
Month 3 Blog Growth Update: How I Tripled My Blog Traffic, Subscribers and Followers

Hi there!

Welcome to my series, Mom to Mompreneur Blog Growth Update! Wow! that was a mouthful.

Month 3 Blog Growth Update: How I Tripled My Blog Traffic, Subscribers and Followers

For those of you who are new, my name is Elna Cain and I’m a freelance writer and a mama to twin toddlers.

I started TwinsMommy back in March as a way to blog some more – because I just love blogging ? – and engaging with a new audience.

It wasn’t until about a few weeks later – in April – that I really wanted to grow this blog.

I wanted to start a new blog and grow traffic, readers and income and share my story because I know a lot of you are struggling growing your blog too!

I also want to help mamas go from being a mom to being a mompreneur.

Blogging just for the sake of blogging isn’t going to earn you income. Turning your blog into a biz and then creating products, well that’s where all the money is. And I’m chronicling that journey with you!

To catch up with how I’m growing my blog, check out my blog growth series:

Before you get into the nitty gritty of this post, if you’re reading this and don’t have a blog, but want to start one, I have an easy step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog using SiteGround!

1. On My Site

I can’t believe how fast my site is growing!

Okay. Maybe it’s not super fast as other sites, but for me – a fairly new blogger in a new niche – this is pretty neat.

Here is my traffic growth comparison from end of March to April and from end of May to June:


I tripled my traffic in only two months! I’m totally shocked BTW.

Like – how did that happen?

Let’s look at last month’s analytics:


This month just continued to grow! Here is a snapshot:


That’s a 60% increase in pageviews in only one month! Not bad eh?

My bounce rate keeps decreasing and I’m gaining a tribe of loyal followers since my return visitors count is growing.

What’s nice is that my growth is continual and consistent. There are no hiccups – yet – no highs or lows. I’m hoping it stays like this although I wouldn’t mind a viral pin 🙂

And my goals?

Did I Accomplish My Goals from Last Month?

I set some large goals for this site last month so let’s see if I accomplished what I had planned.

  • Generate 25k pageviews – Big fail. I almost reached 19k. I see how that was a HUGE goal of mine and not sure if I ever would have been able to do that in one month with a new blog – unless something went viral overnight.
  • Bump up my visitors from 200+ a day to 300+ a day – Success and exceed! I’m averaging over 450 visitors a day (more on this in a bit)
  • Get ready to do some affiliate marketing – Big fail. I’ve been so working on growing my traffic and subscribers that I haven’t had a chance to look into affiliate marketing (and I might switch focus a bit too).

So, I didn’t meet all my goals, but I’m still growing and I’m totally happy about that. Here are my reasons – I think – for this growth.

My Visitors Increased Overnight

One thing that I was very happy about was how my visitors increased from around 200 a day to over 450 a day with one day having over 600 visitors.

This jump happened starting on June 1 – like overnight.


What the heck happened?

I think two things I did that may have helped increase my visitors was I decreased my page load time and submitted a site map.

I don’t know if you know, but if you have a long page load time (like 3 seconds or more) Google doesn’t like that. And well, you don’t want Google pooh-poohing your blog, do you?

And according to this Kissmetrics post, having a site map helps Google index your pages, helping you generate more traffic (since people can find you easier). Check this out if you want to submit a site map for your blog, or just use the Yoast SEO plugin to do it for you, like I did!

How did I decrease my page load time?

My husband actually helped me by caching my site (this is easily done with a WordPress plugin) and using a Content Distribution Network (CDN).

Yes, I know. It’s getting all geeky up in here.

Is all of this necessary? No. Does it make your site faster and do all the big sites do it? Yes and yes, so why not!

Caching works by saving a copy of your webpage so that when a visitor comes along, they are served that copy, rather than having WordPress generate the page from scratch each time. This decreases page load time a lot!

Makes sense? My husband is my web developer and mentioned this can help.

As for a CDN, this is basically cloud storage of your site’s static files (like images). Web servers placed all around the world get copies of your files so that when a visitor from Sweden visits your site for example, they receive files served from a European server rather than one from say, California (if that’s where your web host is located).

So the bottom line? Having faster page load times means that you’ll get more traffic.

Bloggers Are Linking to My Blog

*happy dance*

I’ve recently learned that other mama bloggers and lady bosses are linking back to my blog posts and I’m lovin’ it!

