
How to Start a Mom Blog in 2025

Want to start a blog from home, mama?

How to Start a Mom Blog for the New Beginner | This step-by-step tutorial on starting your blog was the best! Do you want to start a blog? | start a WordPress blog | start a website | start a blog with SiteGround | Beginner guide to starting a blog | If you're not sure how to start a mom blog or chose a reputable web host, this step-by-step tutorial walks you through what you need to know to start a self-hosted blog with WordPress and SiteGround. Even if you use Bluehost or some other host, this will work for you.

I’m sure you read a lot of mom blogs, go on Facebook, and hang out on Pinterest when your little one is sleeping.

You see everyone online with their blog, and you want to know how to start a blog.

You want to join this awesome community. I can’t blame you.

I’ve been blogging for almost ten years on this blog and let me tell you, starting a mom blog was the best decision I ever made.

I love blogging so much, and that’s probably why eleven years ago I decided to become a freelance writer. I blog for a living, and it’s been the best decision I made for my family and me.

You know why? My family has been sick. We’ve all had the flu, stomach flu, icky colds, low-grade fevers and more for over a month!

Because I have a blog, I was able to take care of my twins at home every day, and not have to worry about going back to work, hiring a babysitter or taking them to day care.

I can stay home, make an online income and pick up my twins from school every time. Do you want that mama? I know you do.

You can make money on your blog as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort to grow your blog. If you’re not sure if you can, just look at these bloggers who started out just like you and grew their blog to thousands a month!

  • Abby from Just A Girl and Her Blog – $40,124 in one month
  • Rosemarie from The Busy Budgeter – $32,469 in one month
  • Lena from What Mommy Does – $9,997 in one month

I’ve had so many moms email me personally telling me their story for wanting to start a blog, but they had no idea what to do or where to go.

If you want to start a mom blog, don’t worry, it’s easy, quick and you don’t need to know any tech stuff. Trust me.

I’m tech illiterate, and I was able to start a blog with Bluehost in under 10 minutes!


Let’s break this down and start from the beginning!

1. Figure Out Your Niche

One thing you need to think about when starting your blog is what you plan to write about. This can be a challenge for a lot of people. I struggled too.

When I first started Twins Mommy, I decided to write for work-at-home moms with little ones.

But, this soon turned to mom bloggers who wanted to become mompreneurs. And even now, I’m honing my niche to make sure I focus on traffic growth, income growth, and email list growth. I will, of course, talk about my twins and being productive, but it’s not my blog’s focus.

You might be wondering, why do I even need a niche? 

There’s a lot of lifestyle blogs that talk about career, travel, beauty, parenting and DIY.

For your first blog, though, I suggest you find a niche. You know why?

It will help you grow your blog and your following quicker.

People will remember you when they can think of your whole blog and what you stand for.

So, to find your niche, ask these questions:

What am I passionate about?

What’s that one thing that keeps you up at night? Look at your hobbies and find out what you enjoy and can write about it for a long time.

You can also look at previous experience to help you decide your niche.

My background is in education and being a mama, but my online experience is in digital marketing. When I created Twins Mommy I drew from those experiences.

Is there a need for my niche?

This is a little bit more challenging. How do you find out if there’s a need when, on Pinterest, you see like a gazillion blogs that talk about the same thing?

One easy way is to check on Facebook. Go to a few groups you belong to and use their search function.

Just type in your niche or keyword that represents your blog and see if there are lots of questions surrounding that topic. If so, you have a viable niche!

Can you monetize it?

Listen, we all love blogging for fun, but if you really want to stay home with your little one or be able to quit that 9-5 job you hate, you need to find a way to monetize your niche.

For some, that’s doing sponsored posts, for others, it’s affiliate marketing, and for others, it’s starting a service (like me!).

Answer those three questions, and that should help you find your niche.

Once you have an idea of a niche topic you know what you can do to speed up the content planning?

Use AI!

Specifically Jasper AI 🙂 I love this writing assistant tool. Jasper can help you with getting pillar blog post ideas. All you do is ask it:

Jasper can also write the blog posts for you! Here’s how to do it.

2. Choose a Blogging Platform

This site is a blog and while there are other blogging platforms to choose from – Squarespace for example – for the sake of this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to start a blog.

A blog requires hosting and this post walks you through how to set up your hosting using Bluehost.

I recommend starting a blog with WordPress because:

  • Most sites are WordPress sites (like The New Yorker and even Beyoncé!)
  • You have more options to customize your site with WordPress plugins and thousands of themes to choose from (both free and paid) to make your blog look the way you want it to.
  • There is a lot of support to help you with your WordPress blog. There are YouTube videos, blog posts and WordPress forums – not to mention me! – that can help you with your blog’s theme and site.

