Search Results for: how to generate traffic


How to Easily Stand Out As a New Blogger (In An Over-Saturated Niche and With No Confidence)

You’ve joined all the other mom bloggers and now have a blog.

Congrats! Your blog can help you make money so that you and your husband can stay home for good.

Both my husband and I work from home as bloggers! It’s amazing mamas and I want to help you too!


How to Start a Blog and Make Money

You want to start a blog and make money but can’t pull the trigger yet.

You don’t want to invest all this money into a web host and other blogging resources just to have your blog sit there with no audience, no traffic and making no money.

I get you, mama.


How to Create a Content Strategy for Mom Bloggers

Have you been noticing that more and more moms are starting a blog?

Whether you’re scrolling Facebook or the Pinterest feed, you’re seeing regular moms like you with a blog.

But blogging is more than writing a post. It’s developing a strategy so that everything you are doing right now can grow your blog down the road.

And that’s a content strategy. This guide will show you how to make money blogging, show you popular and successful mom blogs, how to start a blog and write your first blog post.

As a bonus, I also share a breakdown – month by month – of what you should doing for your blog to grow.


7 Blog Name Ideas for Your Mom Blog (How to Come Up With a Blog Name)

You want to start a mommy blog! Yay!

When starting a blog there are two roadblocks many people face:

For me, my blog niche was always the challenge. I wanted to blog about a million things! Even this blog, Twins Mommy, has a lot of topics besides blogging like email marketing, productivity and making money blogging!


Blogging for Beginners – Only Proven and Best Tips

You started a blog! Yay!

Or, you’re thinking about starting a blog! Yay to you too mama!

As a beginner blogger, there is a ton – ton, ton, ton – of things to learn about and focus on.

How do you grow your blog traffic?

How do you make money from blogging?

What are the best blogging tips for beginners?

Let’s dive into this ultimate guide for blogging for beginners. We’ll go through the most important and proven blog tips to help you have a successful first year as a mom blogger.


5 Financial Goals to Set as a Work at Home Mom Blogger

You’ve decided to work at home as a blogger! Congrats! But, that might mean living on one income. Setting financial goals as a blogger is important when you’re new to blogging.

Your blog won’t generate income for a while and that might mean bootstrapping your blogging until you start making money with your blog.

And if you are no longer working that 9-5 job and you’re not generating income, then you need to cut expenses, live frugally and plan your monetization strategy for your blog.

But, that doesn’t have to sound like a bad thing!

Blogging is a creative outlet and fun! I’ve been doing this for four years and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

And now that I have my time management goals figured out, my blogging goal ideas created, I can focus on my financial goals!


8 Blogging Tasks to Get Done Before Your Baby is Born

Are you a mom blogger ready to have a baby? Need some time saving tips for your new mom blog? Oh yeah, I’m here to help ya!

Even though I’ve been blogging for a while when my twins were toddlers and are now in school, I know many mom bloggers blogging away and are pregnant!

You go mommy blogger!

Time management is something you need when your new baby will be born. How do other bloggers manage their time with a new baby and another child or toddler running around?


Time Management For Moms Who Want to Start a Blog

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for five years and work-at-home mom for three years now!

I started a blog, offered a service, made money and decided to keep on blogging!

During this time, my twins went from having two naps a day to one nap a day (pure bliss), to no naps (a unicorn died that day!).


How I Grew a New Blog from 400 to 40,000 Pageviews in One Month

Starting a new blog and increasing blog traffic is a proven system that big blogs use.

And my newest blog has grown its traffic quickly.

Before I go into that, this blog, Twins Mommy, started two years ago and in it’s first month I grew my blog to 4,000 pageviews. I was ecstatic and so happy.

I decided that I wanted to try to grow my blog traffic for Twins Mommy.

So, on my blog, I charted my journey to grow this blog. I have grown the Twins Mommy blog to over 60,000 pageviews!


How to Set Up Google Analytics and the Important Metrics for New Bloggers

You started a blog!

Congrats mama!

With a new blog, there are so many things to focus on. But, building your foundation for growing your blog should be your primary focus.