This is another reason why I’m getting traffic back to my site.

I thought I’d featured some of them.

Kate of Hustle and Highchair, wrote a post on managing chores and linked to this post as well as feature my site a bit:



Elise from House of Brazen included my blog in her post on her favorite blogging and business resources.

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I’m included on the list with some awesome bloggers and there are some new ones that I don’t know so I’ll soon be visiting them all.

Kate of Layered Indulgence included this post of mine and talked about me and my blog in her post about growing her blog (yay! I love reading other blog growth strategies)


Finally, Heather of Mutrual Weirdness featured my blog as one of the Top 10 Blogs to Follow. 🙂


Thank you everyone! I’m hoping to include more bloggers that feature my blog or post when I do my blog growth updates!

My goals for July are:

  • Generate 25k pageviews – This might be possible in July, but not entirely sure if everyone will be summering it up rather then blogging. So we will see!
  • Increase my daily visitors from 450 to 600+ a day – I’ll have to be more strategic with my blog growth plan by commenting on other blogs, using my traffic trick and pinning more.
  • Keep continuing to provide useful and epic blog posts of at least 1k words twice a week – although this wasn’t a goal for last month, I did fail twice this month by only posting one time in a week instead of twice. I don’t think that hurt my traffic, but this blog is still new and it needs pages and content to help it grow.

2. Pinterest Marketing

Last month I had around 1.6k followers. This past month I have 2.5k followers!


That’s almost 1k new followers in only 30 days!

I’m lovin’ that my growth is on the up and up. It’s not 10k by a long shot, but to gain almost a thousand new followers in a month is unbelievable to me! So exciting that this happened!

I know having lots of followers doesn’t mean more traffic back to my blog. My average monthly viewers tells me how big of a reach my pins are generating.

Last month I had around 123,000 viewers. And this month?

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I practically tripled my monthly viewers on Pinterest! This is the most exciting part because this tells me that my pins are reaching more and more people – not just my followers.

Pinterest is recommending my pins to others and I’m pinning to tons of group boards with hundreds of collaborators and thousands of followers.

Last month I mentioned that many bloggers see huge leaps and bounds by the third month and I wasn’t sure if I would see the same. Well, this seems like a big leap to me!

Did I Meet My Goals?

  • Gain another 1k followers – I’m gonna say yes to this!
  • Increase my pinning strategy to 200 pins a day – I’m still working on this. I’m averaging around 130-150 pins a day.
  • Repin my most popular pins and more – Check! I’m scheduling my most popular pin and other high repin Pins of mine.

Pinterest this last month has sort of been on autopilot for me. I’m using Tailwind to schedule my pins and it doesn’t take long to set up. I go in every 10 days to 2 weeks and schedule my pins with Tailwind. This takes me about 10 minutes to do.

So, in total I spend around 20 minutes a month scheduling my pins. But, I also visit Pinterest daily to check it out (since I L-O-V-E Pinterest!) see my notifications and my group board.

Speaking of my group board, more and more pinners are requesting invites and it’s becoming a bit popular now!

I have over 70 collaborators and over 2k followers for my Mom to Mompreneur group board. Feel free to email me and ask for an invite! I welcome mama bloggers, mompreneurs and freelancers.

My goals for July:

  • Generate 500,000 monthly viewers on Pinterest
  • Have around 4k followers
  • Move to pinning 200+ a day (80% mine/20% others)

3. Growing My Email List

!!! This is the MOST exciting part for me.

I absolutely love email marketing. It’s my freelance writing niche.

Okay, last month I had around 267 subscribers. These were all from people who wanted my content upgrades since I STILL don’t have a lead magnet.

But, this month?

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I gained over 370 new subscribers!

That’s amaze-balls mamas!

So, how did I generate all these lovely new subbies?

I hosted my FIRST ever Twins Mommy Webinar!

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I can’t believe I actually pulled it off – thanks to my moderators who helped with some minor tech difficulties.

On June 29th I hosted my first Twins Mommy webinar on using Pinterest to grow your traffic, subscribers and followers. I had over 200 people subscribe to the webinar.

Okay, let me tell you a little secret. I’m a big introvert. No, really 🙂

I never really knew that but looking at myself I see that I don’t mind being alone or with a small group of people (+1 really). I also don’t have gaggles of lady friends, only a few close ones.

