
237 Blogging Ideas For Your Next Blog Post

What to blog about?

Hard eh as a new stay at home mom blogger.

Trying to come up with a blogging niche or blogging topics or blog ideas can be super hard when you’re just starting out. Starting a blog means you have to create content regularly for years to come.

How do you do it?

For me, the number one challenge I hear from new bloggers is finding blog ideas to blog about. They have no idea what their niche is.

I totally get you.

When I started Twins Mommy I really had no idea what sort of blog ideas to write about. I knew I didn’t want to have blog post ideas all about my twins – all the time!! But, with a name like Twins Mommy, I had to find a way to write what I enjoyed.

So I ended up writing about what I knew best – working from home with little ones.

But later on, this focussed on moms that want to make money blogging.

So, let me be the first to tell you that the niche you choose today, may not be the blogging niche you have a year later! And that’s okay.

You are refining and honing your niche topic or topics. And that’s a good thing, mama!

The more centered your blog ideas are, the better you can grow your income. But, that’s not to say you can’t blog about many ideas under big blog name ideas.

Let me show you how.

Let’s go into 237 blog ideas to help you figure out what to blog about and your editorial content (psst…this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how many different blogging ideas for your niche you can come up with!)

The Best Blog Ideas for New Bloggers

1 Parenting Blogging Ideas

Many moms start a parenting blog as this is what we know about (amiright?!). And this is great. There are many topics and subtopics you can use for your next blog post idea.

  1. 5 minute kid crafts
  2. Preemie newborn
  3. Toddlers with anxiety
  4. Teens with depression
  5. Baby Milestones
  6. Baby for the first year
  7. Baby sign language
  8. Breastfeeding for new moms
  9. Raising all boys
  10. Raising all girls
  11. Kid activities/learning
  12. Disciplining toddlers
  13. Raising twins for the first time
  14. Single parenting
  15. Sleeping baby problems
  16. Healthy eating toddlers
  17. Exercise for kids
  18. Yoga for kids
  19. Kid fashion trends
  20. Kid organization hacks
  21. All about lunch kits and/or backpacks (this is a niche mamas!)
  22. Mom life/fashion
  23. Anxiety kid life
  24. Stay at home mom with a large family
  25. Working mom with a large family
  26. Mental health as a parent/mom
  27. Organization mom hacks
  28. Nursery/toy/organization

Sleeping Should Be Easy

Nina’s blog, Sleeping Should Be Easy, was a godsend for me. I was a new mom to twins and knew nothing! 🙂 I stumbled upon Nina’s blog probably when I was pumping one afternoon and spent hours reading her posts about twins.

While Nina’s main focus is on helping twins, she does branch out and share tips for working moms or about play.

Blog ideas around babies is a great topic to blog about!

Smart Mom Ideas

Smart Mom Ideas is another blog I have. I blog about pregnancy and parenting content for first time moms. Over the years I’ve honed down the niche to really speak to the new mom or pregnant mom!

Here are examples of blog ideas for your blog:

  • Best Organization Hacks for Busy Moms
  • 45 Kid-Friendly Exercise Routines
  • 130 Baby Cues You Need to Know
  • Sensory Toddler Activities that Are Mess Free!

2 Family Blog Ideas

Family blogs focus on the family core and how to help others have a happy or productive family. If you don’t want to specifically talk about being a mom or about your child, you can collectively blog about your family.

  1. Starting a family
  2. Baby prep
  3. Growing as a family
  4. Wedding (although this doesn’t have to end as a family, if you are getting married and eventually want to start a family, you can start blogging about wedding prep and family prep)
  5. Maternity advice
  6. New mom advice
  7. Maternity fashion
  8. Pregnancy health
  9. Pregnancy exercise
  10. Pregnancy yoga
  11. Becoming a good parent
  12. Raising your family
  13. Raising your family paleo
  14. Raising your family on a farm
  15. Raising your family as a traveler
  16. Traveling family
  17. Family meal planning
  18. Kid-friendly recipes
  19. Managing a big family
  20. Budgeting for a big family

Swaddles n’ Bottles

Caroline’s blog, Swaddles n’ Bottles, is a wonderful blog for new modern moms! Her blog is filled with helpful blog post ideas for the new mom from breastfeeding to toddler activities.