3. Choose a Domain Name

This is the fun part, mamas! This is where your creativity comes out of the bag and can play ? It’s time to create your website’s name. What are you going to name your blog? This will be what you type in the address bar –

It’s probably a good idea to have your niche somewhere in your website name.

But, if you take a look at my blog’s name – Twins Mommy – this doesn’t scream helping moms become mompreneurs!

So, don’t spend days thinking of the perfect name. Make sure, though, to have a couple of names in case the .com is already taken. I also suggest trying to get a .com since that’s the most common and easy to remember ( just make a list for now. Once we get into starting a mom blog, I’ll show you how to get your domain name!).

As a rule, make sure your domain name is simple, short and easy to spell, and relates to your overall brand.

Some of my favorite mom blog names are:

Kids, Cash, Chaos

Crazy Life With Littles

Living For Naptime

Okay! Now it’s time to create a blog.

4. Time to Start a Blog with Bluehost and WordPress

When I first started blogging I wanted to use a secure and reliable web host. Bluehost is one of the best hosting companies out there and a great value too, mamas!

Why Choose Bluehost?

There’s a lot of hosts to choose from, so why choose Bluehost to host your blog? There are four main reasons to start your blog with Bluehost.

1. You Get a Free Domain

Bluehost gives you a completely free domain name for the entire year when you sign up using my special link.

That saves you $15 or more right up front! This is super important if you want to bootstrap your blogging expenses.

Most other web hosting providers don’t offer a free domain to their customers.

2. They Have 24/7 Support For All of Your Questions

If you have a problem or question, you don’t have to wait over an hour for a representative. Bluehost’s fantastic tech support will answer your questions any time of the day or night, and do it quickly.

You can choose phone support or live – online – chat with their tech support team, and their support team is available 2f4/7.

I use their live chat all the time, but for kicks I picked up the phone and gave them a call one day. Within 2 minutes I had my entire issue resolved. Talk about fast!

Here are what my course students said about Bluehost tech support:

If you’re a mom, I suggest the chat option in case your little one wants to test out their lungs ?

3. Automatically Installs WordPress For You

How great is this mama? No need to maneuverer clicking buttons or typing in cryptic commands to install WordPress anymore! Bluehost does it for you behind the scenes…automatically!

You can start your mom blog in minutes after you sign up to Bluehost.

4. Affordable for New Bloggers

I get you –

When starting a blog, you want to keep your costs down. Making money blogging is a journey so any savings you do up front will help you with blogging for a long time!

Bluehost has made it super affordable for new bloggers with their plans – when you use my special link. You can start a blog for as low as $2.95/month!

Compare that to down the road when your blog is hopefully making you thousands a month!

Starting a blog doesn’t have to be a hard decision for you mama.

As a stay at home mom, it was absolutely the BEST decision I have made. I started blogging when my twins were taking one nap a day.

Now – my twins are in school! I side hustled my blogging to now become a full-time blogger!

And you can do this too mama – with baby in tow!

And one more reason why Bluehost is the most recommended and best blogging host for new bloggers – WordPress has officially recommended Bluehost as one of a very few “best and brightest hosts.”

Let’s get started!

Just click on over to Bluehost and follow along with me! And to help you even more, I have a tutorial video that walks you step-by-step on starting a blog!

P.S. In the video I tell you to go through my other blog, Elna Cain. No need to follow that route! Just click the Bluehost link in this post to be directed to the right page.

Step 1: Choose Your Plan

Bluehost has three plans to choose from: Basic, Plus and Choice Plus. I recommend bloggers running WordPress start with either the Basic or Plus plan. The Basic plan has everything you need for a single blog, but I’m a serial blogger and I just can’t stop making new blogs!

With the Plus plan you can host unlimited domains and you have unlimited storage space all on your one hosting account.

And let me tell you, you WILL want to start more blogs after your first 🙂

But, if you’re just getting started with this blogging thing, then the Basic plan has you covered!

And if you use my special link, you can save up to 60% off the regular price!

Many people don’t realize this, but if you can swing it, you should lock in the special discounted pricing for multiple years. Yup, that’s right mamas.

Choose the 2-year or the 3-year term for big savings up front. And bonus points…you won’t have to worry about a hosting bill for another 2 (or 3) years. Yay!

Click on the Select button for any of the plans. This will take you to step 2.

Step 2: Choose Your Domain Name

Remember the list you made of potential website names? Your domain name is what people will remember you by when they are on Pinterest or Facebook.