And I currently work from home 🙂

But, I knew early on when I first started blogging that video and webinars are the way to go for generating income and more business. So in February of this year I did my FIRST EVER webinar for my freelance writing site.

And it didn’t go that well even though I generated almost $1k in sales. I waited too long for people to show up. I focused too much on the chat rather than my presentation, I went too fast, and I didn’t practice.

Since I knew my faults, I started to prepare for my Twins Mommy webinar. I read Allison’s post over on Wonderlass about doing webinars for introverts (and even signed to her webinar and opt-in freebie).

I also watched several webinars in early June to get an idea of what the format was and how to present.

And when D-day came, I was prepared. My twins were napping and I went right into the webinar. I’m so happy that so many people signed up and showed up to my live training. I was also shocked and humbled by the flood of emails I received after the webinar (I emailed my replay and slides to those that signed up).

Like Alessandra’s email:


And Salina’s email:


Thank you, thank you, thank you every one! I’ll definitely have more webinars (joint and solo) in the future for sure 🙂

Let’s See if I Achieved My Goals This Month

  • Create a resource library for my lead magnet – BIG fail. I STILL don’t have a free offer, but I think I have one now.
  • Provide more content upgrades – I created some more, but slowed down to focus on getting ready for the webinar.

I’m still not on target with reaching 10,000 subscribers in a year. I roughly need 800 subscribers a month and I didn’t reach that goal, but it was totally more than last month.

I’m hoping with my new lead magnet, maybe a new blog design and my EPIC plan for late summer/early fall, I can speed things up a bit in terms of generating a bigger list.

I’m currently using MailChimp and OptinMonster to help grow my list.

What are my plans for next month?

  • I’m going to roll out a Welcome email series for those who subscribe to my list – I will have the option to opt-in to this so my current subscribers can also go through the welcome series. My plan is to introduce me, my blog, and offer juicy tips, strategies and freebies.
  • I’m going to edit and clean up my webinar and use that as my lead magnet along with a resource library too – I’m hoping that my webinar will be enough of an incentive to opt-in and grow my list faster. We will see!

4. Blogger Outreach

I’m going to have to say it was a pretty slow month in the blogger outreach arena. June was such a hectic month for me in terms of client work, family obligations (I was a soccer mom!) and my webinar that reaching out to other bloggers and commenting on their blogs was low on my list of priorities.

Also, I can’t find my master list of blogs I visit – yes, I’m old school and wrote it in my notebook. So, I’m going by memory.

The top blogs I like to visit and comment on are:

I have a boat load of other blogs I visit and even have some new ones like this one, but overall, I’m going to have to sit down and start a blog commenting plan.

What About Last Month’s Goals?

  • Continue to network with other bloggers in my niche – Half fail. The only connections I did were on Facebook and if I shared their content on social media.
  • Promote others’ content on my blog and in client pieces (freelance writing work) and on social media – Yes. I’ve been linking to other people’s content on my blogs and sometimes in my freelance writing work.
  • Be open to any collabs – Yes. I’m in the works for one or two joint webinars for this blog and some collabs over on my other blog (webinar and membership idea).

For next month’s goals, I’m going to take a little pause since it’s the summer and I want to enjoy what little warmth and sun we have here.

Will I Keep Growing?

This is always a concern for me. I don’t like looking at my stats every day, but it’s hard when you have a new blog right?

I’m already noticing less traffic for July, but then again, early July is a holiday so it figures. People are outside and having fun.

For July, I’m going to work hard at creating epic content that will help mompreneurs and bloggers succeed.

I’ll also devote time to networking with others, commenting on their posts and sharing their content.

Finally, I’ll focus on my subscribers. They are my followers and loyal group. I want to provide the best tips, strategies, and freebies I can muster!

Make sure to check next month and how I will continue to grow my blog!

Are with you me mama? Let’s grow our blog together!


