
Will Your Blog Niche Be Successful on Pinterest? An Easy Way to Find Out

As a blogger, Pinterest is the BEST way to get traffic.

Not Google or SEO.

Not Facebook.

Not YouTube.

Not even your email list (I know!).

It’s Pinterest.


And in 2024 and beyond it’s going to be Pinterest for sure.

Pinterest is easy to start and there are many tools to help you create pins or schedule your pins too.

Plus, it’s totally friendly to bloggers and content creators too.

So, if you have an Etsy store, a new blog, or a new service, you can start Pinterest and gain massive views.

Why do I know?

Because I started a new blog after the big Google apocalypse update that happened recently (and destroyed my niche site SEO traffic) and I’m already at 2.4k pageviews in 1 month.

All the numbers are going up and up and up quickly.

This is all thanks to Pinterest, but, how did I know the blog niche was going to be Pinterest friendly?

Because not all blog niches are great for Pinterest.

The One Tool to Tell You If Pinterest is For You

I belong to many email lists from SEO people.

I enjoy the tips or advice or just the BTS of their SEO blogs they write about in their emails.

Well, one SEO person created a Pinterest tool and I’m absolutely loving it.

Want to know what it is?

It’s PinClicks.

All you have to do is search your blog topic and if you see many topics or interests, then you know it will be a good topic for Pinterest (and your blog).

For more information, check my video.

What Blog Niches are Good for Pinterest Then?

When searching my blog niche, blogging, it wasn’t good.

I only saw seven interests that I could use for the term “blog” and only two for “blogger.”

So, what niches are good?

Decor is popular with hundreds or even thousands of interests.

Other ones are:

  • Nails
  • Hair
  • Food
  • Storage
  • Paint
  • Craft
  • Camping
  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Bedroom

Those ideas are more general and you can niche down to small bathroom or pantry storage for example.

There are other ideas that aren’t as popular but can be a good blog niche.

For example, apartment isn’t that popular but there enough interest to build out your content silos.

Popularity of Pinterest Topics

When looking at Pinterest, they don’t look at your blog or pin and know exactly what it’s about. They, instead, use categories to fit your Pinterest profile or pins.

There are 24 categories on Pinterest.

So, if you blog about finance, it might be a challenge to have a successful Pinterest profile and gain massive traffic.

But, if you blog about art, well, you’re good for traffic and leads and income from Pinterest!

And you can pick a category and blog under that so for my niche website, I blog about home decor, food and drink and storage and organizing.

Something like storage and organizing will fall under Pinterest’s category of home decor.

So, my niche website is doing good with viral pins every now and then because of the popular topics that my articles are about.

With home decor you can see how Pinterest breaks this up:

Does My Blog Niche Need to Be Visual?

Pinterest is a visual search engine so it stands to reason that your blog should be highly visual.

This is something I started doing much more this year to grab even more traffic.

My niche websites rely on many images to attract pinners.

Pinners love to look at images and save them and if your entire article is filled with dozens of ideas like front porches or pantries or living rooms then you bet they will save your pin and even come back to your blog for more ideas.

So, if possible find free stock photos or paid ones or AI ones and use them for your Pinterest blog.

Which Content is the Most Popular on Pinterest Then?

Let’s say you start a craft blog.

You can use PinClicks to get some global topics like:

  • spoon crafts
  • yarn crafts
  • wheel crafts
  • paper crafts
  • farm crafts 
  • and more…

And from there create the post and the pins  and you know what?

You’ll have a very popular content piece.

The most popular categories will have the most popular content so that will be art and home decor for sure.

So, if you want to make money with your niche site then my suggestion is to start a Pinterest friendly blog and use my eBook 15 Genius Pinterest Secrets to create a very successful Pinterest strategy.

But What About Selling on Pinterest: What Sells the Best on Pinterest?

If you have an Etsy store or Stan store or you’re on Teachable or Gumroad, you can create pins for your products.

But if you want to ensure sales, then make sure your products are art based like:

If you don’t have an art based product you can still promote your eBooks or planners or other digital products!

Your Pinterest Followers

You might be wondering if you need a lot of Pinterest followers to be successful on Pinterest or to make money on Pinterest.

Well, the answer is no.

You can get started with affiliate marketing and drive traffic from Pinterest to your blog with a small following.

While I have over 60k followers on my Twins Mommy Pinterest followers, for my other profiles with much less, I’m still generating ad income or affiliate income.

So, How Do You Get Noticed on Pinterest as a Beginner?

With my new blog, I my pins weren’t getting any love.

I posted dozens of pins and the analytics were all 0.

Then I remembered, it takes about a month for analytics to have all the numbers.

So, for the first weeks I had no impressions, clicks or saves on my pins, but my Google analytics told me that people were coming to my blog from Pinterest.


It’s still mostly zeros, but I do have some impressions and some clicks too!

I know Pinterest is understanding my profile because I’m getting thousands of outbound clicks.

The Pinterest analytics for my new blog

So, what did I do?

1. Created More Boards

At first, I didn’t have enough content.

I had about 3 blog posts and 5 boards.

So, to let Pinterest know what my profile is about I had to create more relevant boards.

If I was to do this for my other niche website of home decor and organizing it would look like this.

I have a blog post about camping meals and a board called Camping Meals.

I then create similar camping boards (using PinClicks) like:

  • Camping accessories
  • Camping hacks
  • Camping organization

So, when I pin my camping meals article, I can put into those boards as well.

2. Followed Relevant Pinners

I had to build up my followers and one way is to follow other pinners.

I had a hard time with this as many were SEO people trying to game the system.

The blog was obviously AI generated and the images were too and nothing made sence.

So, it took a while to find actual bloggers and actual people to follow.

3. Created More Content

Look – if you don’t already have a dozen blog posts, it’s going to take a while to get clicks.

You need an establish profile and a cohesive brand.

This only happens when you have a lot of blog posts to share.

So, I spent a lot of my ‘free time’ write a post a day or a post every other day.

I have 20 blog posts so far.

4. Created a Branded Pin Template

While I love to create non branded pins to gain more views, with a new blog, you need a brand so pinners know who you are and they can follow you.

I spent a lot of time figuring out the Pin template that is popular in the niche my blog is in.

If you need help with your Pins, grab my 52 Canva Pin Templates to get you started!

5. Set a Pinning Schedule

It’s important to automate your Pinning schedule.

Whether you use Tailwind or do manual pinning or find another scheduler, with very blog posts, you can’t schedule a lot.

For my new blog, I started with 3-5 pins a day and slowly moved up to 20 a day. It’s now at 50 a day or so.

I may change it if I see progress.

See If Your Blog is Pinterest Friendly!

There ya go!

I hope you found this post helpful and make sure to check to see if your blog is Pinterest-friendly.

Tell me in the comments if it is or not! I’d love to help you out.