
How to Triple Your Affiliate Earnings on Your New Blog

Raise your hand if you’re a newbie blogger and you’re doing some affiliate marketing?

For me, I didn’t start promoting products or services until after a year of doing freelance writing.

How to Triple Your Affiliate Marketing Earnings On Your New Blog

My focus online – at the time – was to build my freelance writing business so that I can earn a living from it.

If you have no clue what affiliate marketing is that’s okay!

I had no clue what it was at the time I started my biz.

If you’re new to blogging, affiliate marketing basically is promoting other people’s products or services and earning a commission from it.

To help you, I have a YouTube video on how to make your very first affiliate sale!

And it doesn’t have to be other people’s things; it can be business’ products.

For example, many new bloggers join affiliate programs for hosting companies like Bluehost or SiteGround.

Typically, you become an affiliate because you fell in L-O-V-E with the product or service.

When you join an affiliate program, you earn a small commission – anywhere from 2%-80% or more – when you refer someone.

So, you make a piece of the profit every time someone clicks on your referral link and buys.

Easy money, right? And in one month, I was able to triple my affiliate earnings! And wait until how much I make a year later!

Before we dive into affiliate marketing, I have this guide of 12 rockin’ ways you can promote your affiliate products. Just sign up below to grab your guide.

Two Things to Make a Killing with Your Affiliate Earnings

I’m sure many of you know of Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income, right?

He’s THE one that does affiliate marketing and takes it to the next – or triple – level.

Here’s just a small screenshot of some of his affiliate earnings in ONE MONTH.

Screen Shot 2016-05-15 at 2.29.31 PM

How the heck did he do that?

Well, besides having the time to do it, the two main things he had was:


To make a living from your affiliate earnings alone, you’re going to need butt loads of traffic.  Not boatloads – buttloads 🙂

But, to earn a few hundred or even thousands from affiliate products, you don’t need tons of traffic, but you do need enough.

How much? If you’ve dialed in on your target audience, then 100-200 visitors a day can result in some conversions.

But, if your blog is all over the place and you’re attracting a variety of people, you might need 500 visitors or more to see any conversions.

To help you get more traffic to your new blog, check out my course, Ready Set Blog for Traffic!

Promotional Tactics

If you’re not killing it in your traffic – as most new bloggers are, including me! – one way to bypass that a bit is to promote, promote and promote.

But, there’s a right way and a wrong way to doing that.

Right way – placing your referral link naturally in relevant content.

Wrong way – spamming a post with your referral link, blasting it all over social media and your email list

As I mentioned earlier in this post, I started affiliate marketing this year with a freelance writing tool – Contena job board.

For most people who start an affiliate program, one of the first things you do is make a blog post about it. I didn’t do that.

And with a few clever things, though, I was able to triple my affiliate earnings in one month.

Why I Don’t Create Posts for My Affiliate Product

My other blog is a freelance writing blog. I divvy up tips on anything related to freelance writing. I knew that if all of a sudden I wrote a promotional post, I would get unsubscribes from my email list. Guaranteed.


Because for a whole year, I have only been giving the best tips around and nothing more.

I don’t have ads on my site or sponsored posts. Imagine going to a blog every week and reading stellar tips and then seeing a post about how great XYZ product is.

Would that turn you off?

Another big reason why I didn’t write a blog post was that a lot of promotional posts don’t have high engagement.

I didn’t want my blog to suffer like that. So, what did I do instead?

At first, I dropped my referral link in my most pinnable posts. I made three sales and earned $79.38.

Not bad for a few minutes of work, right?

But, being me and wanting to out do myself, I thought I could do better.

What I Did Instead to Triple My Affiliate Earnings

There are a ton of ways to promote a product or service (I mention these in my freebie!), but what I chose to do instead was create a tutorial based post and published it under Pages.

Created a Tutorial

I made my entire post a mini tutorial on how I used the product – the job board – with screen shots and tips.


For someone new to this product/tool, having a guide on how to use it is extremely helpful and converts a lot better since they are now more familiar with it.