Need More Help Growing Your Blog Traffic? Check Out Ready Set Blog For Traffic


Elna, this is great! Your blogs (and writing) have really helped me nail down what I want to write about. I was one of those blogging just to blog for YEARS! This month I decided to turn my blogging into a business and I just started my freelance writing website/blog. I’ve been doing freelance writing for a few years, but now it’s time to amp that up! Your content is helping me!
Hey Aaron, That’s great to hear! I know you are eager and can’t wait for your guest post on FreelancerFAQs!
Wow. Pretty amazing. Although you are an introvert, you have a lot to offer people. And they want what you have to offer. Your courses, the knowledge you put into them, exempliary, Elna. Your videos are nice and even your older posts, like this one, are interesting to check out. Thank you. ☃️
Hi Kim, Thank you so much! So happy you are enjoying my first year blogging journey! It was fun detailing all of that! Enjoy the rest of the blog and I’m here if you need help!
This was very helpful. New blogger here and I feel like I am just all over the place and can use all the advice I can get. Thank you for sharing the real.
Hi Pamela, Thanks so much! I checked out your blog and yes, it’s a little all over the place! That’s okay in the beginning. Just learn how to blog, write blog posts and promote them and over time you will find your audience!
I love all of your tips for growing your blog. I am currently finishing up my second month growing my blog and I’m really trying to find ways to increase my traffic. I signed up for your Mom to Mompreneur Facebook group and I’m looking forward to learning more. I’ve been following your blogs for years and I love reading your content. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Missy, Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! So happy you joined me over in my Facebook group! Thanks so much for being a long-time reader!
Congratulations, Elna! I’ve been following your other blog and I got curious about your newest blog that you’ve been promoting on Twitter. I can’t believe how fast you grew this one! And some of the content here apply to all freelancers and bloggers too, not just mom bloggers. They’re so relevant to me, and I think I will be hanging around this blog more now too. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ming, Thanks so much for coming over! Glad you enjoyed my blogs! 🙂
I read your blog many times but every time I learn new things. You are awesome blogger. I started using Pinterest last week and trying to grow my reach. And it’s working I got 7500 reach in just 10 days of work. Thanks for sharing…
Hi Shailesh, That’s awesome! So happy you broke the Pinterest code!
This is impressive, Elna. My blog is 4 months old and I saw a jump from 50 daily page views to 200 page views in 3 days by creating a sitemap and submitting it to Google. I hope to see more growth in the next few weeks.
Can I please be you when I grow up? Seriously, thank you great post packed with info! I have a blog on slide hustle, skin & finance for women! Love to collaborate if it fits!
Hi Annette! You made me laugh! Thanks 🙂 Not sure you want to have my hair…greys and all…working hard on conditioning it 🙂 Anyways, thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for the encouraging and informative post on blog growth, Elna! The consensus is in…produce quality content…be patient…build relationships.
I know it’s an old post (found you through Pinterest) but seeing this big burst of growth is so exciting to me as a new blogger! I’m not a mom but I do blog for a mommy audience and I’m finding it so hard to grow my viewership and nearly impossible to grow my email list! I’ve made a few freebies (email courses, worksheets, ebooks, and even motivational phone and desktop backgrounds) but none seem to stick! Anyway, not wanting to throw this all on you, just wanted to share because your post really motivated me to keep going and working hard for my audience. Hopefully I can get over these beginner hurdles and help my audience like you do!
Hi Stephanie! Thanks so much! Yes, finding that freebie idea can take some time. It took me over a year to get to my Pin Promote Planner for sure! Before that I was doing little PDF guides but they didn’t convert as much as my main freebie now. So the best thing is keep doing freebies and also see what popular posts you have as this can help you figure out what your audience want more from you!
This was such an amazing post! I wish I could increase traffic like this! I am a very new blogger and I am on my third month! I have nowhere near that much! This is such an amazing post! Thanks for sharing this!
Hi Kelsey, Don’t give up! Each blogger has their own journey. I’m sure you have done a lot to prepare your blog for traffic! Good luck!
Thanks so much! I’m doing the best I can. I’m not going to give up it’s my dream to be a blogger. Hopefully I will get awesome traffic soon!
Just finally started my blog and this gave me some really awesome info to use ASAP for bringing in traffic to my blog, thanks so much!! 🙂