Her blog attracts a varied audience, yet it is a specific audience – new moms.

Mom to Mom Nutrition

Katie of Mom to Mom Nutrition focuses on healthy nutrition for families. For me, whenever I’m stuck with figuring out what to feed my family, I always check here first for some delicious and healthy recipes!

Here are blog ideas for your blog:

  • 15 Maternity Fashion Ideas
  • The Secret to Traveling With Toddlers
  • 3 Kids Under 3: My Chore Plan to Keep Me Sane
  • 45 Instant Pot Recipes Kids Will Love

3 Educational Blog Ideas

Educational type of blogs are more instructional and try to help you transition from point A to point B. If you start one of these blogs, you can educate newbies to your topic or help those established get to the next level.

  1. Productivity hacks for busy moms
  2. Productive as a single mom
  3. Productive as an entrepreneur
  4. Productive as a working mom
  5. Productive as a stay-at-home mom
  6. Productive as a mom blogger
  7. Time management hacks for a large family
  8. Time management for moms
  9. Time management for mom bloggers
  10. Time management for entrepreneurs
  11. Goal planning tips for travelers
  12. Goal planning printables
  13. Start homeschool
  14. Homeschool curriculum ideas for elementary
  15. Homeschool tip for beginners
  16. Homeschool organization hacks
  17. Homeschool Printables/Worksheets
  18. Faith
  19. Bible study
  20. Ministry teaching
  21. Christian values
  22. Personal development tips
  23. Developing successful habits
  24. Personal growth
  25. Mindset growth
  26. Authenticity in life
  27. Mental health
  28. Feminism
  29. Self-care for moms/women

Melanie Redd

Melanie Redd and her husband operate a ministry. Her blog ideas are about how to live a true life for God. She has posts about encouraging your wife, showing how much you love your husband and more. Living a faithful and blessed life is something that many people strive for and Melanie’s blog has a lot of great resources.

Hip Homeschooling

Rebecca’s blog, Hip Homeschooling has amazing resources to help you start your own homeschool. While her blog ideas focuses on homeschooling resources, it does also cover faith and mom life topics like encouragement and recipes. She realizes that her audience doesn’t only want to know about homeschooling, but also mom stuff and faith.

Here are blog ideas for your blog:

  • My Homeschool Routine with 5 Kids
  • Spiritual Goal Planner Printable
  • Easy Ways to Save Time Meal Prepping
  • Time Management for Work at Home Moms

4 Business Blog Ideas

You can start a blog with the intention of monetizing it. This is how I started blogging. I created Innovative Ink and started a service-based business blog.

If you have experience in something that you know would help people, OR, you want to learn more about something (like Pinterest or blogging), then you can start a business blog niche.

For example, social media is a big industry and if you are a social media marketer, you can have tons of blog post ideas at your disposal.

  1. Digital marketing
  2. Freelance writing
  3. Blogging for stay at home moms
  4. Start a virtual assistant business
  5. Start a photography business
  6. Start equine photography
  7. Start newborn photography
  8. Email marketing for bloggers
  9. Social media for influencers
  10. Social media marketing for coaches
  11. Facebook marketing/management for bloggers
  12. Instagram marketing/management for coaches
  13. Pinterest marketing/management for female entrepreneurs
  14. Life coaching for working moms
  15. Business coaching for corporate families
  16. Parent coaching for tired moms
  17. Mom blogging coaching
  18. Health and wellness for eco friendly moms
  19. Essential oils for beauty moms
  20. Youtube tips for stay at home moms
  21. Video marketing for course creators
  22. Pilates instructions for moms
  23. Yoga instructions for college women
  24. Living eco-friendly for college women
  25. Baby blankets for new moms
  26. Clothes for postpartum body
  27. Children clothes for sensitive children
  28. Activity printables for kids who are bored
  29. Planners for the working mom
  30. Business cards for freelancers


Lauren and Alex have exploded on Pinterest with their health site, Avocadu. I love their site because they promote food as a medicine and want you to look at the root problem of why you have dry skin or why you have headaches all the time.