Made a Pinnable Image

I knew I could market this post on Pinterest since I could use Tailwind to schedule my pins. Instead of blasting it on my Twitter account or Facebook, Tailwind can space out my affiliate pin across days.

I created a pin-worthy image and it’s been doing fairly well on Pinterst.

I then published under Pages, so that my loyal readers wouldn’t be annoyed by my affiliate post. If they happen to see it on social media, then that would be fine.

From there I scheduled it with Tailwind and when I got my next check I was shocked!

Wha-what! I couldn’t believe that.  I just scored an extra two hundred dollars in my account. All from one post and using Tailwind.

Now, whenever I write a blog post, instead of dropping my referral link, I link to my guide post.

**Update: I’ve an affiliate for this service for over a year now and that one little pin + blog posts that mention this link and its pin has generated a consistent $1k every month for me.

If you want even more ways to rock your affiliate earnings, pick up my list of 12 ways to promote your affiliate products.

And I’m already on track to making that amount and hopefully more for next month.

The Savvy Mompreneur

I think for many bloggers and mommy bloggers, building a tribe of loyal followers is on top of your list of things to do for your blog.

At least that’s what I want to do. I want to get to know my audience and those that leave comments on my blog and in Facebook.

Building a community is important to growing your blog and it’s important to me. I’ve been holding off on monetizing my blog so that I can build trust and credibility with my audience and get more traffic!

That’s not to say you can’t start making affiliate commissions right off the bat though. If it works for you, then why not, right?

As a new blogger though, you may want to try placing your referral link in your posts and then creating a separate tutorial or guide in Pages in WordPress. Some bloggers place that link in their menu then.

For example, Sarah Brooks of The Frugal Millionaire, has a ‘start a blog’ page with her affiliate link(s).


We be hustlers, day in and day out 🙂

Oh, and one more thing:

Don’t think affiliate marketing is sleazy.

Some bloggers are worried that they are “selling out” when they sign up to an affiliate program. You’re not!

You’re actually helping other bloggers figure out what works and doesn’t work.

Your readers come to you to learn from you and if you are successful in one area of your life because of an eBook you read or course you took, then tell them!

Over to you – how are you killing it with your affiliate marketing strategy?