Im so glad you Started a blog! I would love to check it out Carli.
Hey Carli! That’s awesome! Thanks so much for coming over and commenting! I love to get to know my readers and subscribers!
I just stumbled upon your blog on pinterest! Great tips. Thank you!
Hi Melissa, You’re welcome! Glad you found some tips to help with your blog!
Such an exciting time for you! I started my blog back in February (with my twin sister) and we’re slowly getting the ball rolling. With both of us working full time jobs, we feel like we’re never moving fast enough. But, like you, we started focusing on Pinterest recently and noticed changes overnight. It’s such a rewarding feeling! We’re far from the traffic you’re seeing, but every little win feels so good either way. I’m happy I found your blog. So inspiring to see how quickly your efforts are making an impact.
Hi Eryn! Thanks so much! I am loving using Pinterest and using my creativity to make pin graphics! Growing your blog is never ending! ha..
Elna, I’m so excited I found your blog! I’m super inspired by these stories of growth; but always curious how it would work for me; so you’re breakdowns are fantastic! I’m a brand new blogger (only about 6 months in), in a super new/specific niche; and I’m struggling to grow and find interested mama’s. I just joined your FB Group, hoping to make some connections and push forward!
Hi Shaki! That’s great to hear. You’re still a new blogger so it can take time to navigate this all! I hope the course I’m creating will help moms like you find a successful path to more traffic!
Hi Elna! It’s super encouraging that you showed your growth in the early days (as I’m way behind and just finding this post haha) but I just created my own blog and this post just gives me the motivation to keep going! So thank you for sharing all of this!
Hi Brandi! Congrats on your new blog. Yes, blogging is a journey for sure 🙂 Good luck!
Hi Elna, I found your blog via Pinterest (way to go!;D ) and am in LOVE. I’m in the very early stages of starting a new blog, and this article – plus your other awesome resources – are just what I have been looking for. I feel like I’m a sponge right now, sucking up all the information I can about getting my blog started on the right foot. Your blog and resources will be playing a huge part in that, so thank you! You’re awesome! 🙂 p.s. I’m a freelance writer, too! *waves*
Hey Jess, That was sweetest thing anyone could say to me! <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much. I'm humbled by it all. The mom blog community is amazing and so supportive. I love helping other mamas get their blog up and running and being successful! And yay! A freelance writer 🙂 If you're in my Mom to Mompreneur Facebook group I'll be doing a Q/A on freelance writing soon!
Wow. You did a great job Elna. Thanks for sharing how you gained this achievement. I was wondering , do you have a specific social media platform that you think work best when engaging to bloggers/influencers?
Hi Emmery! Thanks so much. I find Facebook the best platform for engaging with your audience and influencers!
Cool. Thanks for the feedback! I love Facebook too. It’s getting more engaging than before.
This is inspiring. I hope I can at least have those pageviews in my fifth month at least
Thanks Palesa! I hope you reach your goals for your blog! Blogging is a journey and it does take time and strategy building! Good luck!
This was great info! Appreciate the sharing! Will pass along the info!
Hey Shaleah! You’re welcome. I hope your blog is growing too!
Just came across your post on Pinterest, and I have to say you are killing it! My blog turned ONE this week and I feel that was nothing short of ninja! haha Thanks for the inspiration and tips!! The SEO Yoast SiteMap is the best! Question, I’m a newbie on Pinterest, so where do you get all your own pins to pin from. I’m a designer and just thinking about creating that many pins gives me a heart attack! I guess I need to dive into that platform to understand it better but was curious.
Hi Loretta, Thanks so much! Congrats on the launch of your new blog. As for pins, I create them using Photoshop, but a more budget-friendly and free option is Canva!
Omg you make me realize there’s so much to do ! Thanks so much for these helpful tips on how to grow your blog. I didn’t even know you needed a PO box in order to start a suscribe here list. We are a brand new site and have been live for a week now. Please check out.
Hey! That’s great you found some useful tips in this post. Have fun growing your blog!
You are so incredibly inspirational and have so many amazing ideas. Thank you so much for posting your journey on increasing blog traffic. Feeling a bit overwhelmed now but will break it all up into chunks to figure it out for my new blog.
Hey Enid! Thanks so much. So happy to know that you found some great ideas to help you grow your blog. Yes, it can be overwhelming to say the least! Just one step at a time!
