Do you want to start a parenting blog?
You see so many pins on Pinterest that lead to amazing parenting blogs that you think – I can do this! I can blog about parenting and motherhood.
Yes, you can mama!
Having a blog has literally changed my life for the better.
I know that sounds all woo-woo, but because of starting a blog, I was able to continue to stay home with my twins after maternity leave and help keep my hubby home for good too!
Blogging is that powerful!
So, if you want to start a mommy blog, make sure first to check out my most popular tutorial on starting a blog.
This post has helped thousands of moms start a blog from scratch!
Next, I want you to check out these top parenting blogs and websites.
Many of them are huge sites that cater to millions of parents, but this list will also have parenting blogs from moms just like you!
But first, let’s go over what a parenting blog is before we see some parenting blog examples.
What is a Parenting Blog?
Anyone can write a parenting blog. If you want to connect with other parents or other moms, having a blog as a way to give you an outlet can help form those connections over time.
A parenting blog is a site with topics catering to moms, dads and parents. You can write about any topic that can help parents such as toddler behaviors, self-care for parents, pregnancy or being pregnant for the second time etc…
No topic is off-limits with a parenting blog.
To make a parenting blog highly successful, here are some tips.
1. Niche Down Topic or Audience
The most successful parenting blogs are ones that focus on one main parenting topic – co-parenting– or audience type – twin parents.
Why do they do so well?
Because every piece of content that’s on that parenting blog will speak directly to a particular person. And when that happens, people start to believe the blogger and hold them credible in what they are blogging about.
But, I understand that as a beginner blogger, finding what to blog about is challenging. So, I advise to pick a few topics and over time, see what resonates with your audience and then dive down.
2. Write Solutions to Problems
Some of the best types of blog posts to write on a parenting blog are the questions parents have – but are too scared to ask them.
People may be embarrassed to admit they have problems parenting and don’t want their family or friends know they are struggling.
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if those readers could find your parenting blog and find a question they were thinking about?
To find the problems your audience is having, you have to search on social media first.
Join Facebook groups and go on Pinterest to see what people are talking about.
For example, I belong to a local mom group, and there was a thread for peanut-free toddler snack ideas. This mom was having a hard time finding easy-to-make or pre-packaged snack foods that were peanut-free.
As a parenting blogger, you can write a blog post about that topic.
If you’re on Pinterest, you can plug in a term and see what pops up. For example, here’s the result for husband and pregnancy.
From the results, you can see that pregnant wives might be wanting their husbands to understand more about what pregnancy is and how it’s affecting their marriage.
This can be a topic on your new parenting blog!
3. Don’t Start a Parenting Blog Just Because You Want to Make Money Blogging
You will fail if you are brand new to blogging and you say to yourself,
Okay, I’ll just start a parenting blog and review baby strollers and baby equipment so that I can make money.
This won’t work because you won’t build a strong audience, and any income you earn from Amazon affiliate marketing won’t pay the bills for many months or years to come.
Monetizing any type of blog needs a strong blog plan.
Start your parenting blog by helping other parents.
Once you do that, the income from blogging will naturally fall into place.
4. It’s Okay to Stand for Something
Many moms today are afraid to let other moms know they don’t think formula feeding is wrong or that keeping your toddler up until 9pm is at all bad.
But, you know what?
Taking a stand on your blog is what will get your blog noticed faster.
I have a contributor blog called Imperfectly Perfect Mama and many mom bloggers guest post on this blog.
A popular blog post on that site is a post about how a wife is choosing to be submissive in her marriage.
This post generated a lot of shares on Facebook and Pinterest and comments on the blog post.
Having content like this can help build traffic and a strong community around what you believe in.
So, don’t be afraid to take a stand on something!
Okay, now let’s look at some amazing parenting blogs you can get inspired so you can start your own parenting website!
36 Popular Parenting Blogs
1. Red Tricycle
Red Tricycle receives around 900k visitors a month.
This is a very popular parenting blog on things to do with your kids. It’s a multi-topic blog with content on parenting, travel, food and more.
The most popular blog posts are:
- What I Didn’t Understand about Being a Working Mom Before I Was One
- This New “Friends” Themed LEGO Set Is Totally There for You
- LEGOLAND Discovery Center Just Built the World’s Smallest Pride Parade
As you can see, they provide entertainment content regarding theme parks and toys.
For your parenting blog, you can get inspired by Red Tricycle and provide similar types of content. For example, topics around Disneyland is popular on Google:

2. Positive Parenting Solutions
Positive Parenting Solutions receives 200k visitors a month.
The blog was created by Amy McCready, a recovering yelling mom. Once she learned some positive parenting solutions to the challenges she was having at home, she started her blog and created an entire online course for other parents not wanting to nag and yell at their kids.
