Are you a mom wanting to work from home for good?
I’ve been a work at home mom for six years now and I absolutely love it.
I started when my twins were around 15 months old and they just turned 7 years old.
Are you a mom wanting to work from home for good?
I’ve been a work at home mom for six years now and I absolutely love it.
I started when my twins were around 15 months old and they just turned 7 years old.
One of life’s biggest changes, when it comes to personal finance, is when you start a side hustle as a parent.
When my twins were around a year old, I decided to try to work from home.
I sent out flyers for my service to help children with autism by creating a curriculum for the family to implement.
When I started blogging six years ago, I never knew that I could actually make enough money to stay home for good.
I was only thinking of making enough income to cover bills and extra curricular activities for the twins – with jobs that pay well.
Not enough to buy a home or travel.
Not enough to invest with or set up saving accounts for my twins.
Are you interesting in working at home as a mom blogger?
The picture of work at home moms is a beautiful one.
You might imagine that you type out perfect blog posts while your sweet toddler snuggles quietly on your lap.
Or perhaps you envision waking up extra early to conquer your business tasks for the day before your kids and husband are even up.
Are you a mom wanting to get into some awesome stay at home mom jobs?
Where I live, you get up to a year off for maternity. I’m so glad I had that time with my twins.
But, one thing that lingered was how to contribute to my finances once my maternity leave ended.
I needed to find a ways to make money as a stay at home mom.
Hi there mamas!
It’s time to start thinking about your blog and biz for the next year! I know!
Thinking about your goals and plans for next year is a lot to do as a mama but the one thing you can do is put it on the calendar!
Are you a mom and just can’t figure out how to make money from home? It’s so aggravating and no matter how much you read blog posts or watch free webinars, you’re not generating barely anything.
I totally hear you. See, I’m sort of on both sides of the camp here. On one blog, I’m making a killing.
For the month of November I sold 53 courses. Yowza!
But, for Twins Mommy? Not much at all. But, that’s okay. Do you know why? Because I know the smart ways to make money from blogging.
Twins Mommy is a passion project of mine and I can sit on it for a while until I I’m ready to do something about it.
For now, I’m having fun with any income that comes my way but my focus is on building my tribe and email list.
I have a confession to make:
Before I started blogging and freelance writing I spent my time watching YouTube videos.
Yes, I was oh so productive when my twins were napping.
But, I was glued to the laptop watching mom vlogs.
It was like this new world of moms who had videos about organizing, cooking, DIY and more.
Let me ask you a question mama:
Do you think you’re a good writer?
Are you making less than $100 a month with your blog right now?
Raise your hand if you’re a stay-at-home mom AND a mama blogger?
There’s many of us right? It seems that one of the best ways to connect with others and to share your experiences is to start your own mom blog. I mean that’s one of the reasons why I started Twins Mommy – I wanted to share some of my twin stories with other moms.
So, there you are, blogging away when something clicks.