It’s also what will set your brand apart from others. So, when someone thinks of your site’s name, it should represent your brand.

As I stated already, Twins Mommy isn’t such a great domain name since I changed my niche and decided to talk more about business than twins.

But, I am still building a brand with Twins Mommy. People “know” me for my strategies to grow a blog.

When you get to this page, you can use your existing domain name or pick a new domain name.

Type in your website’s name, and it will check if it’s available. You can pick your domain extension like .com, .org, .net, but I highly suggest you stick with .com since it’s easier to brand and remember.

If your website name isn’t available, you can try picking a variation of your blog name.

If your website name is available, you can choose the “I’ll create my domain later.”

This is a great option if you’re totally stuck with a blog name!

Step 3: Your Account/Package/Payment Info

Fill out your account and client information.

Remember, you will save the most money overall when you choose the 36 month plan. With that option, you don’t have to think about paying for your hosting plan for 3 years!

Note: you can pay with credit card or PayPal.

Next is setting up your password for your Bluehost account.

Install WordPress

Remember when I said Bluehost installs WordPress for you!

So, for this step you can just walk into the WordPress platform. Easy peasy!

When Bluehost installs WordPress for you, they also install the default WordPress theme (if you don’t pick one at first). Later you can change it, add a logo, and start your blog post!

This is a demo site I like to use with the Astra theme (that you can pick within setting up your Bluehost blog)!

Logging Into Your New WordPress Blog

The cool thing with Bluehost is that they made it super simple to login to your blog.

They created a user-friendly and beautiful control panel. With one click you login to your brand new Bluehost blog! How easy is that?

Boom! You Have Your Blog!

Are you excited? I know when I started my blog I had about a million topics to write about!! Ha…well maybe not that many. But, I was excited and raring to start publishing posts.

Now what?

Here are some posts in my Blogging Basics series that might help you:

I want to hear from you!

When you set up your blog (don’t forget my special link to save up to 60% off) tell me about it and make sure to give me your link! Email me or leave a comment or find me on Facebook or Pinterest!