They have created a business by providing guides, eBooks and courses and could be a good blog niche for you.

Jessica Stansberry

I love Jessica’s site and YouTube channel. She provides great tutorials – like this one on OBS – and embeds her YouTube video on her posts and gives awesome tips for people that want to use video marketing to grow their business.

Here are some post ideas for your blog:

  • How to Start Clubhouse for Your Mom Business
  • The Only Instagram Strategy You Need to Grow Your Brand
  • 18 Virtual Assistant Services You Can Offer
  • Yoga For Beginners: 5 Simple Poses

5 Home/DIY

Pinterest LOVES DIY and home decor pins. This is a great blog idea for your blog if you are in the know about home decor or you have a knack for DIY projects. Check out these post ideas.

  1. Kid crafts
  2. Kid clothing
  3. Kid toys
  4. Decor
  5. Farmhouse decor
  6. Renovations
  7. Remodels
  8. Painting
  9. Furniture
  10. Rustic living
  11. Eco-friendly living
  12. Home office
  13. College living
  14. Decor for cheap
  15. Modern decor
  16. Kitchen
  17. Food
  18. Recipes
  19. Ethical eating
  20. Meal planning
  21. Quick meals
  22. Healthy meals
  23. DIY for apartment living
  24. Tiny house
  25. Tiny house design
  26. Tiny house decor
  27. Homesteading

Comet Camper

Mariah’s niche blog, Comet Camper, helps people transition from big house living to tiny house living. She’s created an eCourse and has turned this blogging idea into a business.

Farmhouse on Boone

Lisa’s blog, Farmhouse on Boone, is so beautiful. She gives great ideas for a white farmhouse and minimalist look. Her blog also branches out to simple living.

Here are some content ideas for your blog:

  • How to Make a Wooden Toy Box
  • A Day In the Life of a College Student
  • 12 Wonderful Rustic Kitchen Ideas
  • 23 Slow Cooker Recipes for Chicken Lovers

6 Beauty Blog Ideas

If you are passionate about beauty and fashion you can totally start a blog in that niche! This content idea can serve many people, so make sure you are clear with your demographic.

  1. Makeup
  2. Makeup for moms
  3. Makeup for teens
  4. Makeup for talent shows
  5. Makeup for dance competitions
  6. Makeup for actors
  7. Makeup coverage tips
  8. Makeup dupes
  9. Makeup on a bargain
  10. Makeup for wedding
  11. Hair
  12. Curly hair
  13. Long hair
  14. Short hair
  15. Red hair
  16. Fashion
  17. Styles for teens
  18. Styles for women
  19. Styles for men
  20. Boho style
  21. Style for over 60
  22. Plus size styles
  23. Capsule wardrobe
  24. Mom capsule wardrobe
  25. Mom style
  26. Child fashion
  27. Child hair tutorials

Hair By Lori

Lori is a mom and loves to do hair! Lori helps others learn how to braid like her! I love the pictures and video tutorials in each of her posts!

Now THAT I Can Do, Mama!

I LOVE Corina’s blog, Now That I Can Do, Mama! Her motto: a blog for moms fighting the frumpy monster. This is perfect! She has visuals, pillar types of posts and her freebies all focus on fashion and wardrobe.

If you’re a mom that is clueless about fashion (because you’ve spent a better part of a year or more in maternity clothes and nursing bras…ahem..) then this is the blog for you!

Some blog content ideas to help you on your new blog:

  • A Simple Makeup Routine for Your Wedding Day
  • 12 Tween Fashion for Your Daughter
  • 5 Chic Boho Styles for Busy Moms
  • 9 Curly Hair Styles When You Don’t What to Do

7 Finance/Making Money

Budgeting and money is something that is universal. You can help a lot of people or a core set of people. It’s up to you. 

