Category: Blogging

5 Blogger Tips to Give You a Huge ROI

You’re new, struggling and finding it all challenging as a blogger.

I get you.

The blog tips you may hear aren’t helping you increase your website traffic or it’s not even helping you grow your followers on social media.

When you decided to start a blog to make money, you didn’t realize all the possible ways you can make money blogging or how difficult it can be as a new blogger.

But, I want to change that for you!

How to Write a Converting About Me Page (About Me Template)

Did you recently start a blog so you can start making money?

You’ve been following some awesome blogs and have learned some proven ways to make money blogging. Now, you want to try it.

But, hold up!

A huge prerequisite to making money blogging is trust.

17 Wonderful Writing Blogs to Inspire Your Creativity

So, you want to start a blog to share all of your creativity and writing. Good for you!

I LOVE writing and blogging translates so well with writing.

Whether you’re a teacher wanting to help people with their grammar or you’re a closet author that wants to grow an audience for your soon-to-be books, having a writing blog can feed your soul – and your audience’s soul.

14 Lifestyle Blogs to Follow in 2024 that Make Money

Lifestyle blogs!

You see them on Pinterest everywhere and read them all the time.

You are ready to start a blog, and you can’t wait.

I want you to know that I’m here for you! I will hold your hand through the entire life blog process from start to success!

But, before you consider blogging, you might be wondering about a niche blog, or a lifestyle blog, and figuring out what to blog about.

What to Blog About – The Simple Step-by-Step Guide for 2024

What to blog about…

You have about a million blog topic ideas floating around in your head and don’t know what to blog about or what topics to write about.

Should you blog about everything and anything or one thing?

Does a blog niche topic really matter when you have a brand new blog?

54 Simple Ways to Increase Website Traffic in 2024

Did you know that there are some simple, yet effective ways to increase your website traffic?

I know –

For a new blogger, this seems like a huge mountain to climb. But, it doesn’t have to be.

How to Start a Blog + What To Do After (2024 Edition)

When I first started blogging, I had no idea if I would make money blogging or if I would stick with it!

But, I did!

I replaced my full-time income only blogging part-time – and with twin toddlers to boot!

Learning how to start a blog was one of the best decisions I made for my family.

Now both my husband and I stay home, hustle together and create the life we want for our twins.

My twins are eight years old now, and I’m doing this full-time!

What is a Blog? Learning the Blog Definition

When I first decided to stay home with my twins, I looked online to find out what I can do to make money at home.

My husband has always worked at home and he suggested to read blogs and learn what is a blog.

I wasn’t too familiar with blogging, but I soon learned how a blog can help you make money and stay home for good.

If you are new and wondering what is a blog, I thought this post might help break this down and make it easier to understand!

You might hear blog or website thrown around. Maybe even self-hosted blog or WordPress blog. What is what and is there a right way to blogging?

How to Create an Editorial Calendar to Organize and Plan Blog Posts

Excited because you wrote your first blog post?

It’s thrilling isn’t it!

But, sometimes the thrill is short lived because your new content didn’t attract many readers!

Want to know a secret?

When I first started Twins Mommy, I launched my blog with only 1 blog post! I was excited and I was sure I was going to get readers. I even emailed my freelance writing list of thousands about this new blog and blog post.

Want to know what happened? I barely got 5 visitors!

I was missing something!

It was a plan for my blog. I needed a calendar of what I was going to publish, instead of relying on one blog post to attract readers.

And, one of the hardest things new bloggers face is planning that editorial calendar for the month or the quarter.

I have several blogs and every day I have to come up with blog topics in different niches. But how can you organize your blog post ideas as well as each blog post to ensure you are growing your blog each day?

How to a Monetize a Blog in 2024 (A Mom Blog Guide)

You want to monetize a blog for 2024!


When I started a mom blog my twins were still babies. I’m so glad I started even though I felt I had no time as a new mom. Finding the time to blog meant that I had to work when everyone was sleeping.