Ohmigoodness, Elna- the fact that you’ve accomplished so much as a busy mom is just amazing!! I find that I have goals I want to set but then have to be realistic about the amount of time I actually have. You’re rocking it with how productive you are!! I teach my clients that one of the great thing about goals is that they’re adjustable (This comes from the S.M.A.R.T. principle)…if we check in on our goals on a regular basis, even before the end of the month, we can adjust them. So, if you feel like you’re not on track for one goal, you can adjust it down. Or, if you’ve already blown a goal out of the water mid-month, you can adjust there too to make it more of a challenge. This way we continue to push ourselves in addition to the high-5 we can give ourselves for reaching the goal before the deadline. Congrats!!
Hey Sara, Thanks so much! Yes I’m super busy but that’s why I rely on automation tools and help! 🙂 I like the idea of readjusting your goals!
Woohoooooo Elna! That is AMAZING growth!! You’re doing so well, and it’s all because of how helpful and sincere you are. Your Pinterest webinar was great! I even learned a few new tips from there. I knew about the sitemap, but not the caching! Gonna go check that out right now! Keep up the awesome work! Elise xo
Elise! Thanks and if you don’t know I still LOVE your blog girl! So happy to hear picked up some tips from my Pinterest webinar. I want to clean it up but it’s taking forever to get that done so I can turn it into a lead magnet! Grrrr… Anyways, thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations! This growth is amazing!
Thanks so much!
Well done Elna!! I’ve learned so much from your Pinterest webinar and I loved connecting with you on email. My blog has been growing amazingly too and it’s only my 4th month but my strategy was different, I can share with you on email 😉 I will definitely go over all your tricks in this post! And thanks for mentioning that plugin, I will install it. 🙂 Keep shinning!!
Hey Ana! You’re the best I tell ya! Thanks for watching my webinar. I’m hoping to use use at my ultimate freebie once I clean it up. So happy your blog is growing! Please email me your strategy 🙂 Love to hear it.
Loved the tip about creating a site map and decreasing load time! Thank you!
Hey Paula, I know right? So simple but often overlooked. I think doing those two things really bumped up my daily visitors!
Hi Elna,… First, congrats for your fast growing! Actually, I also have an awesome growth report too, but not as fast as what you did here. I also have to say thanks for sharing the tips, and it was a wonderful experience to learn what you are doing. Well, this month, I added MaxCDN to my blog and I found the performance is quit better. The most important for me is the conversion rate and using this is really increasing my conversions compared to previous performance report. This month, I got 2 emails asking for a contribution to a round up and hope to get more traffic with these. Also, I’m planning to implement a round up post as well on my blog. And I believe it will give me much more traffic and growing of my list. By the way, I’m thinking about creating and webinar or free courses for my subscribers and now working on it… I wish it will help grow my email list as what you did. Thanks for sharing…
Hi Kimsea, Thank so much for stopping by. That’s great your blog is growing too! I think the strategies you’re doing is awesome so keep it up! I love doing round up posts and I love being featured in them. For some reason, this year – 2016 – I’ve been asked many times to contribute to posts for my Elna Cain site. Free email courses rock!
This is so what I needed. I wasn’t sure where I should be aiming on increasing anything in particular. Now I can make out a road map that fits for me. Thank you so much!
Hey Tammy, That’s great! So happy to help. Are you using Pinterest and Facebook to promote your content?
That’s a lot of tips! Thanks! I need to change a few things
Hi Yulissa! Thank you! What blog growth traffic tip are you doing to be using?
Love this post, it’s so encouraging! I might need to look into making my page load time quicker. Thanks for the tips!
Hey Christine! Thanks a lot. Yeah I find load time almost a deal breaker for me! There are some sites that take much longer than 3 seconds to load and I bail. So yeah, consider decreasing your load time for sure.
Congrats, that’s fantastic! I need to improve my load time too x
Hey Yuliya! That’s great you’re going to improve your load time. It really does make a difference!
I love that you have such high goals & are kicking butt! There are so many great tips here I can’t wait to try!
Thanks a bunch Kristina! I often think my 10k email subscribers in a year is real lofty but it’s better to go big than go home eh? Thanks for your support.
Congratulations. This article was very informative. I like the fact that you show your stats.
Hey Roy, Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed reading my growth update. I love keeping track of what I’m doing to help generate more traffic to my site!