  1. Frugal living
  2. Budgeting for a large family
  3. Budgeting for two
  4. Budgeting as a family
  5. Budgeting for beginners
  6. Grocery budgeting
  7. Personal finance
  8. Make money online
  9. Side Hustles
  10. Make money as a stay at home mom
  11. Make money from home
  12. Freelancing
  13. Saving money
  14. Paying off debt
  15. Living on one income
  16. Downsizing
  17. Make money blogging
  18. Couponing

Smart Cents for Life

Shirley is behind Smart Cents for Life, a life style blog, where she helps people save money and make money as well as give finance tips. While her content is varied it’s all centered around saving money or making money.

Frugal Coupon Living

Ashley’s blog, Frugal Coupon Living is mostly about the latest deals. Her blog also has awesome recipes and craft ideas. As you can see, you can have a blog dedicated to couponing and saving but also blog on other topics based on your audience’s interests.

Check out these blogging ideas for your blog:

  • The Ultimate Budget Binder for Families
  • How to Save $100 Every Month
  • 28 Side Hustles Kids Could Try
  • 5 Easy Money Making Hobbies

Many of these can serve as a guest post for your content plan too!

8 Relationships

If you have experience in helping other’s in their relationships, then you can offer help online with your blog. Whether it’s for singles or married couples, if your relationship is successful, share your tips with others that need help!

  1. Dating
  2. Living together
  3. Next step in your relationship
  4. Couple life
  5. Couple transition
  6. Healthy relationship
  7. Loving relationship
  8. Being single
  9. Christian dating
  10. Divorce
  11. Second marriages
  12. Marriage
  13. Christian marriage
  14. Long-distance relationship

Stay Married

Tony and Michelle have a wonderful blog, Stay Married, celebrating being married. With their podcast and blog you can get your fill on having a healthy and loving marriage.

My Love Thinks

Drs. John Van Epp + Morgan Cutlip’s blog My Love Thinks helps people in relationships – whether dating or in a marriage. With courses and freebies, they have your covered if you are in a new relationship or struggling to stay in one. Definitely check out their blog for post ideas.

Here are some blog ideas for your blog:

  • 8 Ways to Support Your Partner Through a Tough Time
  • 5 Must-Read Relationship Books
  • 9 Things to Avoid Saying When Dating
  • 5 Steps to Better Communication With Your Partner

There are many marriage and relationship lifestyle blogs where you can guest post too!

9 Food Blog Ideas

Everyone loves food! There are so many food and recipe blogs, who can this be a good niche to get into? Well – it covers the masses which means you can target a type of audience for your food blog.

It’s highly visual and that means you can promote this on Pinterest and Instagram to explode your blog traffic quickly. It’s also a great blog niche idea to monetize. You can create recipe books, bootcamp courses and more.

  1. Authentic international food
  2. Quick meals
  3. Picky eaters
  4. College cuisine
  5. Baking
  6. Keto recipes
  7. Whole 30 recipes
  8. Gluten-free recipes
  9. Vegan recipes
  10. Large family cooking
  11. Simple ingredients
  12. Desserts
  13. Healthy easy food
  14. One pan meals
  15. Dump meals
  16. Instant Pot meals
  17. Slow Cooker meals

De Mi Rancho a Tu Cocina

Doña Ángela is a grandmother living in Mexico. She shares very authentic Mexican cooking on her YouTube channel.

She has over 2.3 Million subscribers. While this is a blog post about blog ideas, you can get started on YouTube, grow a community and then direct people to your blog. This is a great idea for sure!

Minimalist Baker

Dana’s blog, the Minimalist Baker gets over 2Million visitors a month to her blog.

She provides very simple recipes that taste amazing. And, as a reader, I love knowing that Dana’s blog is healthy and easy to make.

Here are some blogging ideas for your blog content schedule:

  • 5 One Pan Meals for Families
  • The Simple Trick to End Picky Eating
  • 9 Keto Desserts You Must Try
  • How to Cook With Chick Peas

10 Pregnancy Blog Ideas

Pregnancy can fall under new mom or even parenting topics, but the pregnancy niche on it’s own is a HUGE niche. The maternity niche on its own is a billion dollar industry.