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Hi! Thank you for all this advice, I started a blog 😉Reply to Rebecca
I am a mom of 5 children and It’s hard for me because my children need a lot of things and they fight for things and yeah I cook morning to night make sure they all eat and take a shower and brush their teeth and yeah everything is hard but it is fun to see them grow up and you guys can play as a family yeah it’s just great and hard at the same time so it’s fineReply to Augustina
Yes, having a lot of kids is challenging to sure. I have twins and even with just two it’s soo tough for me! Blogging though refills my creativity and makes me a better mom for sure! Consider starting a blog!Reply to Elna
Invaluable insights! Your guide on starting a blog not only demystifies the process but also sheds light on the monetization aspect. A timely resource for those venturing into the blogosphere. Cheers to a successful blogging journey ahead!Reply to Precious
Oh thanks so much! Get excited for your blog in the New Year!Reply to Elna
Hello Elna, It was a pleasure to read your blog posts. I am a mother of twins also; however, they are are all grown up now at age 21. My children have both left home to start their own life journeys. I am very proud of them both because I know that both my husband and I have worked tirelessly to prepare them for this point in their lives. Therefore, I have decided that I am setting out to start a new lifestyle blog for the empty nester called the ‘Empty Nest Mama’. I am very thankful to have found a lot of good advice as well as information contained in your different posts that I can use along my blogging journey. Kind regards, Michelle Coleman (Empty Nest Mama!)Reply to Michelle
Hi! Thank you for all this advice! I started a blog last year but haven’t been consistent with it, I’m still trying to find time for it. Is there a minimum amount of posting per month that you recommend to start earning money? Thanks!Reply to Shereena
There are so many things that go into creating a blog. This is a great overview!Reply to Marysa
Your blogs are so helpful to me! Thank you! I hope to bring value to others just as you have done for me. I am BRAND new at all things blog…trying to swim and not sink haha. Website isn’t running yet…reading/learning a lot before publishing!Reply to Imran
Your blogs are so helpful to me! Thank you! I hope to bring value to others just as you have done for me. I am BRAND new at all things blog…trying to swim and not sink haha. Website isn’t running yet…reading/learning a lot before publishing!Reply to Melissa
Hi, thank you for such a good roundup. I started my blog 2 months ago and am eager to grow it and put in the time, but getting a little frustrated with keyword research and SEO. Do you have any recommendations for tools to help with both, that don’t break the bank at least for the beginning? And do you have any suggestions on getting backlinks? I am trying to reach out to other blogs to write guest posts but barely receive any answers. Love your site and thanks for creating inspiring content!Reply to Cat
Hi Cat, Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed this post to help you be a successful mom blogger. As for your questions here is my advice to you. For SEO tools a free one is a Chrome Extension called Keyword Surfer. Try that one to see if you like it. As well, Ahrefs does have a free keyword generator. Google that and you will get access to see some keywords at at time. For backlinks, I suggest you try HARO (Help a Reporter Out). Sign up as a source and you’ll get emails for pitches! Good luck! And just to let you know my course Ready Set Blog for Traffic does have great ways to get backlinks as a new blogger besides using HARO.Reply to Elna
I have some questions, mostly about turning a profit. How long did it take for you to start making money with your blog, and do you have advice for the different ways to do so? I’d like to have income as a stay at home mom, but I worry about sticking with it. Thank you!Reply to Jenn
Hi Jenn, With freelance writing it took me 2-3 months to make my first $1k. For blogging, it took a little longer (10 months or so). But after my blog started making money, it starting making 3x more than my freelance income so I say play the long game. Start your blog, create an editorial calendar, get your keywords in place, sign up to Jasper AI for easy content and use affiliate marketing. From there you can build an email list, then start creating some products for your audience! It takes time though. You are building a legit business here!Reply to Elna
Great post Elna! Thank you for the valuable information. 🙂Reply to AptBlogger
What theme are you using here? It looks great!Reply to Aaron
Hi Aaron, All my sites are custom designed by my husband 🙂Reply to Elna
HI there, very informative blog! I have no idea where to start. Wait, scratch that, I have a domain and perhaps a logo but I need more guidance. Thank you for this!Reply to Gladys
Hi Gladys, So glad you enjoyed this guide about starting a mom blog! A mommy blog is great! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hey Elna, Thanks so much for sharing your tips/advice. I am in transition of becoming a stay at home mom to my two boys 1 and 2 1/2. I am excited to start a blog and have the ability to share my experiences of motherhood thus far. Thanks for being an inspiration! I do have a question, are we paying full total on host page and then its $2.95 per month or how does that work?Reply to Sheniqua
Hi, Yes, when you start a blog regarding Bluehost the cost is $2.95/month only if you lock into 3 years. You save the MOST money with that tier! Once you buy hosting you can set up your blog with WordPress (the content platform) and start writing your first blog post!Reply to Elna
I want to do something. I’m a 59 year old grandmother and artist in many ways. Also wanting to start an avenue to sell. Only have a Iphone, no computer yet. Name a simple source i can use for blogging on what kind of computer. Help!Reply to Lorraine
