
5 Momtastic Tips to Start a Blog While Taking Care of Your Child

Are you thinking about starting a blog?

If you’re on Pinterest you might have seen some pins about how great blogging is for mamas! From monetizing your blog to networking with other mamas to getting to know your audience, blogging is an amazing and creative outlet for moms.

I know for me, one of the reasons I wanted to start Twins Mommy was to have that outlet to talk about the challenges of being a work-at-home mom and to meet others doing the same.

While Twins Mommy has grown to helping mom bloggers with little children become successful mompreneurs, I still get excited every time I create a post of pin graphic!

But, I won’t lie; starting a blog while having to take care of my twins isn’t easy! My twins no longer nap (a unicorn died when they dropped their nap….) don’t go to daycare and all they want is to go outside, paint and do playdough.

Do you have little ones at home and not sure you can start a blog? Here are my tips to help you be successful in starting your blog when you think you don’t have the time or the patience…because there is NEVER the right time to starting something new.

Before you get into the nitty gritty of this post, I want to let you know that I have a step-by-step tutorial on how to start your own mom blog. Indulge today and invest in yourself mama! You won’t be disappointed!

1. Know Your Why

It’s much easier to pull the trigger and start your blog when you know the why behind it. What is the main reason you want to start a blog? Is it to:

  • Share your experience in a topic
  • Help others
  • Inspire others
  • Teach others
  • Build a following
  • Have a creative oulet

People start blogging for different reasons and it’s important to know yours. As I mentioned before, I started Twins Mommy to share my experience as a work-at-home mom.

If I can help others doing the same then my blog was worth it.

It can be hard to remember your why when you’re three months into blogging and you hit a plateau or you have blogger’s block and can’t think of topics for your blog. Plateaus usually happen during seasons or holidays or several months after you started your blog.

It happens to everyone so go back to your why and keep focused on your end goal and know how you’re going to complete those goals in mind.

One strong element to having a successful blog is having a blogger friend that’s in the trenches with you. When you have someone to be accountable, you actually do better and meet your deadlines!

2. Work During Nap Time or Quiet Time

My twins no longer nap and it’s really hard to find any time to blog. I’ve had to find creative ways to occupy my twins and make sure they are happy doing it!


  • water play in the bathroom
  • cutting paper
  • stamping galore
  • spaceship and camping play
  • stickers
  • watch a TV show (but that doesn’t even work anymore since they have different preferences. My daughter loves My Little Pony. My son loves Rescue Bots. Neither enjoys the other’s shows…so it’s a stalemate a lot of times…)

Anything to keep them a bit quiet so I can create a blog post or email newsletter or client work. Something else that’s helped a lot is being a fast typer!

If you can type faster, you can whip out a blog post in no time. So, do practice typing tests!


And one thing to remember, is to not beat yourself up if you don’t end up having time to write a blog post or have time to promote your blog post.

That’s hard for me. For a while I was writing two blog posts a week – good ones too! But, I got too busy with my client work and other obligations and my twins stopped napping, so I mostly write one blog post a week. This slows down your traffic, but if that’s all you can do for now, then do it!

If I can write two posts a week, then I’ll do it, but I don’t kick myself if it’s not every week.

If your little one still naps, take the time to batch your tasks and get your content schedule up and running. And if your little one doesn’t nap, work before they wake up, when they are asleep for the night or find other ways (like quiet time) to focus on your blog.

3. Create a Plan

One of the biggest takeaways I got from my epic roundup of 40 moms was to have a plan and stick to it. Now, I don’t know know about you, but I do have a hard time sticking to a plan. I get distracted easy. But, I make sure to write it down, tell someone (my husband or blogger friends) and remain accountable.

I have plans for this blog and for my Elna Cain blog and juggling that is a little hard at times. For most of March I focused on revamping and re-launching my Write Your Way to Your First $1k course.

I totally re-did my sales page, redesigned it and created more graphics too. I also moved the course to Teachable and because of the revamped and new lessons and new platform, raised the price.

I also did five days of Facebook live sessions for freelance writing tips as part of my launch and boy oh boy…that didn’t leave much time for Twins Mommy.

Now, it’s April, and I’m switching focus on Twins Mommy! Go figure…for you though, having one blog and one focus is ideal. Spend time creating a plan (want some free planners? Click here to find the perfect one you want) and pinpoint these things:

Now, if your blog is a fun blog and you’re not sure if you want to monetize it, then your plan can be completely different! So, based on your why, create a plan and goals around that why.

4. Block 20 Minutes 4x a Day

Okay mamas!

Let’s get down and dirty and think about your day. What does it look like? For me, I spend a half hour doing email in the morning and the rest of the day is a combination of doing chores and blocking time to work.

I block 20 minutes and work on my blogs and business. Twenty minuets is the perfect time for your child to be focused and then move on.

It’s also proven that this amount of time is effective to be more productive.

