Category: Blogging

129 SEO Topic Ideas for Writing Your Next Blog Post

Every blogger strives for it –

The day when their blog posts ranks in Google #1…or #2…or #3 position!

According to studies, the number one position can bring you 33% more traffic than spot 2 or 3!

And, if you’re monetizing your blog, having this position is a goldmine.

But, you know what?

How to Use Pinterest Trends to Write Your Next Blog Post

Having a hard time figuring out what to blog about on your blog?

Finding topic ideas for your blog can be hard. It is for me!

I have a lot of ideas but when I look at my blog, I already wrote about it!

So, I have to dig deeper and come up with different ideas or spin an idea I already wrote about.

How to Use WordPress for the First Time As a Blogger

You did it!

You started a blog and chose WordPress as your content management platform!

Yay! It’s scary but exhilarating at the same time. Then reality settles in, and suddenly you feel this is too much. Too overwhelming.

You just don’t know how to use WordPress, and now you feel like a failure!

How to Have an Engaged Blog Audience When You’re New

When you think about a blog, what comes to mind?

Do you see it as a diary of personal stories?

A place to learn from?

Or, do you find blogs a way to connect and feel a part of a group or cause?

7 Strong Methods for Promoting Content As a New Blogger

Isn’t it exciting?

You just started a new blog, and all those blogging ideas are coming to fruition.

You also created an editorial content calendar and know what blog posts you’ll be writing and how often you will publish them.

But one thing is missing.

You don’t have a plan to promote your content. Sure, you know you’ll share it on social media and let your IRL friends know about it.

And that’s it.

There was no thought into the exact strategies you can use to promote your blog posts as a way to get some mega blog traffic.

So, what can you do if you have a new blog with new blog posts and you want people reading it?

SEO Writing and Pinterest Topics for Your Blog

Are you a new blogger struggling to write blog posts to help you increase your website traffic?

SEO writing is one way to help you figure out blog post topics, but as new bloggers, you shouldn’t focus on only one source of traffic.

It’s also a good idea to focus your editorial calendar for your blog posts on Pinterest also.

Pinterest is a powerhouse platform when it comes to bringing engagement, clicks, and traffic to your site.

My Best Blog Writing Tips for Beginner Bloggers

Do you know the very first step of growing your blog?

It’s writing.

Writing that first blog post.

But, what if you have a blog, and you feel you aren’t the best writer?

What is Pinterest And How Do You Use Pinterest For Bloggers?

Ah, how do you use Pinterest for blogging?

Bloggers in different niches talk about the power of Pinterest.

How it helps them grow their traffic or explode their email list. But, if you’re a new blogger, what is Pinterest and how does Pinterest work for bloggers?

When I first started Twins Mommy, I actually never used Pinterest as a way to market my blog.

12 Best Mom Tech Blogs for 2022

Blogging is more than writing.

It’s very techy too.

From WordPress to plugins to syncing your email opt-in form to your blog, the list of tech things for blogging can go on and on.

But, did you know there are wonderful tech blogs out there just for mom bloggers? They are friendly, relatable and full of amazing tech tutorials to help you understand your blog and make sure you have all the tech things done right.

My Blog Post Template to Creating Amazing Blog Posts (As a New Blogger)

You’re stuck, overwhelmed, and worried about your blog.

You started a blog with as much enthusiasm as a kid in a candy store and had about a million blog ideas in your head.

You wonder, how do you write a blog post template that’s amazing, helpful and isn’t like the thousands of other blog posts that I see on Pinterest?

My first blog post was…well…bland and read like a school paper than an informational blog post.