
How to Write a Converting About Me Page (About Me Template)

Did you recently start a blog so you can start making money?

You’ve been following some awesome blogs and have learned some proven ways to make money blogging. Now, you want to try it.

But, hold up!

A huge prerequisite to making money blogging is trust.

Your audience needs to trust you. When they trust you, they listen to what you have to say and what you recommend to them.

And, do you know an easy way to start building trust with your audience?

With an About Me Page!

But, maybe you’re wondering what do you put on your About me page when you’re brand new? You haven’t shown your credibility in your niche, or you haven’t really read other blogs or really know what this blogging this is all about.

That’s okay.

I’ll walk you through an About me template that you can adopt, modify or use for your own page.

My First About Me Template

One of my first copies of my About Me template for Twins Mommy is this one:

There’s more to this page, but we’ll go through the how to write one soon!

What I like about reading other blogger’s About me page is a quick introduction to who they are. And, most importantly, that I know their name!

All too often, I go to a beautiful blog, see pictures of the blogger, but have no idea who they are!

Sure, you might think this is an all about me template but really it’s a way to show new readers who you are and welcome them into your world of blogging!

What I end up seeing though are comments from other bloggers who just use their blog name, and on their About me page they say, “I” instead of sharing their name!

That’s why for all my About me pages, I tell new readers my name first.

Here you need to have a short bio example of yourself. This means in a couple of sentences, explain who you are and how you serve.

For my Instagram profile I serve other creators and SaaS businesses but I also speak to mom bloggers! 

So go ahead and create a few short bio examples to use for social media and make sure they all are cohesive with your brand.

What About Blogging Anonymously?

What if you want to blog anonymously? How can you have a converting about page template?

What I would do is use your logo or an avatar or the back of you.

You can find a way to still connect with your audience without showing your face!

How to Write An About Page

One of the most popular pages on your blog is your About page.

Users want to get to know the blogger, not the blog.

With your About me page, you can share a snippet of who you are and what your blog is about. You can also use this page to promote any popular blog posts you have or ones that make you money.

Finally, it can be a way to grow your email list or promote your own products!

Have you started a blog yet? Share your About me page in the comments! I’d love to view them!

Remember to pin me!


