10 Legit Work at Home Jobs for Moms

Are you a mom wanting to work from home for good?

I’ve been a work at home mom for six years now and I absolutely love it.

I started when my twins were around 15 months old and they just turned 7 years old.

I worked from home during nap times, only at night, only in the morning and now I work when my twins are at school during the week.

I recently wrote a post on jobs that pay well for moms.

For this post, I want to focus more on freelance jobs or work at home mom jobs.

While there may be some overlap, this post is more for online blogging for stay at home moms.

So, let’s get to it!

When I first started freelance writing, it didn’t seem like there was enough paid work for the number of writers out there. Now, I feel like there are so many mom writing jobs out there, and I have even had to turn down multiple jobs because I only have so many hours in my day.

However, freelancing is not just limited to writers.

Here are 10 freelance jobs for moms that anyone can do from home.

1. Freelance Writing

Obviously, I am going to start with writing because that is what I know best. I wouldn’t say freelance writing is an easy way to make money, but if you love to write and have thick skin, it is a rewarding job you can do anywhere.

Freelance writing doesn’t just apply to blog writing or article writing, though. Here is a list of 20 Types Freelance Writing Jobs.

2. Graphic Design

If you are talented with creating graphics, then there is a huge market for you.

Designing website layouts is the first thing that comes to mind, but that is such a small tip of the iceberg of possibilities. I say that everyone needs a writer, and I think the same applies for a graphic designer.

Just think about all of the things that need to be designed:

  • Logos
  • Etsy banners and promos
  • Ads and promo material
  • Blogging graphics
  • Infographics
  • Ebook and book covers
  • Newsletter graphics
  • Printables

If you are good with graphic design, then there is a whole world of possibility available to you.

However, you might not be able to get any jobs just waiting for someone to find your website. You should put together a portfolio and contact every business and blog owner you can.

In his book, The Art of Work (highly recommend), Jeff Goins profiles an artist turned successful graphic artist.

The graphic artist realized that he enjoyed doing traditional artwork and his art knowledge helped him succeed in graphic design. He just needed to teach himself and take a few courses on how to become an artist on the web.

If you are interested in learning how to make sellable printables, make sure to check out Sarah Titus! She’s the queen of printables.

3. PR

More individuals are going into business for themselves as a PR, public relations, manager.

This is a benefit to both them and their clients. They are able to earn more since they are working for themselves, and since they have fewer clients, they are able to focus on them and help them get the publicity they need.

Big companies and celebrities are not the only ones who need PR agents. Anyone with a platform eventually needs a PR agent to help them expand their influence and increase their business.

4. Virtual Assistant

Another big need in the blogging community and among businesses is the need for virtual assistants.

Many times, a virtual assistant doesn’t need a lot of experience or education to succeed. They just need to be able to fulfill all of the little needs that their client cannot get to.

Abby’s VA site is a wonderful resource to see if this is something for you to do at home.

5. Voice Acting

Got a great voice or skilled in voice acting?

There is work at home mom job for you. A friend of mine hired her own voice actor to turn her book, Blondie McGhee, into an audiobook!

How cool is that?

Other frequent needs for a voice actor include:

  • Podcast intros
  • Promos and advertisements
  • Informational videos

6. Translation

If you are a pro at translating one language to another, then there is a huge potential for you.

The ebook market is flooded with writers, but many books do not do well in other countries simply because they are not in the native tongue. Someone with a strong grasp on language translation that also has strong grammar skills is priceless.

Google’s translation and other translation devices do not provide a natural translation. It takes an expert in language translation to do the job.

7. Photographer

A few years ago, everyone seemed to get a nice camera and start offering packages to take family photos.

If you are gifted in that area, then by all means. However, not everyone needs to be a person photographer. There is a big need for stock photos and lifestyle photos for the never-ending demand of the internet.

To get an idea, check out my post on stock photo sites that use free stock photos to help them grow their business.

8. Tech/Programming/Engineer

Computer programming and tech is not my skillset, and I do not know as much as my husband, but I do know that this technical field is in high demand for a work at home job.

There are so many different areas of expertise, and I think there will always be a high demand as the world becomes more dependent on technology. Here are just a few areas I can think of the freelance science/tech field:

  • App developers
  • Internet security
  • AngularJS developers
  • Woocommerce developers
  • UX experts
  • Electrical engineers

9. Social Media Experts

One of my friends jokes that the only work at home job for moms that she would be good at is Instagram.

She asked if someone will pay her for her funny hashtags.

Jokes aside, yes!

Companies need social media managers and posters to create a buzzworthy social media platform while still keeping with the brand’s voice.

10. Teaching and Tutoring

Even teaching has become an online venture.

There is a need for teachers and tutors online for all different levels of education, from elementary school to adult hobby education.

If teaching is your passion and you are an expert in your field, then you just need to master a few technologies to teach online.

Many teaching and tutoring positions for K-12 and college level classes are going to require degrees and teaching creds.

I have had many teacher friends transfer their teaching careers into a stay-at-home career by choosing companies that are either overseas (so they can use the time difference to work while their children are still sleeping) or by teaching just a few hours each morning.

A decade ago, the working online seemed to be limited to only certain careers, but now, almost any job can be performed online or in a freelance manner.

There Ya Go!

There are now so many work at home jobs for moms – like blogging jobs and service based businesses. Don’t limit your thinking!

Over to you – what work at home job do you do or want to do so you can stay home for good?

Share with me in the comments!