
17 Wonderful Writing Blogs to Inspire Your Creativity

So, you want to start a blog to share all of your creativity and writing. Good for you!

I LOVE writing and blogging translates so well with writing.

Whether you’re a teacher wanting to help people with their grammar or you’re a closet author that wants to grow an audience for your soon-to-be books, having a writing blog can feed your soul – and your audience’s soul.

I thought it would be nice to feature some of the writing blogs that have inspired me to become a freelance writer!

These writing blogs may help you gain the confidence to start your own creative blog and share your knowledge of writing!

If anything, it can be a place to share your stories!

Top Writing Blogs for 2019

1. Elna Cain

My other blog, Elna Cain, is a website to help people become freelance writers.

While I do primarily share business and marketing topics for freelance writers, I do have some blog posts about writing and the craft of writing.

Over the years, I’ve shared some of my best writing tips to help new freelance writers become better writers.

Here are some writing topics on my blog:

2. Goins Writer

Jeff Goins is a popular best-selling author and influencer in the writing industry.

Jeff’s blog also has a great podcast in case you don’t have time to read his content (which, by the way, is very practical and helpful).

His standpoint is that he wants to help writers with their creative outlet and he does that by providing books and courses and his blog and podcast.

I really enjoyed his post and podcast on how to create a writing habit. For many of us – including bloggers – finding the time to write and making that a habit is a challenge! It is for me!

I get into spurts of energy and can write 20,000 words in one week, but then I burn out. Instead, it’s better to find a consistent pattern where you can find time to write.

3. The Measured Mom

Anna’s amazing blog helps teachers and parents with their child. She has a lot of resources to help kids learn to write and read and love math. This is a great resource for any mom.

Anna provides writing lessons so that you can have “school” at home.

I like her lesson on handwriting. Incorporating different ways to learn your letters is important to help children learn to love writing and reading!

4. The Write Life

The Write Life was one of the first sites I visited when I wanted to become a freelance writer. This site caters to freelancers and authors and has a lot of great topics to help you spark your creativity and make money with your passion.

A great post for freelancers is what to do during tax time. You have a business now, so you have to make sure you do everything right.

5. Helping Writers Become Authors

K.M. has an amazing blog to help writers become successful authors. For many freelance writers and bloggers, having a published work of art is a goal or dream for them.

And K.M. can help you achieve that!

I’ve never been aspired to write a fiction book, but I know that if I did, I would go to K.M.s blog! Her post on how to choose your story’s plot points seems like a post I would want to read to help me write my book.

6. Be a Freelance Blogger

I love Sophie’s blog. This is also a site I visited early on in my freelance writing journey.

Her site is a contributor blog and it has a lot of great advice from freelance writers I admire.

Often the content on Sophie’s blog IS NOT conventional wisdom; rather the posts are personal and offer unique advice from actual freelance writers living this life.

I enjoyed Pinar’s post on the anti methods to get work done as a freelancer.

7. Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman’s blog provides educational advice on the business side of writing.

Her audience is primarily authors and what’s great about her blog is that she melds the writing advice with the marketing advice.

Her post on how to build traffic to blogs is a great resource for any blogger!

8. The Quiet Type Blog

I love Katie’s blog! I recently found her on Pinterest when she invited me to contribute to some of her group boards.

Since I didn’t know her then, I checked out her blog and was pleasantly surprised! She has great advice for bloggers and freelance writers!

Her advice on creating credibility as a freelance writer is spot on!

9. Smart Blogger

Jon’s blog is a huge influential site that many new bloggers learn about blogging. But, did you know that Jon is a copywriter?

His blog posts showcase wonderful storytelling and writing ability that anyone can learn from.

I remember reading his blog posts and learning how to capture an audience and how to write engaging content.

And what’s great is that his content is easy to read and easy to implement. His post on 595 power words that will make you a better writer should be in every bloggers’ and writers’ swipe file!

10. Men With Pens

James Chartrand – a woman – created Men With Pens.

Her blog is a great resource for writers to learn more about copywriting and effective storytelling to help you make more income. Unfortunately, her site isn’t updated, but the content is highly evergreen and highly helpful.

I enjoyed her post on how to correct your passive voice when you write.

11. Contena Blog

Contena is a freelance job platform with a great blog. It was one of the earliest investments I made to help me make more money as a freelance writer. And I was happy I did this.

Contena’s job platform has high-paying gigs, ghostwriting gigs, submissions, and even contract work. It curates jobs all over online and has them in one place.

Their blog is a great resource for any writer or freelance writer. They hire staff writers and one of them is Sara from Get Mom Balanced.

I love Sara’s post on her interview with The Penny Hoarder as it’s helpful for new writers.

12. Freelancer FAQs

FreelancerFAQs is my other contributor blog I own!

This blog helps freelancers manage their business. We have content for work at home moms that freelance or for side hustlers too.

I love the post on how to overcome your fear of writing. Fear is such a big block for writers and bloggers alike. Kimberly’s post provides sound advice.

13. Ashley Gainer

Ashley is a fellow freelance writer I know. She’s also a mama!

Her voice is raw and real, and she can relate to many moms:

I’ve freelanced as a kid-less at-home wife, while an underemployed nonprofit employee, as a single mom with no childcare, and as a married/pregnant mom of two (and now soon to be three) kids who aren’t yet old enough for kindergarten.

14. Creative Revolt

Jorden is a kick-ass freelance writer and marketer.

She curses but tells you like it is. Her YouTube presence is huge and so is her Facebook group.