And what’s even more impressive is her credibility as a parenting coach.
Big shows and brands like The Doctors, the Today Show, Rachel Ray and more have featured Amy and her philosophies.
Her most popular blog posts are:
- What Age Can a Child Stay Home Alone? 4 Questions to Consider
- Tooth Fairy Costs and Kid Expectations
- The Spanking Debate Continues…
As you can see, some of Amy’s most popular blog posts take a stand on a popular notion or topic in the parenting world.
As a new parenting blogger, you can use this information to create your editorial content plan based on taking a stand on topics like:
- Times children should go to bed
- Spanking or not spanking
- Too much screen time or not enough
- Best ways to dish out consequences
3. Scary Mommy
Scary Mommy receives over 5M visitors a month!
This is seriously a highly popular parenting blog for sure. And you know why?
Because they are talking about the issues that no one talks about as a parent – depression, loneliness, regret, abortion and more.
This entire blog was built on those “taboo” topics that no one talks about and since then, it has become a huge brand incorporating video and entertainment content.
Scary Mommy’s most popular blog posts are:
- We’re Controlling the Wrong Bodies
- Pediatrician’s Say Kids Need Simple Toys Not iPads and Electronics
- Here’s to the Grandparents Who Really Show Up
As a new parenting blogger, you can use your blog to talk about those hush topics that no other moms talk about.
It can be a raw and personal parenting blog, or it can be a platform for other moms to talk about their hush topics.
4. Mothering
Mothering receives around 130k visitors a month.
What’s neat about this parenting blog is that it’s a green and natural parenting blog.
They want moms that value eco-conscious living and the content they put out show their plight for green living as a family.
Their most popular blog posts are:
- Please Stop Giving My Child Plastic Junk
- Postpartum Shivering: What You Need to Know
- The Reality of Having a High Needs Baby
If you are into small living or eco-friendly living you can create your entire parenting blog content with that seed idea.
5. Janet Lansbury
Janet Lansbury receives around 16k visitors a month – just from Google alone!
Janet is a professional childcare instructor and has helped many parents understand their babies better. She is an author and podcaster too!
Her most popular blog posts are:
- Mothering Boys – Secrets to Understanding Our Sons (With Best-Selling Author Maggie Dent)
- How to Create a ‘Yes Space’ Outdoors (When You Don’t Have a Yard)
- Stop Being Captive to Your Child’s Emotions
What’s neat to see with Janet’s site is that her blog name doesn’t indicate what type of blog – if it’s a parenting blog – it is.
If you can’t figure out your blog name, using your name may be the answer to your problem! For more tips, check out my post on finding your perfect blog name.
6. Aha! Parenting
Aha! Parenting is a popular parenting blog, with over 70k visitors a month.
This is also a true representation of a lifestyle parenting blog. They cover all topics related to parenting from pregnancy to teens and everything in between.
While I mentioned having a very niched down blog can prove to be highly successful, many top parenting blogs are multi-topical and are popular.
Sites like these curate daily content often and have a team of writers to provide daily content.
Their most popular blog posts are:
- Does Your Own Childhood Affect Your Parenting?
- Practical Mindfulness to Shift Your Mood
- How to Stop Lugging Around Your Old Emotional Baggage
7. Working Mother
Working Mother is a huge site with over 1.7 million visitors.
The working mom avatar is a huge audience, and popular parenting blogs that have the potential to be successful are ones that connect to a big mass of people. It’s okay for your audience to be a tad broad, but the focus and niche topic on your parenting blog much appeal to ONLY that audience.
So, the content on Working Mother is only for moms that work and how to balance that while raising little kids.
Their most popular blog posts are:
- We Can’t Stop Smiling at All These Congresswomen Who Brought Their Kids to Day 1 of Work
- We Are In Love With These Portraits of Kids Posing With Reasons Their Moms are Shamed
- This Comic Perfectly Explains the Mental Load Working Mothers Bear
What’s intriguing about their popular posts is that it’s curated content or round ups positioned as a viral post. The headlines of these posts are viral in nature, making people WANT to click over as well as being unnaturally long for a blog post title.
As a new blogger with a parenting blog, you can use this as inspiration and create round ups. For example, on my blog Smart Mom Ideas, I did an Instagram roundup of pregnancy announcements.
You can do Instagram or Pinterest round ups of a whole bunch of parenting topics:
- Places to breastfeed
- Yoga with your baby
- Toddler snacks
- Crafts for babies or toddlers
- School lunch ideas
8. Grown & Flown
Grown & Flown gets around 450k visitors a month, and it’s a great parenting blog for the older kids.
Grown & Flown tackles topics for teens and older – 15-25.