Thanks for the helpful post! I will definitely save it! 🙂
Elna, your blog posts are so helpful. Thank you.
Hi Elna, this is another great post with insighful take home for me. Thank you.
I’m going to implement this these tips straight away. Thank you Elna x
Hi Lizzie! That’s awesome! So glad you found some good ideas to get some more income from your affiliate marketing strategy!
I enjoy reading your posts and I always learn something new each time. I tried twice to sign up for Promoting Affiliates guide but I received a 404 error each time. Is this still available? I started my blog earlier this year, I got frustrated and did not do anything for about 6 months. I decided to make another attempt in late September. Thanks for the valuable information you provide.
Hi! Not sure why? Try going here and sign up: If you are already a subscriber, in the welcome email I give you the password to the Mom Boss Vault where I keep all my freebies!
Thank you for this post! I’m a new blogger myself, I’m learning as I go. This post is very insightful ?
Hi Jaclyn, That’s great to hear! I hope you triple your affiliate earnings!
Thank you so much for such an informative post! I’ve learned so much!
Informative tips for a new blogger like me! I’m hoping it will work too since I don’t have any idea how to earn with affiliate marketing. Thanks.
Hi Chyrill, You’re welcome! Learning about affiliate marketing for new bloggers doesn’t have to be hard. Find the programs that work for you, sign up and start creating income-generating posts! Good luck!
Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences you learned along the way, I have been building up my blog and every day learning something new about blogging.
Hi Lia! I love how you are learning as you’re blogging! That’s how you do it!
Hello! I want to quit my day job and work from home. How do you suggest I start a blog to make money. What’s the first step? I don’t even really know what a blog is am feel so lost when I ever start to read about this stuff. I’m 46 years old and all ready to be in control of my time. Please help me figure out how to start?!
Hi Michelle, Thanks for stopping by! Blogging is a great way to make an income. What you are reading is a blog and it can be filled with words or videos to help your audience. You create content to attract a loyal readership and then you can monetize your blog by promoting products to your audience. Check out my free email course!
So much great information! You have got my brain thinking about ways to switch up what I’m doing and how I can make it better. I really like the idea of putting affiliates on their own page. It now makes sense to me why I have seen other bloggers do this! Lol! I’ve got some blog house cleaning to do, thanks to this post. 🙂
Hi Holly! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you liked this post and the ideas in it. Yes, putting your affiliate post on a separate page is something I like to do but I’ve also just posted on my blog a new affiliate post and that’s good too! I feel if you’ve been blogging for a year or more and THEN start affiliate marketing, it might be a good idea to ease your audience into this by placing your affiliate post on a separate page!
Thanks for all the helpful info 🙂 learning a lot 🙂 I am currently new to this affiliate marketing and working with a friend. Excited to learn more from you.
Hi Kate! You’re welcome. So happy you found this post and you found it helpful. I hope you picked up the free affiliate marketing guide!
This is great – thank you! Can you clarify: are you dropping the affiliate link into the “website” portion of your pin info, or are you directing the pin to you blog where those affiliate links are? I didn’t think I could get “credit” for purchases made through an affiliate link unless that link was on my blog. I’d love to be wrong!! Thanks, Tracy
Hi Tracy, I haven’t explored using affiliate links ON Pinterest. For now, I’m directing pinners to blog post where the links are there!
As a new blogger, this is super helpful! Thanks so much for sharing this info!
I didn’t start monetizing my blog until after 2 years will affiliate links. I used to think they were kind of sleazy, but if I am going to recommend a product that I love, it doesn’t hurt to earn a small commission from each purchase, eh! Thanks for your post, it was very insightful! 🙂
Hi Eden! Thanks so much. Yeah I didn’t start doing affiliate marketing until 2 years of blogging, so I know who it feels. I recently decided to try it out and so far I’m happy with my earnings!
I have just started with affiliate links and had made zero income. This is a very helpful post!
Hey Husna! I know what you mean. It might take awhile. I started affiliate marketing on this blog, but I haven’t done much except put some links in my blog. I know I have to do some tutorials to get some commissions!
Hey Elna, Loved this post! And so awesome that you’re making some income from that affiliate. I’ve only had one sale on an affiliate post so far. I need to start promoting the posts with the links more for sure. Not to mention, I totally went and put two different pages in my nav bar after reading this haha :). Thanks so much for the great info!