  1. Twin Pregnancy
  2. High-risk pregnancy
  3. Teen pregnancy
  4. Pregnancy fashion
  5. Preparing for pregnancy
  6. First trimester pregnancy
  7. Giving birth
  8. Pregnancy complications
  9. Antenatal depression
  10. Gestational diabetes
  11. Breast pumps
  12. Contraception
  13. Pregnancy health tips
  14. Midwife

Pregnancy Prep

Chloe’s blog Pregnancy Prep is filled conceiving and getting pregnant advice.

She’s a registered nurse health practitioner and has the qualifications to give you this type of information.

Coffee and Coos

Alexandra’s lifestyle blog, Coffee and Coos, is primarily a pregnancy blog. It’s filled with her own wisdom and she also features other moms.

Here are blog ideas for your pregnancy blog:

  • 8 Ways to Relieve Heart Burn When Pregnant
  • The Best Pregnancy Journal to Have
  • What to Pack for the Hospital When Having Twins
  • 9 Best Breast Pumps to Try

11 Travel

While I mentioned some travel topics in this post, you can separate this highly profitable niche blog idea. There is a large audience that loves to travel and wants travel information.

  1. Disney travel
  2. Cruise ship travel
  3. Expat travel
  4. Single and traveler
  5. Travel destinations
  6. Australian travel
  7. Winter traveling
  8. Travel and pets
  9. Adventure travel
  10. Off the grid traveler
  11. Business travels
  12. Road trips
  13. Food tourism

Polka Dots and Pixie Dust

This blog is primarily a Disney blog that caters to families that want to visit Disneyland.

Here are some more blogging ideas to help you out:

  • 5 Essentials for Winter Traveling
  • What to Do In Burgdorf Hot Springs, Idaho
  • 9 German Restaurants to Check Out
  • 5 Simple Aerobic Tips When on a Cruise Ship

Pro Tips For Finding Blog Ideas and Your Niche Topic

There are a lot of different ideas you can have to start your blog, right? It might seem a whole lot and overwhelming, but there are some simple ways to figure out your niche.

  • What can you NOT stop talking about? Is it your knack for minimizing your home? Or is it your knowledge about health and fitness?
  • Can you write about it for a long time?
  • Can you create a product or monetize this idea? If you have a solid blogging idea then you can probably figure out a product or a way to monetize that idea. For example, if you want to have a homesteading blog, you can create a course to help others start that adventure or create printables to figure out if they are doing it right.

Another way to look at a blog idea is to try to make it unique. This means you can stand out faster from the blogging noise out there. One easy way to unique your niche is to combine blogging ideas.

For example, from the list above I can create these combined niches:

  • Ecofeminism
  • Maternity fashion for modern women
  • Meal planning for couples
  • Homeschooling twins

By combining these blog topics you are also honing down your niche to fit one type of audience (or a couple of audiences). This can help boost your income and engage with the right audience for sure!

Finally, you can look at your blog niche as a place to share your ideas. This would count as a lifestyle blog with many similar topics. So, from the list of blog post ideas, you can choose a variety like frugal living and cooking or hairstyles and makeup for moms.

Picking more than one topic for your blog is okay in the beginning. It can even be popular in the long run like other multi-niche blogs like Pop Sugar.

But, for the rest of us, having one core niche is the best option for sure!

If All Else Fails, Look to Maslow for Blog Ideas

Psychologist, Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs. These are the basic and crucial needs all people have.

To find blog ideas, you can find a blog topic around Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Here’s a graph I created based on Maslow’s needs and the types of blog topics you can have as well as niched down topics to ensure that you find the right audience for your blog idea.

As a new blogger, you can ensure that picking a blog idea from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs means that you are helping a basic human need. And people will gladly pay to solve any problems they have with these basic needs –

  • Disorganized house – A home decor blogger can sell a decluttering program to help the overwhelmed home owner
  • Just broke up – A relationship blog can help someone who just broke up feel more confident and find ways to attract the right mate by having a relationship bootcamp video class
  • Hates their job and wants to quit – A blog about making a living blogging can teach these people another way to make a living by providing a coaching service

Bonus: Most Asked Questions About Blog Ideas

1 What are the Best Blogging Topics?

Finding that right blog idea is the hard part, but coming up with consistent blog topics can also be challenging.