Hi, most of these examples show the faces of the bloggers. While I get that that’s good to make people relate to you, I personally am not comfortable sharing my photos (faces) or location. Is that bad for my new blog? Am I not going to be successful if I chose this route of not sharing details about myself?
Hi, It might be challenging to build a brand without a face. For me, those that don’t have a face are usually big content sites like Huffington Post or Thrive Global. These sites have hundreds of contributors. So maybe open up your site for contributors and that might work?
I love, Love, L-O-V-E these About pages! CurliestofSues, hurry up and get that blog posted, would ya? I cannot wait to read what you’ve got to say! Elna, your blog is informative and fun. Love it! I also love that you hone in on the fact that you want to HELP people, and you drive that point home beautifully! I’m so glad I found your little corner of the web! Look for me soon…I’m still fumbling with a name…but I’m launching soon!
Hi Ivy, Thanks so much for your kind words! Thanks so much for hanging out on my corner of the web 🙂
Hi Elna, it’s nice to meet you! I just found your blog and I’ve already become a fan! This post has already helped me craft a great (or at least I think so) starting point for my About page. I haven’t launched my site yet, I have a January launch plan, so I’m getting as much done as I can now. Would you be able to take a look at what I have and offer some feedback? I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your time. _Start About page_ Hi, I’m CurliestofSues but you can call me Sue! (larger font) Thank you for checking out my site, I’m excited that you’re here! I Prefer Pencils is a blog dedicated to showing you that you aren’t alone. I share my short stories about anything and everything and throw in some posts about life. I hope to hear about your life too. (bold) I work a full-time gig, but I love to write and talk to people. A few years ago, I lost my mom to a short but intense battle to Cancer. The big C. Thanks to a genetic mutation, it’s taken a lot of people in my family at a young age and I would have fallen apart if it wasn’t for my husband. He is my rock. When my mom passed, I found a document on her computer. She was trying to write a book. Her book, about her life and her experiences. My mom only got to write ONE sentence. The realization that my mom didn’t get to finish something she wanted to do her whole life has haunted me for years. I started this journey to do something that I have been wanting to do for years, share stories. Whether they are fiction or not, I wanted to try to get these out there. Full transparency here….I’m learning about this whole blogging thing as I go. I hope you’ll go on this journey with me. Connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest! (bigger and different color) Here’s the fun stuff (bold) I love ice cream. Seriously, any time of the year. If I see an ice cream shop, no one can stop me from grabbing some of that yumminess. I’m a huge nerd. I play Dungeons and Dragons; video games and I’m obsessed with board games. My blood is actually sugar. I bake so much that I’ve shifted into a cookie. I’m still trying to perfect the decorating part, but my flavors are on point…at least that’s what everyone tells me. Maybe they are secretly trying to get my on Nailed It… Make sure to check out I Prefer Pencils every Wednesday for a new blog post! (bigger and different color) Have a wonderful day, Sue
Hi Sue, Great About me page. You can update it as you know more about your niche for your new blog. Make sure it’s angled to HELP others with their problems!
I’ve had my blog up for a few mos not a very long time & I’m just now getting to the “about me page” ?? but here it is “Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Gloria Mondragon. My family & I recently relocated from Texas to Florida. I married my best friend and we currently have two incredible little girls together. My favorite title is “Mom”. My daughter actually says, “Momma”, I love it and I don’t ever want to be demoted to just “mom” hee-hee. I help expecting mothers during their first year of pregnancy even if they’ve had a child before. I advocate and bring awareness to a condition, called Placenta Previa. I’m a mother-mentor by helping many moms on how to deal with this condition during their pregnancy journey. I’m a multi-passionate mom with experience in education, writing, acting, and advocacy. Take a look around & reach out to me if you have any questions. Thanks again. I look forward to connecting with you!” I didn’t want it to sound super formal cause I’m kind of spunky/funny/down to earth in real life…so since I do 1: 1 it’s easier for that person to connect with the way I write/am. Make sense? (for ex. LinkedIn is different platform, that’s super professional & my blog is more my space, fun, sharing my journey, etx. Even though it’s a way for me to get “prospects” & “grow my email list” I think being your true self is important. I have so much to learn & I plan to continue my journey with the world even if it’s slow. I’m super proud to be a part of your community. Love your work Elna ❤ -Gloria, from @AllThingsMaternal
Hey Gloria, That’s a great About Me copy. I would try to put the why behind your blog as the first main sentence. People hop onto your blog, then go to your About page. You want to tell them, stop! You’re in the right place. I help (x) with (x). The reader quickly identifies with your blog. Then you can go into your story! Good luck!
Hi Elna I recently came across your blog and I truely appreciate all your efforts towards helping new moms like me to establish themselves in the field of blogging. I am becoming a great fan of yours with every post that I am reading here. Please please go through my ‘about me’ page and let me know how is it? Is it up to the mark or not? Would love to hear from you. Here is my About Me page: Thanks in advance
Hi Fiza! Your About page is good. I would try to speak to your audience in the first few sentences though or tell me what your blog is about before you dive into your personal story!
Hi Elna Thank you so much for writing this post I always wanted an expert like you to show me how to write an about me page. You are very correct an about me page is the most visited page on your site I’ve seen it on Google analytics. I have a few questions, Launched my blog this January, as I am still trying to become familiar with the blogging life I didn’t add any image of myself on my blog or on social media platforms but I always feel this might affect my blog, what’s your take on this one? will I become successful without showing my face on my blog? The other thing is, I’ve added some ads on my about me page is it a good practice or I must remove the ads? Here is my about me page Thanks once again!
Hi Zayac, You’re blog looks great! It I see you have comments so that’s also great. From the look of it, it doesn’t seem to hurt your blogging journey by not sharing a pic of yourself. For example, Anna of Real Ways to Earn Money Online doesn’t show her face on her blog or her social media profiles – So, it’s totally possible! Good luck!