Did you recently start a blog so you can start making money?
You’ve been following some awesome blogs and have learned some proven ways to make money blogging. Now, you want to try it.
But, hold up!
A huge prerequisite to making money blogging is trust.
Your audience needs to trust you. When they trust you, they listen to what you have to say and what you recommend to them.
And, do you know an easy way to start building trust with your audience?
With an About Me Page!
But, maybe you’re wondering what do you put on your About me page when you’re brand new? You haven’t shown your credibility in your niche, or you haven’t really read other blogs or really know what this blogging this is all about.
That’s okay.
I’ll walk you through an About me template that you can adopt, modify or use for your own page.
My First About Me Template
One of my first copies of my About Me template for Twins Mommy is this one:
There’s more to this page, but we’ll go through the how to write one soon!
What I like about reading other blogger’s About me page is a quick introduction to who they are. And, most importantly, that I know their name!
All too often, I go to a beautiful blog, see pictures of the blogger, but have no idea who they are!
Sure, you might think this is an all about me template but really it’s a way to show new readers who you are and welcome them into your world of blogging!
What I end up seeing though are comments from other bloggers who just use their blog name, and on their About me page they say, “I” instead of sharing their name!
That’s why for all my About me pages, I tell new readers my name first.
This is a great way to build your brand.
New readers will remember your name more readily than your blog name over time.
And many bloggers – including me – own several blogs, so knowing the name of a new blogger you’re learning about is important.
Finally, one huge part of your About me page is your story.
You Tell Your Story
Over on my freelance writing blog, my About page is structured differently. Since my audience comes to me for my expertise in freelance writing, I need to convey my credibility before I share my story.
But, if you’re brand new to blogging, you can share your story from the beginning.
I suggest you keep it short, but to the point.
For example, Eryka of Busy Little Izzy does a great job sharing pictures of her family, her name and her story on her About me page.
Eryka even explains her blog name, which is a great idea when your blog name is made up of action words or related words that may not make sense to new readers.
You can also share why you started your blog like Heather of Very Anxious Mommy.
You Connect With Your Audience
An important piece of copy for your About me page is talking to your audience.
Now, as a new blogger, you may not know your audience right away. That’s okay – you may have to think about the topics you want to share on your blog and think of the broad type of person that would visit – moms, parents, fathers, college students, music teachers, authors etc..
Knowing a “loose avatar” can help you write a few sentences on how you relate to your audience.
Marissa of Just Simply Mom does a wonderful job connecting with her audience by sharing the struggles she faced being a mom to two children.
Since Twins Mommy helps moms making money blogging, I want to convey my credibility as someone that is doing this as well as show them that I’m a mom too!
Another great About me page example is Lauren’s from Military Wife and Mom. She starts her About me page by being upfront with her audience. She helps people that struggle living their true purpose.
You Show How You Can Help
Another significant piece of copy for your About me page is how your blog will help your audience. While you connected with them by relating to them, now you need to show them that your blog is the blog for them.
Why does your reader want to read your blog posts?
Again, as a new blogger, you may not know what to blog about, but when starting a blog, I’m sure you have a rough idea of several topics that you are interested in writing about.
Remember too – you can change your About me copy many times to show how you are pivoting your blog or niching down.
You don’t have to write a lot either – a few sentences or bullet points is all you need to make sure that your reader is in the right place.
For example, Chelsea of Life With My Littles shares the topics she writes about on her blog on her About me page (and she has a cute photo to boot too!).
On my blog, I bolded my “blog message” to make sure people who land on my site know that Twins Mommy isn’t a blog about my twins!
Twins Mommy is a place to help moms make money blogging. I provide help to increase your website traffic, email list, and income and turn your blog into a business that thrives.
You Have a Funsie Section
This is optional, but, to share more of your personality you can have a section at the bottom of your About me page on your likes or funsie facts.
Here are my funsie facts:
I absolutely love dance shows, the color pink, Mexican and Chinese food, and I’m a constant stress-case.
I love the idea of camping, going on a boat, fishing, and all that outdoorsy stuff, but really, I don’t like the heat or bugs! Go figure.
I can whip up a mean Turkey dinner during the holidays, and my InstantPot is a lifesaver when I’m pressed for time and need to cook something up in 20 minutes.
There’s a Call-to-Action
Finally, your About me page copy should have a call-to-action for your audience.
This is how you will convert readers into potential customers.
And this is something I don’t see many bloggers do on their About me page.
This is something you want them to do.
For many bloggers, they have an opt-in form to help them grow their email list.
Other bloggers share their products like an eBook or course.
But, what if you don’t have any of those things?
What do you do?
What I did early on, was share my most popular blog posts and then later – my income generating blog posts.
If you are completely brand new, I would omit this type of call-to-action.
Instead, you can say something like,
Make sure to check out (blog name) every Wednesday for a new blog post!
Or, you can use this time to promote your email address or social media profiles.
Go ahead, and tell your audience to follow your Facebook page or Instagram profile!
About Me Template for You
Ready Set Blog for Traffic course student Nicolle of Tales of a Messy Mom, has a great About me page with all the right features to help her audience trust her!
This is the template I use for Twins Mommy, but the only difference is I have more call-to-actions!
But, that’s what’s so great about your About me page – you can change it whenever you want!
What About if You Have a Business?
Do you have a craft business or are you a coach, freelancer or teacher like me?
Once you start selling products on your blog, your About page template will change slightly.
As a blogger and content creator I talk more about this in my traffic building course, Ready Set Blog for Traffic, but the biggest thing is showing your credibility.
This means any titles you had, your work before starting a blog, your education and any certifications you may have. It can also be awards your blog has or any type of social proof like testimonials.
For my freelance writing About me page, I had to change my copy to reflect my credibility as a professional writer. I also had to show that my site is the go-to for freelance writing.
If you’re a teacher and you want an all about me teacher template then make sure you highlight your teaching role and how that relates to your online audience.
I follow other mom bloggers who are also teachers and have educational curriculums. One thing you can do is write in the third person for your About me page copy. This implies a more professional about me page for your business.
Alexa of Kids Activities with Alexa shows this beautifully on her teacher about me template.
This not only helps boost the trust factor with my audience, but it also boosts the trust factor for Google. Google wants to show the best results that are highly trustworthy, have expertise information and that the blogger is an authority in their respective niche.
Now, this process of building your credibility can take years. For my other site, it took around three years.
But, you can convey this on your About page once social proof comes in or once you develop products for your audience.
What About an About Me Template for Instagram?
If you are interested in starting a blog on Instagram, or if you are going to promote most of your business on Instagram then having an Instagram About Me template is important.
Here is mine:

Here you need to have a short bio example of yourself. This means in a couple of sentences, explain who you are and how you serve.
For my Instagram profile I serve other creators and SaaS businesses but I also speak to mom bloggers!
So go ahead and create a few short bio examples to use for social media and make sure they all are cohesive with your brand.
What About Blogging Anonymously?
What if you want to blog anonymously? How can you have a converting about page template?
What I would do is use your logo or an avatar or the back of you.
You can find a way to still connect with your audience without showing your face!
How to Write An About Page
One of the most popular pages on your blog is your About page.
Users want to get to know the blogger, not the blog.
With your About me page, you can share a snippet of who you are and what your blog is about. You can also use this page to promote any popular blog posts you have or ones that make you money.
Finally, it can be a way to grow your email list or promote your own products!
Have you started a blog yet? Share your About me page in the comments! I’d love to view them!
Remember to pin me!