Hey Brianna! Thanks so much. Surprisingly, I’m not doing much on THIS blog for affiliate income. I just don’t have the time to devote to making some tutorial guides. But, I want to eventually! Thanks for stopping by!
This is so helpful. Thank you 🙂 i’ve been blogging for about 5 months now. I needed this since i’m a newbie in blogging.
Hey Lissy, You’re so welcome! Affiliate marketing is a fun thing to get into to generate some extra cash. You sort of set it and forget it! Good luck.
This article was incredibly helpful and inspirational! Thank you for posting!
Hey Melissa, That’s great! I’m glad you liked the post 🙂
Ok…your writing is SO compelling. I love, love, LOVE it! I’m blown away by the fact that you’ve grown so quickly and also that you don’t put ads on your blog. Personally, I don’t find products reviews or pitches sleazy, but I wholeheartedly agree with you that I could probably keep my blog “cleaner” by doing it the way that you do. GURL! You’re a genius. Congrats on your success. Let me go read some more of your articles. 🙂
Christi, Just a heads up. I liked you comment too so I clicked on your name and I was taken to a page with just your Affiliate Disclaitmer showing at the bottom. I think it is your mobile display setting bc I’m on a mobile device(Android) trying to view your website.
Hey Christi, I just took a sneak peak at your blog and it’s also compelling. I’m like, who is this woman! Copywriter? Wha-what? You make that much!? I’ll have to read some of your posts. Thanks so much.
This is a very useful read, thanks for the tips! I’m trying to figure out affiliate links now that I am 6 months in to my blog so hopefully I can generate some income. I am feeling more established finally but still need to up my traffic first. I will definitely be checking out your Pinterest group!
Hey Collette! That’s great you are wanting to monetize your blog. It doesn’t matter if your blog is 6 months old or 16 months old. I didn’t start doing affiliate marketing until after a year of having my freelance writing blog! Thanks for checking out my Pinterest group called Freelance at Home!
Good stuff on affiliate sales. Unfortunately, Contena, FlexJobs, etc. haven’t worked for me (but I know others it works REALLY well for.) I just ended up cold pitching to get clients. Maybe I’ll revisit those services to see what I am doing wrong. Thanks for posting!
Hi Aja, Thanks for stopping by! There are other places to be an affiliate courses, plugins, themes and other digital products. Good luck!
This is a great tip! I’ve seen a few bloggers have that “How to Start a Blog” page and now I understand it in a whole new way. Maybe I will join them when I actually get this whole thing figured out.
Hey Emma! That’s awesome! I want to join them too! It’s amazing that it’s still highly effective to generating some income…still. Glad you stopped by.
Great tips Elna! I’ll have to start doing more tutorial posts. 🙂
Hey Katie! Love your blog and design colors 😉 I’ll have to go to your blog more often and yes tutorial based posts are awesome because you get to help other people out. Thanks for stopping by.
I love this tip. Using an indirect route and still tripling your earnings. However, I don’t think I’d ever unsubscribe from your blog newsletter because you shared an affiliate link. I know that’s the way to pay the bills. But, I understand the fact that you don’t want to upset your subscribers.
Hi Jane, You’re so kind and honest, thanks! I said that only because I know for my other main list, it would be a shock if all of a sudden I started promoting products on my blog all the time. For a good year I wasn’t and NOW? So that’s why I “hide” my affiliate post on a page and just link to it in my blog. I also pin that page and see lot of traffic to that page and that’s great! Would I see more if it was exposed on my blog? Not sure. Thanks for stopping by!
Another amazing post of yours, you know how to hook your readers to read your posts. This is a great tip which I have never thought about. I am sure I will be using this tip in my blog too. Between, what about other posts if you want to write on the same topic ie Contena Pro. Will you be creating posts then and linking it to your page?
Hi Shadaan Thanks so much! Being a freelance writer does have it’s perks 🙂 I become good at hooking readers that’s for sure. Great question. If I’m writing a blog post and I’m talking about freelance writing jobs then I will link to my tutorial page where I talk about Contena Pro. That way the reader can hop onto that page and decide if they want to purchase the tool. I hope that makes sense!
Smart tips, Elna! That’s exactly what I did with BoardBooster – I created a post that showed people (with screen shots etc) exactly how I was using it to increase my Pinterest engagement. In my opinion, that’s one of the best ways to create affiliate sales – not only are you providing something that’s truly helpful to your readers, you’re showing them exactly how it works.
Hey Kelly! I know right? It’s a much less “salesy” way to market an affiliate post! For me, though, I like “hiding” it from my blog. My readers on ElnaCain value my tips and I feel if I suddenly start marketing my affiliate products, I’d lose out on traffic and followers.