So, what can you do in 20 minutes:

  • Set your Tailwind and Buffer accounts
  • Reply to emails
  • Draft a blog post outline
  • Create several pin graphics
  • Write a newsletter
  • Engage in Facebook groups to grow your brand
  • Answer comments on your blog
  • Look at affiliate programs to join
  • Read two blog posts and comment on them
  • Write the introduction of your post
  • Start creating a lead magnet or content upgrade
  • and more….

Remember, you have four blocks so you can effectively write a blog post during these blocked times (outline, intro, body, conclusion and graphic) if you’re a fast typer 🙂

5. Get Used to Distractions

You’re a mom and you’re working from home so get used to distractions from your child, family, friends, email and social media!

What I like to do is make time for distractions (one of my blocked times). I find time to take time to go on Facebook and Pinterest. Or I listen to a podcast and just take a few minutes to read social media posts and engage online!

Remember, starting a blog isn’t in a vacuum; you want to network with others and meet other bloggers in your niche and grow your community!

So mama! If you haven’t started a blog, what’s holding you back? Tell me in the comments. And, if you already started a blog, please tell me about it in the comments! I love reading new blogs!

Need More Help Growing Your Blog Traffic? Check Out Ready Set Blog For Traffic

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Elna- these tips are great! I know I am way too hard on myself some days about what did or did not get completed, so it’s good to remember what we are up against with our kids around. The Kermit gif is perfect- that really is me every time I try to sit down and work!!!!Reply to Haylee
Hey Haylee! Ha, I know, right! As soon as I’m on the laptop I’m typing away at hyperspeed trying to catch up! I’m so glad you found this post helpful. I know a lot of bloggers want to monetize their blog but you really have to get your blog ready for that!Reply to Elna
Yes hyper speed! I have 49 drafts waiting on me to find the time… I mean formatting & graphics ? Always open to feedback- there’s so much conflicting advice for newbies!Reply to Haylee
Great tips. My son goes to playgroup for 3 hours a day but realistically when you take into account meeting other mums, family members phoning for a chat and chores, I probably end up with 45 minutes a day to work on my blog!Reply to Amy
Hi Amy! I know right?!! LOL. Trying to find time to blog with little ones is super duper hard 🙂 And then trying to make money with your blog makes is doubley hard!! Just baby steps…that’s what I step forward and 5 steps back!Reply to Elna
Love these tips Elna! Especially the one about being ready for distractions. They’re always there, so I need to just go with it ❤️Reply to Carrie
Hi Carrie, Thanks for stopping by! Glad you found these tips helpful and YES distractions are huge with little ones!!!Reply to Elna
Sometimes it does feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Between taking care of the family and trying to make money from home, it can be a real challenge! I really like your idea of blocking 20 minutes a day 4 times a day. That seems very doable unlike trying to sit down for a couple of hours at a time.Reply to Beth
Hi Beth, Thanks and yes 20 minute blocks seems to be the PERFECT time for little one’s attention spans!! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
These tips are great! I think these tips could even help those that already have blogs.Reply to Kim
Hi Elna! I love you blog and can relate even though I am not a mom! I currently still work full time at my 9-5 and I’m in grad school, so these tips are helpful to fit in blogging with any type of distractions. Your blog is motivating me to continue the journey so that I can be a stay at home mom with a business in the near future. Looking forward to future posts! xoReply to Alexandra
Hi Alexandra, Thank you so much for telling me this! I’m so humbled by everyone’s comment. I know you’ll get there! Wow, full-time job AND grad school. I could never do that!!! Amazing lady boss here!! I know you’ll smash it as a mompreneur when the time comes!!Reply to Elna
All of these are amazing tips and super important! Especially getting used to distractions. Sometimes I can get a nice hour of work in before the sun rises or during nap time. Depending on the day, I’ll do 15-20 minute work sprints in between my toddlers adventures around the house. Years ago when I first started blogging, I was just doing it without a real purpose. Knowing WHY I blog now really helps me be more productive since I know who I’m writing for and what they are interested in.Reply to Zakiyah
Hi Zakiyah! That’s awesome! As moms, you just go with the flow and if there’s 20 minutes there, then you take it! I so agree with you about knowing your why and honoring it. You have to follow that path if you want your blog to succeed!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Oh yeah, these are great tips for mama bloggers. I like that you said ‘get used’ to distractions because with kids around there is no way to avoid it. 🙂 Great post hun. No doubt I’m passing this along. Hope you’re having a great week! CoriReply to Cori
Hey Cori! Thanks so much for sharing it! Yes, as I’m typing this my twins are playing with their little robot dogs saying, “mom did you see that? Watch mom!” Yeah.. I just wanted a minute to answer my comments!! 🙂Reply to Elna
My daughter isn’t napping and was driving me bonkers yesterday! I’m going to have to work when she goes to bed for the night.Reply to April
Hey April, I know! It was a sad day in my house once BOTH my twins decided not to nap…I have NO time now..but I am teaching them to have quiet time, loud time and other time that doesn’t require me! ha…it’s working a bit..Reply to Elna