Category: Blogging

4 Amazing Hacks to Create New Content When You Don’t Have Any Ideas

Raise your hand if you’re a new mom blogger and it’s been months since you last updated your blog.

I know!

When you have a little one to take care of – or twins in my case! – trying to find time to blog means doing the best writing at the crack of dawn or after a long day of caretaking and chores.

I don’t know about you, but my creative juices aren’t running during those times! So, how can you grow your blog when you’re tired, stressed, overworked and in mom mode every minute of the day?

How to Massively Grow Your Facebook Page for Your Blog

Have you started a Facebook page for your blog?

Or, worse, you have, but you haven’t touched it in like forever?

I can so relate.

I have several Facebook pages for several of my sites, and I rarely post on all of them. What I end up doing, though, if focussing on my core pages – the one for Twins Mommy and the one for my freelance writing site.

8 Popular Blog Niches That Drive Traffic and Make Money (That Aren’t About Blogging Tips)

You see a lot of popular blogs out there, right?

Want to start a blog because you hear about how amazing it is?

You probably read popular blogs and wondering how they make money eh?

And even better – there are even mom bloggers making money blogging! Yes, if you’re a stay-at-home mom, you can start a mom blog!

So, I thought I’d share some of the most popular blogs for you. These types of blogs make money.

You may have been learning that the ONLY way blogs make money is if you….blog about blogging.

13 Free Ways to Boost Engagement on Your New Blog

Is your new blog a ghost town?

You put your passion and time into your brand new blog and fill it with amazing posts to attract traffic and readers and what ends up happening?

No one is coming to your blog!!!!

This hurts and can make you feel like you’re blogging in an over-saturated niche and that is why no one cares about your blog.

How to Do a Facebook Live for a Complete Beginner (and When You’re Scared to)

Want to know how to do a Facebook Live?

Let me guess –

You’re on Facebook and suddenly you see your favorite blogger doing their latest Live.

You stop and listen because it’s about something you want to learn about.

I don’t know about you, but I love watching Facebook Live sessions and I love DOING Facebook Live sessions.

How to Rank #1 for Both Pinterest and Google


Search engine optimization is something you’ve probably heard floating around in Facebook groups or seen in your Pinterest feed.

It’s true –

The BEST type of traffic is search traffic. It’s also called organic traffic. People pop in their question or search a term, and BOOM – they go to a blog post for the answer.

It would be nice if they went to your blog, right?

How I Grew to 62,000 Pageviews in 1 Month (Grow Blog Traffic Using This One Hack)

Note: I didn’t go from 0 to 62,000 pageviews in one month (don’t I wish)! I’ve been at this a while and I show you my journey to getting to this point. This is what I did to drastically increase them in 30 days!

Did you recently start a mommy blog?

And – let me guess – you want more blog traffic!

I think every blogger, new or old, wants some traffic. Traffic can help you monetize your blog, figure out your blog’s purpose and can help you quit your day job for good.

Twins Mommy is two years old and during this time I tripled my blog traffic, grew my Pinterest followers to over 13k, and generated sales every day.

5 Things You Need to Do Before You Start a Mom Blog

You’re there.

You’re ready to start a mommy blog, and you can see it, feel it and breathe it, eh?

I started Twins Mommy over two years ago and can’t believe that this little blog is making money and growing traffic! And to top it all off, I have an audience that tells me in emails or on Facebook how much my posts are helping them become a mommy blogger.

I love it and know you will too!

3 Unknown Pinterest Tips to Grow Your Blog Traffic (and Presence)

Pinterest is my BFF!

It’s been my BFF for a long time, but we had a bit of a falling out over the summer. I’ll get into that in just a bit.

I’m sure you’ve been hearing loads and loads about Pinterest tips for growing your blog traffic. I have even written those posts countless times on Twins Mommy.

Because it’s true. But something happened to my presence on Pinterest.

While my traffic and income didn’t take a dip, my Pinterest analtyics tanked big time.

What Do You Focus on As a New Blogger? (12 Bloggers Share Their Top 3 Tips)

You want to blog so you read.

You read blog posts.

You read Facebook comments.

And then you research.

You learn about a million things about starting a blog and now you’re confused.

Probably have a headache too. As a new blogger, what do you focus on?