I’ve only made one affiliate sale so far, and it was because of a friend. I really love this post and thanks for sharing. Are you still adding people to your group board? I would love to join?
Hey girl, That’s great you made one sale (even if it was from a friend). I’m sure you’ll grab some awesome ideas from this post and freebie! And yes, I’m still adding people to my group board! Just email me with your Pinterest email [email protected]
Excellent info, I booked marked this post!
Hey Kami! Thanks so much. I hope you like 🙂
Wonderful tips Elna, thanks for sharing. I too hate to sale! I rather like to give my audience honest reviews about a product. I mean if I don’t like it I won’t EVER be an affiliate of it. Making a step to step guide is the perfect way to be natural and still make a honest suggestions for your readers.
Hey Unaiza! I know right? It’s just not natural if you haven’t tried out the product first before promoting it. I also don’t personally like going to a blog post and halfway through realize it was just one affiliate post. I like to know early on. But that’s just a pet peeve of mine!
Thanks for the actionable info Elna, I do something similar when promoting an affiliate product and it’s amazing how much better it is to provide a tutorial based on how you use it rather than just a straight promotional link! Thanks for the freebie too!
Hi Lise, Thanks so much. Love your site btw! Yes, I think when promoting products or services it’s important to show your audience that you’re not just selling out and dropping your affiliate link everywhere in your posts. Instead, show value by providing guides, tutorials or videos instead of a review (although reviews can prove to be profitable too!). Thanks for stopping by!
Interesting I will take a much closer look over the weekend. I really didn’t want to get into affiliate marketing, pay-per-click, etc. But, it might be worth it with the right companies. Thank!
Hi Melissa, Thanks so much. Affiliate marketing is a great thing for bloggers since bloggers use a lot of products and services. Why not recommend them and get a commission?
Great post. I love your tips and I’m totally going to up my affiliate game.
Hey Kathy, That’s awesome. Affiliate marketing is a great way to diversify your income. And if you work hard, it can really pay off big!
This is so helpful! Thanks. I never thought about affiliate marketing this way.
Hey Diana! Thanks for stopping by. Glad to help you out. I don’t do much affiliate marketing but found that this tactic works for me! Hopefully it’ll work for you too! Good luck.
Delving more into affiliate marketing is on my to-do list for June so this was super helpful and timely! Thanks!
Oh, hey Alissia, Great! Glad you are going to try to some affiliate marketing. I only have that one product – a job board for freelance writers – but it’s doing well and I’m pretty sure I’ll start some affiliate marketing on this blog. Probably start with Tailwind? Not sure yet, but I L-O-V-E Tailwind.
This is so smart! Thanks for sharing! xo Lee Anne
Hi Lee Anne, Thanks, glad you found this informative. Are you doing some affiliate marketing on your blog?
These are such awesome suggestions, and I cannot believe those numbers are for ONE MONTH?! I am pinning this right now 🙂 Meg, Borrowed Heaven
Hey Meg, I know right! After one month I couldn’t believe I made over $200. For my FIRST affiliate post I was super happy. Over the rainbow happy. Yeah, I know it’s not a lot, but hey I don’t do anything. I wrote it and scheduled and forget it. And I get paid! L-O-V-E it!
Elna, I love this! So informative. So excited to learn more from you.
Thanks Jenn! Happy you can use this info for your blog!
Hey Elna, I think you’ve done amazingly with affiliate marketing. You definitely have a knack for creating your own way. Thanks for sharing these ideas with us and the download! B
He Bren! Thanks.Yeah, I’m still new to affiliate marketing and learning a lot. I’m excited to start that on Twins Mommy 🙂
thanks for these awesome tips! I basically only ever promote products and shops I really love so it’s good to find new tips to help make better content for readers to shop through. thanks for this 🙂
Hi Tianna, That’s great. Yeah, it’s best when you have tried the product or service before you start promoting it. Otherwise, your content won’t reflect that.
Wow, great tips, Elna! I love the tip for using a tutorial – I’m working on building a “how to start a blog” post and will definitely use a tutorial along with my affiliate link! Thanks for all the helpful info 🙂
Hi Kate, That’s great! I don’t have a “hot to start a blog” post yet. Not sure if I’m going to do that, but I see lots of bloggers benefiting from doing a post like that! Enjoy your week!
Thanks, this was helpful. I’m kind of at the “social media overload” stage, lol, but will definitely be honing my technique based on these tips.
Hey Kristie, I so get you! Yes I’m all up in social media myself. I’m personally not doing affiliate marketing on Twins Mommy for that reason. To grow my blog and build my tribe. But I’m almost ready to start promoting products I’m using and loving. Thanks for stopping by.