Hi Lorraine, I feel it will be extremely difficult to start a blog on a phone! You might want to save for a Chromebook or something cheap so you can start your blog the right way! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Currently riding the struggle bus off a cliff… I bought a domain. Nothing installed on my computer. I have been trying to customize the blog, but I have literally been sent to three different pages that are trying to do the same thing and I am beyond confused and getting frustrated 🙁Reply to Katie
Hi Katie, Designing your pages can be difficult. I recently updated my course Writer Website in a Weekend (for freelance writers) with all new lessons and a new WordPress theme. I use the native editor to develop all my pages. While this is for freelancers, you can enroll if you want! and here is the website I created for the lessons in the course. to Elna
Hey Elna! Great post. I’m wanting to start a blog about my city, a mums guide with what’s on, things to do, best places to eat with kids etc etc. Do you think this is a good niche that I could turn into a full time income eventually?Reply to Katie
Hi Katie, Glad you enjoyed this post! Regarding your niche, it is a bit local and if that’s all you want for your traffic (local traffic) then that’s great. I do know one blogger who only posts kid activities in my city and I visit it all the time…but it’s just for my city and nothing else! As for money, it might be hard but if you are the “go to” website in your city then you can monetize it with sponsors for example!Reply to Elna
I must be missing the point on how I make money from just setting up my blog can you explain it to me.Reply to Savannah
Hi Savannah, I’m sorry, this post mostly goes into starting a blog with hosting not about monetizing your blog. I do have lots of posts on this subject as well but in a nutshell, you need an audience that trusts you and that you can help. For example, as a freelancer, I help people learn about freelancing and become a freelancer. Everything I put out is to help them go from point A to point B or to motivate them and encourage them. From there you can do affiliate marketing, sponsored content, place ads (like I have on this site), offer a service (like freelance writing) or create a product like a printable or online course. I hope this helps! Feel free to email me!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I am still the process of creating my blog. I just have one quick question. The host price is that a once off payment or are they just going to bill me the $2.95 I just want to make sure. I am a stay at home mom of a 8 year old busy boy and I really want to start my blog. Thank you for all the lessons and all the advice.Reply to Bianca
Hi Bianca, To really save money with the $2.95 deal you have to lock in your hosting plan for 3 years. So in total, it will be less than $200. I hope that helps. So once you pay for three years, they won’t bill you until three years later!Reply to Elna
Hey Elna, Thank you so much for all the information, With your help and tips, I just launched my own blog + an online discussion forum for moms. So far it’s with very few views, and 4-members in community – but keeping fingers crossed and working. I’d love for you and your friends to join the forum (Rants & Tales) and share your views. Thanks again.Reply to Kratika
Hi, Thanks so much! So happy you started a mom blog 🙂 Yay!Reply to Elna
Thanks so much for this article (and your course)! I’m working my way through everything after I just launched my mom blog. So far your tips have been really helpful. I’m working on growing my views, but it’s slow going, as with anything worth doing. Thanks again!Reply to Des
Hi Des, I just checked out your blog and love it. I checked out the activities for kids during COVID-19 and am looking at the Google Earth suggestion for my 8 year olds! Keep at it and make sure to promote as much as you can!Reply to Elna
I love your blogs!! I am a mom of two. They can also be called twins. They are a year and a week apart boy and girl. They keep me busy. I want to set up my blog soon. I have been trying to find ways to make money where I can still spend time with my kiddos. May God bless you!!!Reply to Anny
Hi Anny, That’s awesome and thanks so much for coming over! Congrats on your kids and yes they can be called twins! I think blogging is perfect for moms that want to stay home. I hope this post helped you start a blog and make sure to check out the other posts on Twins Mommy!Reply to Elna
Hi, I’m a SAHM, I have almost 2 year old twin boys! I’ve been through many complications throughout my pregnancy and wish to share with other expecting twin mommas out there that are going through the same thing and just share what life is like for me being a young twin mum at the age of 23. I have many ideas running through my mind but don’t know where to start. Would you recommend starting my own website or going ahead with publishing on another twin mums page. TIA xxReply to Nes
Hi, I think it’s a great idea to start a twins mom blog for sure! You can talk about raising twins and things like that! You can then create a FB page for your twins blog! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna! Thank you so much on writing this blog. I find it to be more enlightening compared to many others that i’ve come across. I know everyone’s situation is different. But how would you recommend a beginner like me get started? I love to write and like many others who has responded im looking to make a living while staying at home with my daughter. And I really have no idea how to begin. I need a step by step guide. I already know my niche and picked out fun blog names.Reply to Samantha
Hi Samantha, Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed my post. I do have a free email course to help you grow your new blog if you need help! Go ahead and enroll: Starting a blog is a big commitment for sure but if you find the right keywords, network with the right people and be on social media, you will grow for sure! I’m here if you need help!Reply to Elna
I am a stay at home mom. Probably will not be going to work any time soon. My toddler is a medical needs child. Since I have been out of job money has been a struggle, my husbands check doesn’t cut it. So I heard so much about blogging and I want to do it, but I do not know where to start. I have read hours upon hours on how to blog and what to blog. if you have any helpful tips on how to get my blog out. I do have bluehost, but do not know where to start.Reply to michaela
