
The Best Affiliate Marketing Blog Post that Makes the MOST Money

Back when I first started trying to make money from my blog, I didn’t know much about affiliate marketing posts.

I had no clue about affiliate marketing and how I could make money with that method.

It took several years of blogging before I really dived into creating affiliate marketing posts and then finding out that they made money!

Not all of them made a ton of money though.

I had some hits and some misses but I figured out the ONE and BEST type of affiliate marketing post that generated sales every single day.

So, what IS that type of post?

I’ll share what that is and also give you three more converting affiliate blog posts you should have on your blog.

What’s the #1 Affiliate Marketing Post?

So, what’s this high-converting blog post for affiliate marketing?

It’s the review style affiliate blog post.

These are blog posts that review a product, service or tool.

This is a MUST-HAVE piece of content for your blog and it’s best to have several of these review blog posts for affiliate marketing.

How to Write a Blog Post for Affiliate Marketing

Doing affiliate marketing in a blog post requires a series of planned out steps.

It’s not enough to find a product you already use, sign up to their referral program (or marketplace like Share-a-Sale) and then write what you like and dislike about the product.

There is a lot that goes into writing this type of blog post.

1. They are Authentic

Review blog posts are highly authentic. 

This means you are showing the product and using the product.

You may do a video of unboxing your new steam cleaner or new Playstation.

This is a highly authentic and converting method for people to IMMEDIATELY trust what you tell them in your blog post.

Here are other ways to be authentic when writing an affiliate marketing blog post.

  • Share what you don’t like about the product or service
  • Do a case study of what it was like before and what it was like after using the product or service
  • Show a picture of you holding or wearing the affiliate item

2. Zero In On One Product to Promote

Learning how to make a post for affiliate marketing means you REALLY need to know A LOT about what you are recommending to your audience.

For example, I asked a freelancer friend if I could be an affiliate for her pitching course. I felt it would benefit my audience since she talks more about cold pitching and I teach more lead generation tactics.

She agreed and gave me access to her course.

I’m in the process of reviewing her lessons so I can write a great review post, or a social media affiliate post or even an email.

And when I do this – take the time to learn ONE product and share ONE product – I will make double or triple the sales.

Look –

I also do Amazon affiliate marketing for my blogs, but typically, with that strategy, I’m promoting several items in roundup posts.

And because of that method, I don’t make nearly enough as my review style posts.

I make a few hundred per month with Amazon while I may make thousands or tens of thousands with one review blog post.

3. Use a Keyword in Your Affiliate Marketing Blog Post

A secret way to gain more views to your review content on your blog is to add a keyword to it.

Did you know there are hundreds of review keywords across many niches?

Ahrefs keyword finder for review keywords

Just type in the name of the product you want to promote into a keyword tool and see if there is a review keyword for it.

You can make it more relevant too by adding the date (but don’t put the date in the slug, just in the title) and to add if the product is legit or a scam.

So, when writing your affiliate marketing article, make sure to section it with features and benefits. I like to share what you get for the product and then weave that into how it can help you achieve whatever it is (better sleeps, more income, more ideas, etc..).

4. Exhaustively Talk About the Product

Part of  knowing how long your blog post is for affiliate marketing depends on how exhaustive you are in detailing the product or service.

For example, I’ve seen some Jasper AI affiliate blog posts that are 20,000 words long!

Typically, though, for affiliate products that are intangible (can’t hold them), you do have to make your content longer to explain what they will be getting if they used your affiliate link.

But, don’t think because your have a long-form piece of content that it will automatically rank. 

That’s not the case. People want a detailed blog post but also that it doesn’t take 10 hours to read!

5. Add Video

That’s why adding video helps with making your affiliate marketing blog post short but detailed.

If possible, create a video showcasing the product or service and give your opinion on it.

This ups the credibility and trust factor for sure!

But a sneaky reason to add video is that Google ranks videos!

So you can have your affiliate marketing video rank AND your affiliate blog post!


Affiliate Marketing Post Ideas

So, are there other affiliate marketing blog posts you can write?

Of course! Here are the next best ones.

Best Of

Over on my niche sites I like to do “best of” blog posts.

You can have a round up of the BEST products or feature one.

I found focussing on one product works well for a Best Of blog post on affiliate marketing.

What’s great about using the word Best in your headline is that people who use that term when searching are in a buying mindset.

They are looking for the best of the best and want to know more about it.

When writing an affiliate post, it’s a good idea to state the product right away. My title for the diaper rash cream is elusive.

Which diaper cream DID work? 

Instead of burying the product name half-way down the blog post, I shared it in the first few sentences of the introduction.

This helps filter out readers who want to know more about that product or would rather use something else.

Another added section to this post is a mini-round up of the OTHER products not mentioned.

So, for my diaper cream post, most of the post is about one product but then I have a section showcasing other similar diaper creams.

Go ahead and play around with creating an affiliate blog post sharing ONE product and then another affiliate blog post sharing mostly one product AND a round up of comparable ones.

Round Up

A traditional affiliate marketing blog post is to create a round up of various similar products.

I like to do these types of blog posts since they are easily consumed, shared and create a library of sorts.

For example, on Twins Mommy I have a blog post about the best books to help you make money.

In that post, I round up sixteen books with Amazon affiliate links and write a few sentences about each book.

Make sure that the product that has the MOST commissions is the first choice in your roundup post.

You want to focus on the higher commissions products and you do that by featuring them first in your affiliate blog post.

And to make your commissions grow, take that affiliate product and place it in other blog posts. So, if I have a blog post on different bullet journals, then I would have my favorite or the one that is you use and drop that link in other blog posts related to productivity and planning.

Bonus #3: A Comparison (Vs)

Another great affiliate blog post to have on your blog  is a comparison of two products.

I actually don’t have this type of blog post because it is a bit time-consuming for me.

I have to know two products deeply so I can blog about it.

For example, I use Jasper AI for helping me with my writing and images.

I could go and try another generative AI tool like WriteSonic and if I like that then get an affiliate link for them and compare the two.

But, if you have the time, try it out!

It can lead to more conversions as you are marketing two products instead of one.

How Many Affiliate Marketing Posts Should You Have?

There is no set answer to this question but there are some best practices around affiliate marketing content on your blog.

For starters, I wouldn’t make every single blog post around an affiliate product.

While there are some review blogs out there that have review guides only with affiliate links, for a regular mom blogger like me, it’s best to suppress your affiliate marketing around other types of posts.

For example:

  • Ideas posts do well with hiding affiliates. Ex: “12 Ways to Decorate a Guest Room” can have different products listed to help decorate a guest room.
  • Essentials posts also hide affiliates. Ex: “The Best Postpartum Essentials You Need”
  • How to posts do great too. Ex: “How To Organize A Small Closet” will have organizational tools you can use for affiliate marketing

Make sure to pick up my free affiliate guide as I do share with you how many affiliate marketing posts you should aim for.

Over to You

Do you do affiliate marketing on your blog?

How’s it going for you? Share in the comments and don’t forget to pin me!


Thanks for an easy to understand post about affiliate links. I always check your blog first and always find solid and useful advice here!!

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