Category: Blogging

7 Bad Mistakes Amateur Bloggers Make


Writing and reading that headline hurts, doesn’t it?

You’re scared you might be making these mistakes with your amateur blog, and you’re wondering why are they so terrible?

If you’re an amateur mom blogger and post after post you have no comments or shares and you know your posts rock, you might be making some terrible blogging mistakes.

When I first started as a amateur blogger over two years ago, I had no idea about WordPress or images or anything about blogging.

In fact, I really didn’t visit blogs when I first started out. But, I did soon after.

How I Made $600 From One Blog Post

I bet you want to make money blogging and it’s something a lot of new bloggers try their hand at, but for many it doesn’t work out.

Why? Not enough pageviews.

Not a big audience.

Too new.

Well, what if I told you, it’s possible to make money from blogging without traffic or having a big audience? Yeah, I know. It sounds a bit ludicrous.

7 Other Ways to Drive Even More Traffic to Your Blog

Blog traffic.


If you’re a new blogger then you know trying to generate traffic is freakin’ hard.  And it’s not like you’re trying either. You know exactly what to do to drive visitors to your blog.

How I Managed to Gain 4.8k Pinterest Followers With Little Effort

*Updated in 2024*

I’m sure you’ve been hearing a lot about Pinterest eh? It’s a powerful visual search engine that can help grow your traffic and email list.

The Steps to Sitting Pretty This Time Next Year With Your Blog

I’m so mad right now.

It’s hard to look beyond now when it comes to growing your blog. You try different strategies and you have to wait it out to see if it actually works or doesn’t.

I just peeked at my Google Analtyics and it ain’t pretty. And I know the exact reason why.

Blogging Basics: A Ridiculously Simple Way to Find Your Target Audience For Your Blog

You’ve been reading and hearing about it all over –

Who is your target audience?

That’s right. Who is your blog serving? If you’re a new blogger you may not have even fully thought about this critical question.

You’re probably still hooked on finding your niche, eh? I’m not saying that’s bad; that will help you figure out who your target audience is.

Blogging Basics: The Best Types of Posts to Have on Your New Blog

You keep asking yourself the same question over and over again –

Why isn’t anyone coming to my blog and sharing my content?

You may be thinking that being a mommy blogger just isn’t your thing anymore. And you know what? Most mom blogs fail anyways.

Free Webinar! Create Killer Content Upgrades

Hey everyone!

It’s me Elna and guess what?

I’m hosting another awesome pitch-free webinar, but I’m not doing it alone! Kasey Luck from Bold&Zesty is joining me.

We’re actually going to share how to create a killer content upgrade to help you explode your email list. Doing content upgrades single-handedly helped me grow my email list as a new blogger.

How to Write a Blog Post That Gets a Ton of Comments – Blog Post Template


You’ve managed to get your blog up and running and even do some blog writing before your site was live (Kudos to you! I never did that! I just wrote a post and published it).

But after putting out four posts, something is obviously wrong.

You’re putting out this awesome and epic content, but no one is commenting on them.

17 *More* Places for FREE Styled and Chic Stock Photos

Hey everyone! I have more free photos to share with you.

Over two months I ago I shared 18 Places For Free Girly Stock Photos and it was a major hit for this blog! That post has received over 2k shares and over 70 comments.

I know I’m not the only one who goes ga-ga over images. If I could, I would stare at images all day, but I can’t!

But in the last two months I’ve been visiting more sites and seeing so many awesome free chic and feminine photos.

So, I’ve rounded up 17 more places to beautify your blog for free! Yes, these are all free (but some require an email from you).