Hi Michaela, Starting a blog does take time for sure and a lot of learning. It’s not the BEST way to make money online. My suggestion is to also offer a service with your blog like blog writing. You can get hired to write blog post for other mom bloggers, coaches or business owners. You can do this by reading out to other big bloggers and check in my Facebook group!Reply to Elna
OMG! I can’t believe anyone makes $40,000 a month just from blogging. It seems so unreal, yet I know it happens. I have blogger friends who make money from their blogging efforts, though nothing in the neighborhood of tens of thousands. For now I make nothing from my mom blog, but I’m hoping this changes sometime in the near future.Reply to Natalie
Hi Natalie, Yes, I know, right? There are even other blogs that pull in $100,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH! It’s amazing and something I strive for (well mostly to help more people!!). Love your mom blog name!Reply to Elna
Thank you. Greate information. I want to start blogging but i need best niche for success can you help me? PleaseReply to Bouty
Hi, You can start a Pinterest friendly niche that is highly visible like crafts, home decor or beauty. Or, you can opt for a niche style blog and focus on one core topic like homeschool or gardening! There is a lot to choose from! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi, I’m Josie. I was wondering how long it took to start your blog? Like from Start to publish. I absolutely adore your blog BTW.Reply to Kenelia
Hi, When I started a blog, it didn’t take me too long. My husband helped me create the customized theme so I just have to write the pages on the site and then write my first blog post. I started Twins Mommy in spring and it was up and running that month! Just remember, it doesn’t’ have to be perfect to publish, just good enough. The beauty of starting a blog is that you can go BACK and fix it!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thanks for putting info out there to help other women!! I’m a new mom after being carefree for 32 years. I want to start a blog about my experience transitioning from the independent woman that travelled the world to motherhood. I have no idea how to find a niche. I do know that it’s always best to write from what you have experience. I have so many posts from my travels and many documenting my pregnancy during a pandemic which includes separating from my husband at 5 months pregnant. I now have a beautiful baby boy who i want to be raised religiously and culturally tolerant as his father is from the Middle East and I’m from the Caribbean. I would love to provide my experience as he grows as well. I have too many ideas circulating and I have no idea how to streamline my thoughts. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!Reply to Krissy
Hi Krissy, Wow! You do have a lot of blog topic ideas! That’s fantastic, but you are right, you have to reign all of this creativity to make a successful blog. I would create “general” topics like “pregnancy” “motherhood” and then pick something else if you want like “kids activities” “free resources” or “family life.” Keep the topics all similar. You CAN lead with traveling too and attract moms that want to travel. But, I would focus on the pregnant mom or soon-to-be mom. You always want to blog for people a step before you so you can look credible and knowledgeable! Good luck!Reply to Elna
hi, is it wordpress hosting or managed wordpress on offer on your bluehost link? kindly respond to me via email to ensure that i receive your response.Reply to Jude
Hi Judith, I did email you but to help my audience here, I do recommend using a blog. What’s great about choosing Bluehost as your hosting plan is that if you go through them Bluehost will start your WordPress blog for you! And they will use! So no need to start on WordPress first!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna I have been on and off for a few years but have not made money from it. I started a mom blog recently and decided to go with it to the end. I published over 50 articles on my blog, but I haven’t had a steady traffic. In fact, my traffic is quite poor (only a few views a day). So I am wondering what I’m doing wrong. What do you suggest about keyword research and SEO? Should I just blog about a big category, then make smaller articles within that category, or just go with keyword? What is your suggested approach? I also purchased your Pinterest course but I don’t understand the part of keyword in the Pin. Do I need to create different category for each keyword? It means I need to create hundreds, or even more category? Thanks a lot ElnaReply to Mai
Hi Mai, This would be a good time to start optimizing your old posts for SEO and create new posts with keywords. I do have a guide called 1120 Easy Keywords for Ranking if you want to get it here: to Elna
Hi, Since you have a lot of posts I would now focus on SEO. I would pick keywords that align with your topics and not lean towards one category. See what works. For example, for my freelancing site I choose topics related to freelancing like using Upwork vs. Fiverr or how to find clients as a freelancer or being lonely working from home. All of those topics relate to the freelance life. So when you do keywords think like that. Regarding Pinterest, you can search for keywords using Pinterest and then you can use those in your Pin description!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, thank you for putting this information out here. I’m just starting out, I’ve got my page going, slowly adding posts to it, and now I’ve hit the “what now” stage, and I’ve found you – whoop whoop so much helpful stuff! I’m working on figuring my niche, I think I have a few too many ideas on the go tbh, so shall definitely be reading through as much of your stuff as possible, I started my page as a “something to do whilst homeschooling” and I am already wanting to turn it into something more.Reply to Donna