Great Job! I am trying really hard to grow my traffic! I have been blogging for four months and I have been working my BUTT off and yet I haven’t gotten really anywhere! It is kind of bothering me a little bit. I work on it every day! I like looking at everybody’s success to know that I WILL be able to do it!
Hey Nicole, Thanks so much. Yes it’s a lot of work. I’m super busy and at times super stressed by it all. For now, work on promoting your posts on Pinterest and Facebook. These two platforms have generated me thousands of shares and hundreds of comments. From there you can work on giving away free guides and stuff like that to grow your list! Good luck.
This is great! Very comprehensive. I’ve been considering doing a few videos or webinars on my blog and I’m going to come back to this as I prepare!
Hey Nicole, That’s awesome girl. I love doing webinars but it’s hard when my twins are napping above me. I can’t get all crazy and loud! Ha! And now that they may drop their nap in the next few months I’m not sure when I can squeeze a webinar in! Thanks a bunch for stopping by.
WOw this resonated with me so much! I started blogging April and it’s always awesome to meet a fellow newbie that’s joyful and excited at the growth. So cool that you did growth updates haha mine have included just an edited picture with text to thank everyone. Excellent goals and brilliant that you didn’t lie about whether you achieved them or not, I love that it’s only made you more encouraged about the future of your blog and aiming higher. Thank you so much for all the print screens and statistics, It really helps in a baseline for viewers to judge their blog’s success on and work for a brighter future. Might just wake some of the senior bloggers up lol or the newbies that haven’t been paying attention. I’ve learned so so much from reading this. Can’t wait to implement some.
Hey Enricoh, Thanks a bunch!I love chronicling my blog growth journey and I’m excited in the next chapter to monetize my blog somehow. I’m still debating whether I’ll start with affiliate marketing or service actually. We will see. Thanks so much for coming by!
Congrats on the great success you’re having. I need to focus more on growing my blog but im always so busy with work 🙁
Hey Melanie, I think you have your priorities right girl! Work pays the bills so focus on that. But, on your downtime, look at growing your blog 🙂 Thanks for the support.
Well done you! When I first started my blog I didn’t realize that it was a lot of hard work! But seeing success stories like yours gives me hope 🙂 Cheers!
Hey Jolina, Thanks so much! I’m glad my post is giving you hope for your blog! Having a strategy in place really works and I hope you use some of them for your blog!
Congratulations on your success Elna! You’re really rockin’ it hun! Thanks for sharing what worked for you. I’m sorry I missed your webinar – I bet it was fun and informative! Will you be having another? Wishing you continued success hun! Cori
Hey Corina, Thanks so much. Feel free to catch the webinar replay if you want until I make it my lead magnet. I am planning on more webinars and joint webinars too but I’m worried my twins will drop their day name any month now! If that happens my time is super limited and I may have to wait a long time…
omgosh! You are seriously killing it! I would live to achieve half of your success in this amount of time. I think you’ve gained a loyal follower. I would love to learn to monetize my blog. With baby 3 on the way I would love to stay home and earn a little bit of income demo my blog. Thanks so much for sharing!
Amanda, You. Read. My. Mind! I’m writing a blog post on different income ideas for a stay-at-home mom AND creating a wicket good content upgrade! Crossing my fingers I can pull it off and publish tomorrow!
Hi Elna Thanks again for being so open. Another amazing month! Finally found time this evening to sit down and listen to your Webinar. So much information – it’ll make a perfect lead magnet. You look very relaxed 🙂 I didn’t know that about the schedulers either – very interesting!
Oh Hey Jackie, Thanks a bunch for your support 🙂 I hope it will be a good lead magnet. If not, I’ll be back to the drawing board for sure. I’m going to clean the webinar up a bit so hopefully it’ll make a difference. Thanks for coming over and commenting! I love the support from all of you!
It’s so nice to see that other bloggers are linking to your blog! That really helps boost your SEO rankings 🙂 Zoe x
Hey Zoe! I know right? Having genuine backlinks are the best for SEO purposes so I hope this continues every month 🙂 I’m just dipping my toes into SEO tactics and will post my progress once I figure it all out!
This is great, Elna! I love seeing your growth posts! It keeps me motivated to keep going! And thanks for the shout out 😉
Hey Heather! Thanks for talking about my post on your blog! It’s the best when other bloggers feature your post right? Ha, so that’s why I did the same on my end 🙂 I hope to do this every month (feature other bloggers who have featured my blog) so we will see. Thanks for stopping by and being a loyal tribe member.