When figuring that out, you usually look to your audience and find a problem they are having. But, what if your blog is new and you don’t know you audience?

Well let’s look at the blog idea breastfeeding.

To find the questions people are asking you can use Answer the Public. Plug in your blog topic and it will spew out all the questions people ask:

There are 195 questions about breastfeeding. Take a look at this exhaustive list and find some blog post ideas:

  • Are Breastfeeding Classes Necessary?
  • How Do You Start Breastfeeding?
  • What To Do When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Work

2 How Do I Come Up with a Blog Idea?

There are many ways to come up with that perfect blog idea. I just showed you Answer the Public, but another great way to find an idea is to use BuzzSumo. Plug in your topic and you will see the most popular blog posts about that topic.

This will give you an indication whether your blog topic is a success or fail.

Here is the result for poke bowl recipes:

As you can see, a lot of these posts did very well on Pinterest. This tells you to make sure to have attractive images in your post and eye-catching visuals on your pin.

Another way to find blog topics is with Google Trends. Maybe you have an idea for a blog post, but not sure if it’s popular. Look at Google Trends and see if your topic is on an upward or downward trend.

If the topic is going up on the graph, then you know people are still interested in learning about it. But, if the topic is dying out, then maybe you need to find a new blog topic idea.

What’s great about Google Trends is you can compare to blog ideas. For example, if I have a health blog and I want to blog about either Paleo or Keto, I would want to know whether the topic is still interesting to readers.

You can find a trending topic easily with this free tool.

As you can see, Keto is much more popular than Paleo. This can tell you to focus more on Keto recipes and the Keto lifestyle than the Paleo lifestyle.

And when you are done writing the blog post? Make sure to share it on social media. I like going on Twitter to tweet my post multiple times a day! And, don’t forget to share it on Pinterest as part of your content marketing plan!

3 How Do I Write a Blog?

Writing a blog post takes practice.

So, I suggest you start your first blog post with a “hey, get to know me” type of post. Why did you start your blog? Things like that. This can help you feel more comfortable with the content management platform you are using (ex: WordPress).

You can also write a list post too. These are easy posts to write and are highly sharable on social meda.

And, above all, make sure you understand your target audience. As lifestyle bloggers, who is your target audience? What lifestyle blog post ideas can you come up with?

They can be young single moms or college students or fit moms. Make sure to narrow your demographics to get the best traffic to your blog.

If you need help with writing a blog check out these Twins Mommy posts:

Blog Ideas to Help You Out!

Now is the perfect time to start a blog. It’s perfect for moms that want some creative outlet or some extra cash on the side! If you need help starting a blog, check out my super simple tutorial on starting a blog step-by-step!

Tell me in the comments what blogging idea you like or what you want to blog about mamas!

And I would love it if you pinned me!

