growing your blog too!
I also want to help mamas go from being a mom to being a mompreneur.
It’s here mamas!
The most biggest and best courses giveaway for moms who want to grow their blog and business is here. I don’t know about you, but I L-O-V-E giveaways.
Especially if most of them are digital products. If I can get a bunch of courses that will help improve my business, I’m all up in there.
And that’s what I wanted this giveaway to be.
I wanted to have some of the BEST courses and books (and some other goodies) to take your business to the next level. And what’s so great is that each of them can be taken anytime you want. You can try out one course a month. It’s all up to you!
Hi there!
Welcome to my series, Mom to Mompreneur Blog Growth Update! Wow! that was a mouthful.
For those of you who are new, my name is Elna Cain and I’m a freelance writer and a mama to twin toddlers.
I started TwinsMommy back in March as a way to blog some more – because I just love blogging ? – and engaging with a new audience.
It wasn’t until about a few weeks later – in April – that I really wanted to grow this blog.
Hi there!
Welcome to my series, Mom to Mompreneur Blog Growth Update! Wow! that was a mouthful.
For those of you who are new, my name is Elna Cain and I’m a freelance writer and a mama to twin toddlers.
I started TwinsMommy back in March as a way to blog some more – because I just love blogging ? – and engaging with a new audience.
It wasn’t until about a few weeks later – in April – that I really wanted to grow this blog.
Hi there!
Welcome to my series, Mom to Mompreneur Blog Growth Update! Wow! that was a mouthful.
For those of you who are new, my name is Elna Cain and I’m a freelance writer and a mama to twin toddlers.
I started TwinsMommy back in March as a way to blog some more – because I just love blogging ? – and engaging with a new audience.
It wasn’t until about a few weeks later – in April – that I really wanted to grow this blog.
Thinking about becoming a mompreneur?
Whether you have a course idea, product idea or want to dabble in some affiliate marketing, once you start generating an income from your blog, you can call yourself a mompreneur.