
Free Webinar on Growing Your Blog With Pinterest

Hi everyone!

Pitch-Free Webinar June 29th on Pinterest: Grow your Traffic, Followers and Subscribers in 2 Months or Less

It’s me Elna and guess what?

I’m hosting a totally pitch-free webinar for new bloggers.

If you’re struggling to grow your blog then this webinar is for you. No matter if you’re new to blogging or have a blog, if no one’s reading, commenting or sharing your posts, you can totally benefit from this webinar.

But why Pinterest to grow your blog? What’s so special about Pinterest?

Because it totally rocks!

It’s the perfect place for mommy bloggers to promote their blog, or for any bloggers! Most Pinners are women and mothers and if your blog’s audience are mostly women, then Pinterest is the place to be. Plus, it’s how I am growing this blog right now.

Twins Mommy is a new blog. It’s not even three months old yet and in this short time Pinterest has become my #1 source for traffic, followers and subscribers – by a long shot.


Just look at my stats three months ago:

  • Pageviews: 7
  • Subscribers: 0
  • Pinterest followers: 600

And three months later:

  • Pageviews: 15k
  • Subscribers: almost 400
  • Pinterest followers: 2k!

Pinterest is where you’ll want to be hanging out if you want to grow your blog fast!

What You Will Learn

My Pinterest Perfection webinar on June 29th at 2pm will cover the following:

  • How to develop a killer strategy
  • My top ways for turning Pinterest visitors into subscribers
  • What makes a Pintastic pin that generates a ton of repins and followers
  • How often you need to pin to see ANY growth potential (you’ll be totally surprised by what I tell you)
  • and more!

Why Me?

Why am I qualified to host this live workshop? I started out blogging as a freelance writer almost two years ago. In that time, I’ve written about a variety of topics, but my main topic is digital marketing.

I geek out when I hear conversion optimization, email marketing, traffic generation and social media. I’ve built and run several blogs and wanted to start Twins Mommy to help other mama bloggers.

I chose Pinterest – a platform I wasn’t using much to grow my other blogs – and learned exactly how to grow this blog quickly.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to sign up today and I’ll see you soon!

Join Me in Pinterest Perfection on June 29th at 2pm


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I’ll be traveling that day 🙁 Will you record it?Reply to Tara
Hey got to my side bar and sign up for the replay! It’s totally available and I did the webinar in June, not July :-). So you can watch it now!Reply to Elna
I am trying to sign up but the links are not working. Thank you.Reply to Terry
That’s odd Terry. The links work for me and on mobile. Maybe it’s your browser? What are you using?Reply to Elna
Hey Elna, I think it’s awesome you offering this out, especially Free! I’m passing it along as I know many who love Pinterest and want to grow big like you. 😉 BReply to Bren
Thanks Bren! You’re the best.Reply to Elna
Saving to my calendar! The timings are way off over at my side of the world. Would you have a saved podcast or video to view later? Fingers crossed!Reply to Shafaq
Hey Shafaq! Don’t worry. I will link to a replay 🙂Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! Just got done with your Webinar video and I am so thankful to you for sharing all the insights to your pinterest growth. I can now clearly see why your brand has done so well on pinterest and I will def. be looking to use up some of your ideas 🙂 Cheers!Reply to Shafaq
Hey Shafaq, That’s great! Glad you liked my webinar and found some good strategies to use for your blog. It was my second ever and I know I still need practice with my presentation, but I’m happy I was able to do it!Reply to Elna
This sounds fab Elna! What platform is the webinar done on? Sorry if that sounds dumb! 🙂Reply to Francesca
Hey Francesca, It will be held on Google Hangouts. It’s free and well I’m bootstrapping as much as possible. Plus I’m not a big fan of platforms where you have to sign up or download it. I find that so confusing and I never get in! I’m not a tech person AT.ALL. I hope you’re interested in my Pinterest Perfection webinar! It’ll be a blast (I hope!).Reply to Elna