
25 Simple Social Media Content Ideas to Post (+ Increase Engagement)

Is your blog on social media?

What I mean is as a new mom blogger, do you have social media platforms to promote your blog and build your business?

If you don’t already know, social media platforms are evolving to reward social interactions, which means that social media engagement has become a huge part of your blog marketing strategies!

Successful bloggers have tapped into this goldmine when it comes to building traffic – like myself.

But, without engagement, social media would simply be just media.

When I first started Twins Mommy, I immediately made my Pinterest profile optimized for my blog’s audience.

The next thing I did was create a Facebook page as a way to build my social media audience and share my blog.

Over time I started a Facebook group, Youtube channel and Instagram profile.

That’s not to say that you have to sign up for every platform out there to create engaging social media content – like I did!

However, you should definitely pick a few to use when it comes to marketing your brand and business and bringing people to your blog posts and landing pages.

So, if you have some social media profiles dedicated to your blog, how the heck do you build an audience that comments on your posts, shares your content and above all, goes to your blog and purchases your products or recommendations?

Creating engaging content doesn’t have to be hard!

Here are some simple social media content ideas for Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Social Media Content Ideas for All Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equally and some social media posts work well on one but not necessarily the others.

However, there are social media post ideas that work well for all platforms, including:

1. Your Blog Posts

Posting on social media is perfect for creating brand awareness and connecting with your audience – but it can also serve as a means to gain traffic to your blog.

If you simply plunk your post onto your social media, you may get some clicks but if you add a question or personal comment to the post, you’ll find more of your audience sharing it and commenting on it.

This is a great way to engage your Facebook audience.

My FB post insights for one post

Facebook has insights and when I shared one of my Twins Mommy posts I received good engagement numbers which tells me what my audience enjoys the most when I post.

2. Lead Magnets

Likewise, you can use social media to direct traffic to your landing pages or lead magnets in order to increase traffic, sales, or even email subscriptions.

Again, you want to prompt your audience to interact with these posts and share them.

Ask a question or even share a pain point that your product/service has helped you overcome.

Pinterest Content Ideas

3. Off-Brand Pins

To gain a new audience or simply to get more clicks on Pinterest, you can play around with off-brand pins.

This means using brand colors, fonts, and image styles that are different from what you normally use.

This strategy is best used when you have been regularly pinning on-brand pins that match your site but aren’t receiving high engagement.

After a year or so of pinning on-brand pins for Twins Mommy I started playing around with off-brand styled pins.

Now, that’s all I do and it has helped me grow my Pinterest followers and clicks to my site.

4. Idea Pins

If you have a Pinterest business account (which is super easy to get), you can use Idea Pins to record videos and add images as well as lists and custom text in a single pin.

Think of them like Instagram or Facebook stories – except they don’t disappear in 24 hours!

However, idea pins do not include a link to your site.

The idea is to keep people on Pinterest and encourage them to share pins.

Here are a few of my Idea Pins for Twins Mommy.

My Idea Pins on Twins Mommy’s Pinterest Profile

Idea pins help you get more exposure on Pinterest.

This can lead to more engagement than with standard pins that link to your site.

In Ready Set Blog for Traffic I share a case study on how Idea Pins brought in 50% more traffic than regular pins!

5. Video Pins

Video pins can be created right on Pinterest and are a great way to tell a story about your blog in one pin.

Video pins play in your audience’s feed, so consider adding in text in case their volume is not on. If you plan on advertising on Pinterest, you can use video pins as well.

Using video pins is a great way to capture the user’s interest. It can also increase the likelihood that they will share and comment on your pin.

But don’t make too many video pins or else your entire feed on Pinterest will be video pins! Use them sparingly.

6. Infographic Pins

Infographics (short for information graphics) have a HUGE shareability factor on Pinterest.

They tend to be long and thin and display visually represented information.

Pinterest is the best platform for infographic social media posts since the graphics are longer and tend to get cut off when posted to Facebook or Instagram.

Infographics are incredibly versatile and you can create one on any topic!

Take an old blog post, convert the information into an infographic, and link the pin to your article – this is a great way to recycle old content and boost your engagement.