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This blog is what I needed. Thank you for taking your time to write this. As a mom blogger I know the time dedication this takes!Reply to Chloe
very informative and detailed ! Been looking for something like this for a good content.Thanks for taking the time to share your blogging ideas.santhathi is one of the best fertility and ivf center in bangalore,which provides a good treatmentReply to Santhathi
Hi Santhathi, Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed this post on blogging ideas!Reply to Elna
I have recently started blogging on i really look forward to use your ideas for my future blogsReply to michelle
Hi Michelle, That’s great to hear! Make sure to create a plan to get a self-hosted plans so you can keep your content and monetize your blog!Reply to Elna
You are simply fantastic. Good job well done ?Reply to Favour
Hi! Thank you so much! Glad you found some blogging ideas for your next post!Reply to Elna
I cannot even begin to tell you how phenomenal your resources are! I have been researching and researching for days and I kept hitting a wall. I found stuff scattered all about and was completely overwhelmed. And then I found you. It was love at first sight 🙂 I absolutely love the way your site is put together. Everything we need to learn how to fly the nest is right here. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into all of this. It is so greatly appreciated. I plan on purchasing the rest of the resources once I complete the free class. You are a blessing my friend <3 I would love to collaborate with you in the future once I am fully established!Reply to Danielle
Hi Danielle, Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to me! So happy you found my site and that my resources are helping you! Thanks for wanting to purchase some of my resources! <3Reply to Elna
This blog post is so appreciated! I started a blog and became stumped on the different topics that I can write about. And here you are! 🙂 Thank you!Reply to Angela
Hi Angela, So happy you found this post on blogging ideas to helpful for your editorial calendar and blog niche! Have fun writing!Reply to Elna
I’ve recently started “blogging” on my family’s Instagram (writing supper long posts), so I’m looking to start a proper blog to write all the information and experience from our family outings ? then I can write smaller Instagram captions again ?Reply to Renee
Hi Renee! Lol! That made me laugh! Yes, start a blog so you can write smaller Instagram captions for sure!Reply to Elna
Great article, it helped me create next 50 blog post for my business blog. Thanks Elna!Reply to Camila
Hi Camila, Wow! That’s awesome that these blogging ideas totally helped form your editorial content plan! 🙂 Have fun blogging!Reply to Elna
GREAT ARTICLE with wonderful expamples! Thanks for posting Elna. If i wanted to start a blog that focused on providing inspirational or motivational articles from a wide variety of topics for women and moms, do you think that’s a niche or do I need a more a more narrow focus?Reply to Darice
Hi Darcie, You can definitely try this niche out to see if it’s viable and people read your blog. If not, you may want to focus or even pivot!Reply to Elna
Wow! Once again, you hit it out of the ballpark with your content! I always love reading your blog posts because I always learn something new. You gave me lots of new and good ideas on how I can serve my audience of (almost) empty nester moms. Thank you!Reply to Kristen
Hi Kristen, That’s awesome to hear! Thank you so much for your wonderful words and am happy to hear this post of blogging ideas was helpful!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much for this! I launch my new blog on January 1st and remember one of the troubles I had with a previous blog was that I had days where I just had no idea what to write. I sat in front of my screen or notebook and just looked like a deer in headlights. This will be so handy as I start this new venture.Reply to melissa
Hi Melissa, Yes, having to come up with blogging ideas and blog topics is a challenge if you’re new. So glad this post was helpful!Reply to Elna
Its truly an endless supply of ideas. Thanks Elna!Reply to Jen
I’m not sure about the niche thing. This is so hard for me. I have a few things I want to talk about. I already took 2 topics off my blog, that I think I am going to make 2 other blogs with those topics. My main blog is called Diary of a “Real” Mom. My blog is showing that not all moms are perfect and I talk about all those real subjects that other people find hard to talk about. Like my addiction and eating disorders, the fact that I am a mom but also an exotic dancer, etc. I took my stripper diary off my mom page to make it more of a separate thing since it has some rated R subject matter. So currently the links on my mom blog are Addiction, Health, Homemaking, Mommyhood, Mindfulness, and Travel. Then I have a random category where those just don’t quite fit but are still related. This has been my hardest part of starting my blog. I have so much to write about because I have been through a lot of stuff and I want to help other moms who feel less than perfect when they look at those other little “perfect” mom blogs.Reply to Alanna
