Category: Blogging

Why Tailwind Is Now Becoming More Important For Bloggers Using Pinterest

Starting your blog can be one of the best things you can start!

As a mommy blogger with five-year-old twins, I’ve seen how my blog has grown my income, helped me meet amazing mompreneurs and above all, inspire and serve my readers.

How to Open Up Your Blog for Guest Bloggers (+ Find Bloggers to Guest Post)

Did you know that you can open up your new blog for guest bloggers?

Why would you want to have submissions as a blog strategy?

And how do you open up your blog for guest writers?

There are multiple ways to increase blog traffic and one way is to turn your blog into a contributor blog.

This is a blog that has multi-authors and allows for a blog content calendar with fresh posts weekly, bi-weekly or daily.

And the blog traffic you gain can come from the writers sharing your blog post on their blog – or better – linking to your blog on bigger sites. This is a great SEO strategy.

How I Grew a New Blog from 400 to 40,000 Pageviews in One Month

Starting a new blog and increasing blog traffic is a proven system that big blogs use.

And my newest blog has grown its traffic quickly.

Before I go into that, this blog, Twins Mommy, started two years ago and in it’s first month I grew my blog to 4,000 pageviews. I was ecstatic and so happy.

I decided that I wanted to try to grow my blog traffic for Twins Mommy.

So, on my blog, I charted my journey to grow this blog. I have grown the Twins Mommy blog to over 60,000 pageviews!

How to Set Up Google Analytics and the Important Metrics for New Bloggers

You started a blog!

Congrats mama!

With a new blog, there are so many things to focus on. But, building your foundation for growing your blog should be your primary focus.

2 Little Unknown SEO Hacks for New Bloggers


If you’re a new blogger, I’m sure you’ve heard this term before.

It stands for Search Engine Optimization.

In simplest terms, your blog posts can be the #1 search result on Google (or on another search engine platform) when someone searches for a specific keyword or general term.

For example, here’s the result for Pinterest groups for moms.

How to Make Your Blog Look Professional (Be a Pro Mom Blogger)

You have an amateur blog.

You start a blog and then all of a sudden, you feel like you have to play catch up.

You have to learn all about blogging, SEO, Pinterest, Facebook, marketing, email and more. But, how can you when you’ve only been blogging for 24 days?

When I started my amateur blog, I was fortunate to have my husband help me with the design and development of my blog. He also helped me figure out things I wanted to know quickly.

I’m forever grateful for that. And that’s why I like sharing blogging, traffic and money tips to all of you!

4 Best Ways to Keep People on Your Blog Longer

Got a new mommy blog?

When I first started Twins Mommy, no one came to my site. I think only 8 people did at first. I even leveraged my other blog’s audience to grow my blog traffic for this blog.

But, that didn’t work (obviously) since my other blog’s audience is primarily men!

So, I had to make sure that when new people DID arrive at my blog, that I kept them here as long as possible.

Why is that important?

3 Types of Niches To Choose for Your New Blog

Have you started your blog yet?

Yay, if you have, great and congrats! This is a big step to make money and turn your blog into an amazing biz!

But, before you go figuring out blog topics for your new blog, you need first to figure out a blog niche idea. I’ve been blogging for a few years now and learned that there are three main types of blog niches for bloggers.

You ask, “what to blog about?” and nothing fills your brain.

How to Increase Blog Traffic in 2022

*Updated 2022*

It’s a new year, and that means it’s time to focus on your blog, right?

I don’t know about you, but when I start a new year, I am filled with amazing new ideas.

It’s not too late to start changing what you are doing to get blog traffic for your new blog.

Increasing blog traffic whether you’re a new blogger or seasoned blogger is still on everyone’s mind.

How to Reach Your First 25k Pageviews As a New Blogger


You want it.

You see it.


You can’t attract it no matter what you do.

I hear ya, mama!

I have several blogs, and I’m working hard on generating traffic for each of my blogs, and you know what? Each blog has a different traffic strategy!