She’s cultivated a following and I’m a fan of hers.

Her post on freelance writing motivation is no bullsh** advice!

15. Freelance and Marketing

Mariam is a course student of mine, and I love her blog.

She marries content marketing tips with freelance writing tips with legal tips.

She’s a freelance lawyer and anything to do with the legal side of blogging, I go to her!

But her freelance writing tips are amazing. Learn how she earned $5400 in one month as a freelance writer!

16. Become a Writer Today

Bryan Collins is a fantastic writer. He’s also a Forbes contributor and a great friend to have. When I launched my freelance writing course, he graciously let me guest post on his site.

We’ve stayed in touch ever since.

His blog does have contributors and what’s great about opening up your blog for contributors is consistent content and varied content that is up-to-date. If I had a book I would want to know how to promote it effectively.

Bryan’s guest post on how to promote your book on Instagram can help any new writer gain a promotional strategy.

17. Lisa Tanner Writing

I saved the best for last mamas!

Lisa is a freelancer and a mom to 9 children….and she homeschools! Yes, she is the mom to go to for balancing it all.

I like how she incorporates topics for moms but focusses on writing. For example, I like this post on how to use Hatchimal actives for family writing time.

Be sure to check out her blog!

Starting a Writing Blog


So you saw 17 amazing writing blogs to help you inspire your own blog.

Let’s go through the process of starting that blog.

1. Start a Self-hosted WordPress Blog

The best type of blog to start is one that is self-hosted and on WordPress. Now, there are a lot of other options when you start a blog, but from experience, this combination is the best.


There are over 170 million WordPress blogs out there, and even the biggest brands use them – like Beyonce!

And having a self-hosted website means everything you do on your blog belongs to YOU. It is your piece of the internet, and you have the potential to make hundreds of thousands of dollars with your blog.

If you need help starting your blog, check out my guide and check out my other guide on what to do after you start a blog.

2. Consider Using Your Name as Your Blog Name

One of the hardest decisions you will make with your blog is what to name your blog.

If you saw from the examples of writing blogs, many of them use their name – including me!

If you can grab your name as the URL, get it! It’s a valuable asset to have even if you don’t use it for this blog.

3. Figure Out What You Will Write About

Since this is a niche blog all about writing, you can explore the different audiences and different content.

For example, will you help:

  • authors
  • those wanting to be an author
  • freelance writers
  • screenwriters
  • online writers
  • college students
  • high school students
  • toddlers on learning how to write
  • teachers
  • moms
  • homeschool parents

You can blog to more than one audience, but it’s best to pick one type of audience and use that as a springboard to create content for them.

From there it becomes easier to figure out what to blog about.

So, if you decide to help homeschool parents, you can focus on curriculum and writing activities.

Or, if you want to help authors become self-published authors, your blog can help them from the beginning process of creating a book to publishing it to finally promoting it.

4. Develop a Monetization Strategy

Now, here comes the fun part – deciding how you will make money blogging.

From the examples, you can see how these writing blogs make money.

Many of them provide courses or services.

And others use affiliate marketing to grow their income.

It’s a good idea to diversify your income streams and do one or more monetization strategy.

For example, on my Elna Cain blog, I sell courses, offer a service and do affiliate marketing.

By using more than one strategy to make money, you ensure that when one stream slows down (or dries up), you have other ways to “pay the bills.”

5. Develop a Promotion Strategy

Did you know that Pinterest is a great platform for writing blogs?

I had no idea until I realized that the writing topic on Pinterest is huge! 15 million pinners follow writing topics.

If you have a blog, I would work on promoting your content on Pinterest. I would search for writing and similar topics and use that as help to figure out more content ideas.

You can also look at growing your Facebook page as a writer.

My freelance writing Facebook page has over 4,000 Likes.

I provide polls, my content, Facebook Lives, and I feature other writers too. It’s a great platform to connect with your audience and get to know them on a different level.

Blogs Sharing Their Passions

There ya go!

These are some of the best writing blogs covering a myriad of topics and audiences.

If you love writing and talking about writing, why not start a blog?

Over to you – do you have a writing blog? Share it in the comments! I’d love to check it out!


Hi, Elna. This is a pretty awesome blog. I appreciate the content, and I’m sure many others will as well.
Hi Derrick, You’re welcome! Glad you liked my post on writing blogs!
This is such a great list! I’ve been looking for more writing blogs to follow, so I can’t wait to dive into these.
Hi Rachel, Me too! I love this list also and I refer back to it a lot!
Hi Elna! Thanks for including The Quiet Type in your roundup. 🙂 I can’t wait to check out some of these other blogs!
Hey Katie, Love your blog girl! It’s a great resource for writers and bloggers! Thanks for stopping by!
I loved this post Elna! Thanks for including my site in this list. I am truly honored. Your course was amazing! I have yet to find a course that overdelivers as much as yours did filled with such amazing action steps and advice. Thank you!
Hey Mariam! You’re very welcome! I am enjoying the blog posts you have! They are very helpful! Thank you so much for doing all you do!
Love love love this post! Sometimes it feels like you read through me and write a new post about just what I’m most interested in at the time given… I’ve seen you shared this on Facebook with a different, Facebook friendly image, but I don’t see that image here. Did you only upload it on Facebook or did you hide it in the post?
Hi Nikki! You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed these writing blogs. I LOVE writing and learning about writing and freelance writing! It has a special place in my heart! As for the Facebook image, I create three images for my blog posts – my pin image, my FB or Twitter image and the feature image you see on the blog roll.