Hi Alana, Kudos for you for talking about the REAL stuff that matters. I think you’re doing a good job. I like the categories on your blog right now. You also want to appeal to a large audience so incorporating popular blogging ideas like travel or mommyhood is good! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Omg thank you so much for the reply! I just absolutely love your blog and you have been such a big help in me figuring out little stuff I have overlooked. I have come a lonnnnng way in the last 2 weeks, so I guess I can’t be too hard on myself. I have changed and added even more to my blog. Thanks so much for looking! <3 <3 <3 <3 XOXOX You are amazing!Reply to Alanna
Thanks for this. My problem is I have too much to talk about! Although my blog is centered around family life, I feel there is so much more to my life that I want to share and receive. Like you, I have twins. I also have one toddler with Autism. Those are topics I want to explore, but aren’t truly my focus. I am hoping that as I start writing about things I care about, my niche will reveal itself. For now, I am happy just finally starting!Reply to Dee
Hi Dee, That’s a fantastic approach to blogging! I love when my niche reveals itself to me! Have fun blogging!Reply to Elna
Superb post. So much informative and interesting. A thorough guide to new bloggers. I enjoyed reading and going to implement some of your ideasReply to Malati
Thank you! Starting a blog is only half the battle. Now you you have to create content and blogging ideas! With Twins Mommy, I’m still scrambling to come up with great topics!Reply to Elna
Finally I’ve found something for me! I love baking and I thought about cake blog at first but it seemed to narrow for me. After reading this post I’m sure that the core of my blog should be family meal planning (I’m a stay at home mom). In addition I can write about kitchen organization, homesteading or frugal living. And create some meal planners. Thank you Elna. I read your blog from the beginning 🙂Reply to Eve
Hey Eve, Those are great ideas for your lifestyle parenting blog! Love it!Reply to Elna
Lovely post Elna!!! I was looking for my blog and I found your article so helpful… You are great simply!Reply to Nidda
So happy you found some blog ideas!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, This is a well-detailed list and very practical. Will definitely be using this list. Thank youReply to Grace
Hi Grace! That’s so great to hear! I love blogging and these blog ideas are great to inspire new moms that want to start a blog!Reply to Elna
very informative and detailed ! Been looking for something like this for a while. Thanks for taking the time to share your blogging ideasReply to Marco
Hi Marco! You’re welcome! Glad this list of blog topics will help you!Reply to Elna
This was quite the list! You’ve managed to cover a great deal of topics to write about, but they aren’t a “stretch” from one another. I’ve seen many lists like this that bounce all over (from technology to sports to beauty), so this was a nice change of pace. I really enjoyed your Maslow graphic. That’s a great way to figure out what a blog should be about. Thank you for sharing this!Reply to Ali
Hey Ali! Thanks so much! Glad you found some blogging ideas to help you start a blog or figure out blog topics!Reply to Elna
Very informative. Thanks for the extensive list.Reply to Ngozi
I have been reading blogs about finding your niche and topics to blog on for months. Twinsmommy has been the most informative that Ive found!! Ive been getting stuck in the sea of overwhelming ideas. Thank you for sharing so many useful tips!Reply to Jessica
Hi Jessica! Thanks so much! Glad you are enjoying my blog posts on Twins Mommy 🙂 Good luck growing your blog!!!Reply to Elna
Great post, very informative and interesting and I did find a few topic I can blog about.Reply to Ola
Hi! That’s awesome! I’m so happy you found some blogging ideas to help you start a blog or get some blog topic ideas!Reply to Elna
This has been really helpful. Thank you for taking the time to create this list.Reply to Gladys
Hi Gladys! You’re welcome! Glad you found some blogging ideas to help you start a blog!Reply to Elna
Great blog post! I’m just starting on my own blog as well. Your blog and the many other mom’s you listed are inspiring.Reply to Ridhwanah
Hi! Thanks so much! Congrats on starting a mommy blog! 🙂 Good luck with growing your blog!!!Reply to Elna
I love writing too, and i called my self as a personal lifestyle bloggerReply to Swastikha
I’m 41 years old single hobby is reading and writing. I would like to star a blog for my self…bu dont’ know how to star..Reply to ludia
Hi Ludia! That’s awesome you want to start a blog! Have you checked out my super simple tutorial on starting a blog? This can help you get started fast!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! I write about family, finances and flashpacking. I also have several draft posts about expat living. Should I niche down? Which topic should I focus on? I’m thinking of writing for the “expat moms” but I won’t be an expat forever so… Ahh I’m confused! Thanks.Reply to Mommy
Hey! I like your topics for sure! You can have a lifestyle blog with multiple topics if you want. See what your audience enjoys and then you can niche down for sure!Reply to Elna
Lovely ideas.. all are perfect and accurate for me. i wish i could be seen those ideas before starting my own blog. well done mate, u did a great job, ur posts will definitely help those newbies.Reply to komal
Hi! Thanks so much! Yeah, when you are just starting a blog, everything is overwhelming! It’s hard to see what you need to know!!!Reply to Elna
Hey Elna thank you for this amazing post…it was really helpful. I was wondering can I start a blog about my school experience and crazy stories?Reply to Divyangana
Hi! You can start a blog about anything if you want! It’s your blog right? 🙂 Go ahead!Reply to Elna