Hi Donna! Congrats on starting a mommy blog! How fun! I think a homeschooling blog is perfect for this time in our lives! More and more people are wanting to stay home and homeschool their children! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hello! Fellow Mama over here in the beginning stages of starting a blog. Thank you for the great information! I’m curious if you know the best way to go about obtaining privacy policies, disclosures, terms and conditions as well as disclaimers for my blog. In addition to being a mom, I’m also a labor and delivery nurse hoping to share some valuable information to expectant moms but I want to make sure I’m protecting myself against any potential legal issues. Would love any advice. Thank you!Reply to Josslin
Hi Josslin, Great question! I do have a privacy policies disclosure on my blog and new bloggers should. One of my students’s is a lawyer and she sells these template here (affiliate link): to Elna
Great. Thank you!Reply to Josslin
Hi there. I have been blogging for 6 months, focusing on SEO and Instagram to promote and failing miserably! Love the sound of your course, i just wondered if this is viable to use in the UK to help mums here? I know my niche and ideas, just struggle with the tech side of blogging/seo and find instagram very challenging! Thank youReply to Amanda
Hi Amanda, Yes, my course is for anyone online in any country that can do blogging! It does cover SEO, Pinterest marketing and Writing for money all in one!Reply to Elna
Omgoodness, I am realizing that I got ahead of the game and went to WordPress and clicked on bluehost from there! I got my blog started, but now I see if I had clicked through this page you would have gotten credit ($$$) I am so sorry to jump the gun! I’ll try to not jump ahead from now on! I did get the $2.99 price, but I think I circumnavigated you! Please forgive!Reply to Dawn
Hi Dawn, That’s okay! Have fun starting a blog!Reply to Elna
This artcle was very helpful. I have already gotten a domain name and have set up my website. I want to blog about surviving motherhood and so may ideas are circling through my head with no solid foundation. Its going to be more of a lifestyle type of blog. Do you think this would be a successful niche that will be quick to catch on? any advice is quite welcomed and so needed.Reply to PHILLIPA
Hi! That’s fantastic you want to start a blog! I like your ideas, a lifestyle blog will have more than one topic to focus on so one about motherhood and some sub topics like productivity, parenting etc.. can do well on Pinterest. Just make sure to provide highly valuable content that answers your audience’s questions!Reply to Elna
Hello, My name is Kayla and I am a middle aged new to freelancing momma. Let me tell you I was very greatful to find your blog this morning because my mind has been nothing but a utter mess. So I have been studying and learning my butt off to be able to become a Freelance Writer because I due to becoming a single mom suddenly I have to figure ways to make things work for my boys and I in our lives that keeps it all moving with smiles more of the time then tears. We lost their dad unexpectedly so it’s just me I’m everybody and everything to them. 3 boys 12 year and a set of 5 year old twins did k mention ALL BOYS! So as you know it gets chaotic but I’m doing it. I believe I could really help someone with the experiences I’m going through and how I learned to make them work on my own solo parenting household. To mention going through the Pandemic brought me to this mid life crisis of what to do to have a career because I didn’t I had jobs but their dad was breadwinner of our group and how can I be available to my boys and make an income ding ding freelancing! So how do I make an income now that I have been learning left and right even got a certificate in Digital Marketing and I’m currently in some other courses on Shaw Academy for digital marketing and blogging so trying to get those under my belt but I have no network or physical experience to make a portfolio to offer up to land a job. What is next and how? I need help!! Please and thanks so much. #changedmomma #mommabo$sReply to Kayla
Hi Kayla, First of all I’m so sorry about your situation! I would think there would be an audience for your situation for sure! This just reminded me of Jane the Virgin as I’m watching this on Netflix and got to the end of season two. It’s still heavy in my heart and I wish you strength! As for freelancing, this is a great avenue for moms and if you don’t know I have a freelance writing blog called that might help you more than my posts on Twins Mommy. I also have a Youtube channel so just search my name on Youtube to get freelance writing advice. Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Happy new year and welcome to 2021! I have been watching you for close to 2 years I believe ( Incudes 2020 which was a blur) . I am not a mom but I find you to be one of the most inspirational people when it comes to blogging etc I watched a lot of your videos on YouTube , signed on to your course through The write life etc …. Problem is I had so much trepidation. I read your testimonial on how you started on medium (hope I got that right) You even posted your first article! that was brave and authentic. Each time I get an email from you encouraging me to blog I feel like that child who has not done their homework and go into hiding. Finally enter 2021 I decided to stop running. Today I signed on to blue host as advice by you, I chose the Choice plus plan and ticked all three boxes (pricey). I told myself since I am new to this and will protect myself to the hilt and also pay for 36months so that I do not have to deal with bills for 3years. I DID My intention is to blog and eventually to also set up ecommerce as well. Niches Niches Niches: ( I have various interests but need help) This is where things are a bit cloudy for a newbie myself See questions: 1.What type is it? Lifestyle, finance, education community etc ( A bit tough) 2.who are you creating the site for ? myself/a client /a company I work for/someone else ( I believe myself is the correct answer just checking though) TAGLINE : I need advise on this too Thank you so much for inspiring me , I want to learn and succeed at this I haven’t chosen a domain name yet tooReply to Anita
