Category: Blogging

28 Best Blogging Tools To Get Started With in 2024

Blogging is so much more than posting content and hoping people read it.

While it kind of started that way, blogging has now become a way to connect with people, help people, and even earn a living.


27 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners Without a Website

Are you looking for a way to make some extra cash without the hassle of managing a website?

Despite what you may think, you don’t need a site or blog to earn an income through affiliate marketing!

I know, this was new to me when I first started Twins Mommy!

How Long Does it Take to Make Money Blogging?

According to a recent survey, 27% of bloggers start earning money from blogging within six months – and 38% make a full-time income within two years.

No Time to Blog? How to Blog Consistently When New

I have not time to blog anymore!

I have multiple sites, twins for the summer and extra curricular activities in the winter, and home renovation after home renovation to get through.

Is this your life too as a mom?

How to Add Affiliate Links to Your Blog (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

Are you ready to take your monetization game to the next level?

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to earn passive income by promoting products and services you genuinely believe in.

18 Blogger Resources You Need (Recommended & Reviewed)

When I first started my mom blog, I spent hours just learning about blogging and finding the best blogger resources.

That’s why I’m excited to share my personal list of the best blogger resources for beginners that I not only recommend but also personally vouch for!

Grow Mega Traffic Using Pinterest in 2024 (This is How)

Right now, Pinterest is STILL the best way for brand new blogs to grow their traffic.

I know how challenging it can be to attract traffic to a brand new blog.

6 Important Tips for New Bloggers (I Wish I Knew)

New bloggers, if you could have a roadmap to making six figures with your blog, would you use it?

You might say yes as a knee-jerk reaction, but just think about it:

Most new blogs fail. That’s right.

30 Free & Pretty Habit Tracker Printables (Weekly, Circle, 100 Day and more)

Don’t you just hate it when you forget to do something you needed to do?

150 Creative, Good, and Interesting Topics to Write About

You started a blog this year and in a few months you are stuck and have no idea what to write about.

You want to pivot but you only have a handful of blog posts you’ve written.

What are interesting topics to write about that will gain an audience?