I’m pretty sure Pinterest was originally created in order to share motivational quotes (and recipes)!

To this day, quotes remain one of the most popular categories and almost every pinner has some sort of board to store inspirational words of wisdom.

You can take advantage of the viral nature of quotes by creating images and quoting experts in your niche or coming up with motivational words for your audience.

8. Photo Tutorials

If you write a lot of how-to guides or tutorials, you should make some photo tutorials of your content. These are simple graphics that show the steps involved by using only images.

Think of it as a teaser or enticing preview of what the reader can accomplish if they click your link!

Facebook Content Ideas

9. Videos

Facebook has an entire “Watch” section, so it’s no secret that FB users love videos!

Create videos based on blog posts or any new ideas you may have for your niche and share them often.

These can be whiteboard videos, educational videos, or even just to touch base with your followers.

10. Facebook Lives

Facebook Lives are live videos that you can do through your Facebook profile, Facebook page, or Facebook group that allows you to interact with viewers in real-time.

People love watching lives because they can ask questions and get immediate answers.

FB lives can help you get a better sense of your audience’s problems.

I like to post a Q/A thread on my page or in my Facebook group and then do a FB live to answer those questions as a way to boost engagement.

One of my Q/A Facebook Lives

They will also give your blog a face and allow you to directly relate with your followers.

And, what’s great is the engagement you get with your Lives if you are consistent.

11. Audience Questions

In order to increase your engagement on Facebook, try starting a conversation with your followers.

One of many great social media post ideas is to ask creative questions that prompt your audience to answer.

Ask for audience input on your product or random questions that are relevant to your niche.

FB users love answering questions where they get to share a little bit about themselves.

12. Behind-the-Scenes

While you don’t want to share too much of your private life on social media, another great social media content idea is to share behind-the-scenes photos of how you run your blog or business.

You can show how your product is made, what your desk looks like, or include a picture of your pet/coworker.

Doing so gives your readers a little peek into your world and creates a sense of connection with them.

13. Personal Stories

You can get even more personal with your audience by telling stories related to your business or blog, such as how you got started or how learning a particular tip changed your life.

It’s kind of a way of connecting to your Facebook followers on a deeper level while providing a personal testimonial to your product, business, or blog.

People love to empathize with the struggles and triumphs of other people!

14. Trending Articles and News Stories

Your social media posts, no matter the platform, should not be solely focused on your own content.

While you do want to leverage social media to bring in traffic, posting about trending topics will increase your overall engagement.

This will help more of your content appear in feeds and increase the likelihood of people commenting and sharing your posts as well.

But, don’t rely on this strategy too much. Even if you haven’t published a new blog post in months, it’s better to write a personal post or link to a freebie than to rely on a trending news story.

Why? Because your Facebook audience Liked your page to learn more about you and your business!

Twitter Content Ideas

15. GIFs and Memes

Because Twitter only allows 280 characters per post, it has evolved into the perfect social media platform to post GIFs and memes!

Even big businesses are getting in on incorporating GIFs and memes into their tweets and replies.

Did you know the viral hit song, Old Town Road, was made viral because of Twitter Memes?

You can create viral content on Twitter by posting GIFs and memes relevant to your niche and to your audience.

16. Motivational Quotes

We already talked about quotes as Pinterest social media posts but Twitter’s short-form nature makes them perfect here as well.

Plus, with the use of hashtags, you can increase the post’s visibility.

Try using hashtags such as #quoteoftheday or #inspirationalwords.

Quotes are often retweeted, so your content will easily get shared around!

17. Tips

Creating an online presence and increasing engagement with your social media posts is all about informing and educating your audience.

This can include information about your niche or your products – so try sharing some tips about either on Twitter.

18. Polls

With Twitter, you can create polls and ask for feedback from your audience.

Doing so is super easy and a great way to gather information or simply ask fun questions to keep your followers engaged.

Instagram Content Ideas

19. Twitter Posts

Twitter posts on Instagram? Yes, this social media post idea seems a little weird but hear me out –

There are over 350 million people who use Twitter so there’s no denying its popularity.

