Category: Blogging

Blogging Basics: Why Every Blogger Needs a Gravatar (And How to Set One Up)

Let me guess:

You’re new to blogging and have no clue what a Gravatar is right? (you just liked my blog image of those yummy donuts eh?) 🙂

I totally get that.

When I first started blogging almost two years ago, I never heard of a Gravatar.

The closest thing was an Avatar and well, I’m not into sci-fi stuff.

Free Webinar on Growing Your Blog With Pinterest

Hi everyone!

It’s me Elna and guess what?

I’m hosting a totally pitch-free webinar for new bloggers.

Blogging Basics: How to Find Your Niche and Rock Your Blog

Are you thinking about starting a blog?

You’ve probably visited a ton of other mommy blogs or lifestyle blogs and thought, why not? And you’re right – why not?

You can totally start a blog, have fun and earn an income too!

I’m proof it works.

Blogging is a great way to connect with others similar to you and give you the opportunity to earn some cash on the side.

Blogging Basics: Everything You Need to Know About Blogging

Are you a total newb when it comes to blogging, traffic and getting people to subscribe to your dang list?

How to Monetize a Blog from 12 Mama Bosses

Many new bloggers are drawn to the idea of monetizing their blog, right?

I mean, who wouldn’t want to make money from their own personal blog?

It totally rocks and since it’s something you probably love doing – blogging and connecting with other bloggers – why not turn your passion into profit?

Upgrade Your Blog Comments By Doing This One Traffic Generating Tip

Do you have a new blog?

It’s frustrating isn’t it?

You’re putting out all this great content, you’re involved in Facebook groups, Twitter and Pinterest and still no one is coming to your site.

How come it’s easier for other people? They start a blog and in three weeks they have 100 subscribers and about a million comments. What gives?

18 Places for FREE Girly and Styled Stock Photos

Do you get photo envy when you go to a creative website or mompreneur website and think, wow! those images are beautiful?

I do! And you know what? I also think, hey, how come I can’t find those on Pixabay or Pexels?

18 Blog Examples of Working From Home Blogs

Are you a stay-at-home mom interested in working from home?

The opportunities are endless and if you have small children, it’s a great gig to have! I should know since I’m freelancing with twin toddlers.