This cohort of children is sometimes never talked about online enough, and if you can carve a corner of the internet with your parenting blog for parenting teens and young adults you’ll do well!
Their popular blog posts are:
- Seven Signs of the Aging Apocalypse
- To the Women Who Will Keep My Son’s Heart Someday
- What Moms Need In a Friendship as We Grow Older
9. The Simple Parent
The Simple Parent receives around 10k visitors a month, and I love this parenting blog.
It’s truly a parenting blog that follows Mariah’s multi-generational family helping other multi-generational families.
As you can see, Mariah has pin-pointed a section of the mom/parent audience to focus on families where the grandparents play a huge role in their child’s life.
I can relate to this as my twins’ grandparents live only a few minutes away from us and are in our children’s lives almost every day.
The popular posts on the Simple Parent are:
- Cockpit Cheesy Potatoes Family & Friends Will Love
- Summer Messes to Make With Your Kids
- Coffee Filter Butterfly is Perfect for Kids of All Ages
What’s cool about Mariah’s popular posts are they sponsored posts and that is a monetization strategy you can use for your parenting blog.
10. Messy Motherhood
Messy Motherhood gets around 6k visitors a month and was one of my first parenting blogs I learned from.
Amanda is a children’s mental health counselor, but her blog speaks to the frustrated, frazzled parent.
I was that parent (and at time still am).
I found actionable tips and help on her blog and will be forever grateful for her parenting blog.
Her popular posts are:
- To Be a Calmer Mom, Do This One Thing
- One Magical Phrase That Will You and Your Spouse on the Same Parenting Page
- One Powerful Way to Conquer Sibling Rivalry
What’s neat about her popular posts is that they are about one tactic.
This is a great way to extend your blog topics on your parenting blog. Instead of rounding up huge lists posts, you can narrow it to talk about one thing – one breastfeeding hack, one parenting tip, one way to get your baby to sleep through the night, etc…
11. The Purposeful Mom
The Purposeful Mom generates around 8k visitors per month.
Jenn is a mom to four, and her blog’s mission is to, “help moms balance grace with expectations, cultivate a faithful heart, and simple solutions for faith and parenting struggles.”
Jen is niching down her audience to focus on Christian parents and that’s a great way to build a loyal audience.
Her popular posts are:
- When You’re Kids Say “I’m Bored” Try This Simple Strategy for An Effective Response
- 15 Christmas Tradition Ideas to Start With Your Kids
- 5 Days to a Stronger Devotional Life Challenge
25 More Popular Parenting Blogs to Inspire You!
Here is a short list of 25 amazing and popular parenting blogs for you to check out and see how you can use it to inspire your parenting blog.
- What Moms Love
- Mom Loves Best
- Smart Mom Ideas
- The Artful Parent
- Pulling Curls
- Fireflies and Mud Pies
- Crazy Adventures in Parenting
- Sleeping Should Be Easy
- The Pragmatic Parent
- Kori At Home
- Very Anxious Mommy
- Imperfectly Perfect Mama
- Paper Heart Family
- Mom Makes Joy
- No Guilt Mom
- Parenting From the Heart
- Chicken Scratch Diaries
- Habitat for Mom
- Parenting Expert to Mom
- U Me and the Kids
- Modern Parents Messy Kids
- And Next Comes L
- Confidence Meets Parents
- Bounceback Parenting
- Soccer Mom Blog
Takeaways from Starting a Parenting Blog
These 36 parenting blogs show some awesome ways to make money, grow traffic and more.
To help you with your parenting blog, here are the top takeaways from this list:
You Can Have Multiple Topics
Many of these parenting blogs have more than one niche topic. While it’s still BEST to focus on one main niche topic, you can definitely incorporate different topics to see what will resonate with your parenting blog.
Many parenting blogs include these topics to cover motherhood:
- Meal planning
- Travel
- Work-life balance
- Motivation
- Recipes
- Crafts + Activities
Use Pinterest to Promote Your Parenting Blog
One of the best ways to start generating website traffic is to use Pinterest.
Pinterest is more than a social media profile – it’s a visual search engine, and parenting blogs do amazing on this platform.
Out of all my blogs, my Smart Mom Ideas Pinterest profile is the most popular.
To get started on Pinterest, check out my post on 27 Pinterest tips!
Don’t Focus Too Much on Your Blog Name
By looking at all these examples of parenting blogs, you will see different blog names.
Some use their name to name their blog, others use words like parent, parenting, mom, or motherhood.
And, still others use a combinations or words that don’t necessarily relate to parenting tips. So, don’t get hung up on your blog name. Pick a few words you like that represent YOU and go with it!
There ya go!
Over to you – do you have a favorite parenting blog you’d like to share? Tell me in the comments! I love seeing other people’s blogs!
Don’t forget to pin me!