You can leverage this on your Instagram account by publishing screenshots of tweets, or make a tweet styled post using Canva (like I do on my IG profile).

Just add a cute background using Canva and share away! These types of posts will help generate likes and prompt some conversations.

20. Educational Carousels

Carousel Instagram posts allow people to swipe for more information. These usually include four or five “sheets” of information with educational posts being the most engaging.

You simply introduce a topic and then have people swipe to learn more.

Just make sure you write out the information in the carousel when you publish the post so that readers can still see what you have to say if they don’t want to swipe.

Here’s one of my educational carousels I created recently:

One of my IG posts

21. Headshots

I talked about sharing stories and behind-the-scenes pictures to connect with your audience on Facebook – and you can certainly do this on Instagram as well.

Instagram tends to be a visual paradise of highly-curated and unrealistic pictures.

Using a realistic and less stylized headshot of yourself will catch your audience’s attention.

This doesn’t have to be a shot of you striking a yoga pose by a cascading waterfall. Simply take a selfie or grab a headshot and share a personal story.

22. Google-Type Posts

This is similar to the tweet post but uses the Google question bar look. You can easily use Canva to achieve this look.

When people want to learn about something, they instinctively run to Google.

With this sort of visual, they will feel more compelled to click on your Instagram post to learn more.

TikTok Content Ideas

23. Create a Branded Hashtag Challenge

Just like other social platforms, hashtags are a huge part of searching for content on TikTok but hashtag challenges are particularly popular on this platform.

When you create a branded hashtag challenge, you are encouraging other users to create videos based on your theme which can lead to a viral trend.

Just remember to make it easy and fun in a way that draws attention to your product and creates brand awareness.

24. Post an Educational Video or Tutorial

TikTok is so much more than fun and silly content – it’s an amazing way to share information and educate your audience!

Tutorials are super popular and not just limited to applying makeup or sharing recipes.

You can post hacks, tips, and guides that align with your content and niche.

As long as you can break your information down into 60 seconds or less, you can tap into a whole new audience of people looking to learn something new.

25. Join a Viral Craze

If you regularly browse TikTok, I can guarantee you’ve come across viral trends such as the “Coincidance” or the Weeknds’ “Blinded By the Lights” dance craze.

Viral dance videos are based on a catchy song and a simple set of moves. The dances are easy and fun to learn!

Choose a dance that you feel comfortable with and enjoy yourself – if you look like you’re in pain or would rather be anywhere else, viewers will turn away from your content.

The Best Time to Post Social Media Content

By using analytics, expert bloggers have determined the best times of the day to post social media content for increased engagement.

Overall, it is generally agreed that the best time to post on social media is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10 am.

Let’s look at more specific times for each social media platform I’ve talked about:

  • Facebook: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 am-1 pm
  • Twitter: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-11 am and Wednesdays from 5 pm-6 pm
  • Pinterest: Every day from 8 pm-11 pm and 2 am-4 am (Pinners tend to be night owls it seems!)
  • Instagram: Wednesdays at 11 am and Tuesdays between 11 am-2 pm
  • TikTok: Wednesdays from 7 am-8 am and at 11 pm

These are not set-in-stone timelines but are agreed upon to be the best times to post to social media platforms.

To get the best idea of when your blog’s audience is most active, you can use Google Insights to determine what days and times of the day they most frequently visit your site.

Social Media Content Ideas to Increase Engagement

If you’re ready to use social media to drive more traffic to your blog and increase engagement, I hope these tips help you get started!

Remember to focus on only two or three platforms at a time so you don’t get confused or bogged down when creating social media posts.

And, most importantly, have fun! Social media provides you with a wonderful opportunity to show off your unique personality and connect with your audience on a whole new level.

Over to you –

Which social media platforms work best for you? What kind of social media content do you have the most success with?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Fantastic info as always Elna! I do best with idea pins too. It’s amazing how much Pinterest pushes them out. I love your Twitter tips, I’ve been wanting to start growing on Twitter and didn’t know what to do really. Now you gave me some good ideas, thank you.
Hey Deanna, Thanks so much! That’s awesome you found some social media content ideas for Twitter! Have fun creating social media posts!

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