Hi Anita, I’m so happy to hear you are no longer hiding and making a go for 2021! As for your niche, a lifestyle blog with finance content should do really well! Have fun with that. As for who are you creating the blog for, the answer is your audience, are they single moms? are they college students? are they freelancers? You need to figure out who you are speaking to when you write your blog content. As for a tagline, it isn’t necessary to have one right away. Mine developed over time! Good luck and thanks for starting a blog with Bluehost!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’m a girl from China, and by chance I came across your blog, I was inspired and really would like to start a blog. But I also found choosing a niche is difficult. I finally came up with the idea of writing something about my hometown, a small city in Guangdong. I found there are not too many blogs with this topic. I’m not sure whether it is a good idea. I hope to hear some comments from you. Thank you very much!Reply to Cathy
Hi Cathy, That’s great you want to start a blog! Typically, I do suggest to start a blog that isn’t localized, just for your local city. You won’t grow as much, but your blog may take off in your city and you may get publicized! If you decide to do a local city blog you can also do a YouTube channel on your city. I think location based channels do well. Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hello! I found you on Pinterest and I have read this particular pin over and over for months. I have not yet started a blog because my fear and desire have yet to reach on a decision. As they debate i’m just wondering through a dark maze waiting on them to make a decision. As a result iv’e gotten lost. Iv’e gotten so lost that I felt like giving up. As it turns out the feeling is worse than rejection. I opened my laptop, found your comment box and just started typing. I did pick a domain name (that of course I fear nobody will like) and then followed your steps. Do I need ONE niche? Does it need to be specific or can it be vague? Then I scroll down to payment and I am wondering what other options I need. Do I need them? I am really trying to sound brave and confident but I am so nervous and if you did have the time I would appreciate your advice. Please email me if you can or even want to. Thank you for at least making it to the end of my plea. NikkiReply to Nikki
Hi Nikki, To make it easier you can have more than ONE niche topic. This is a lifestyle or multi-topic blog! And I encourage you to take action! You’re doing good with bypassing your fear! You can do it! As for the extra options, I would personally get Domain privacy (so you don’t get unsolicited marketing calls), and SiteLock security. You don’t have to pay for a WordPress theme – Astra is free to use and easy to set up!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much for this!! I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a very long time, but the idea of setting up and not knowing how or what platforms to use has had me procrastinating for way too long. This helped to put my nerves at ease and now I’m taking finally taking the steps to make it happen! 🙂Reply to Bailey
Hey Bailey, Thank you so much! I’m happy you are taking the leap to start a mom blog! I’m here if you need more help!Reply to Elna
I came across your website I’m not a mom As yet but hope to be a mom in the very near future, as we have been trying for several years now. I have been wanting to start a food blog, arts a d craft blog also incorporate my husband renovation into my blogs. I just don’t know where to start. Can you have more than one blogs? I appreciate any feed back.Reply to Phildia
Hi! For a brand new blogger, it’s best to focus your efforts on one blog first. This will be your “learning blog.” Once you understand blogging, marketing and promotional strategies to make money your second blog will be much more successful and every blog after that! 🙂Reply to Elna
Hey Elna, I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a blog, and You’ve definitely given me a lot of fire to really start seriously. I think I want toReply to Riley
Hi Riley, That’s fantastic to hear! Starting a blog in the New Year is such a great feeling! You are starting something that will grow the entire year!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me (us)! I started subscribing to your emails back in October, and you really inspired me. I’ve always wanted to share my passions with others too. Since October I’ve started on my blog, and although it’s not exactly where I want it to be it’s a start and I really want to thank your emails and inspiration! Thank you again, and I can’t wait to learn more from you!Reply to Angi
Hi Angi, Thank you so much for your comment! I love helping new bloggers navigate this blogging world! Congrats on starting a blog. It’s a start and you are taking action and that counts!Reply to Elna
Hello, I’ve been looking for Elna all over and I haven’t heard an update on your move. Apparently, I’ve become attached to your helpful tips, on the youtube channel-although we have not met. I hope the move went well, and you and your family are well. Thanks, Diane Gilmore (Newbie 1.5 months ago)Reply to diane
Hi Diane! Thanks so much! Yes, the mold people finally finished the project and NOW we can start the process of getting the house ready to move (fixing subfloor and dust). Excited and thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
So iam thinking of starting blogging but iam a bit confused as to how to write your blog what content should go and what shouldn’t and how to engage more traffic so that you get good views about it Also would it be like a bice idea to incorporate your daily life in a blog wilhich tells about different aspects of your life like a book review or about my day or something related to my recent travel etc?Reply to Mirika
Hi! If you want to generate more blog traffic with your blog, then you need to HELP your audience. It’s that simple. If you can help them with a challenge or struggle they are facing, then they will come to your blog to learn!Reply to Elna
Hey Elna. Is it possible to start blogging without showing my face and my real identity? I think I can create an amaxing content with my blog niche but Since that’s going to affect my job and relationships…I didn’t .com through it… is that’s going to affect my blog?Reply to Rimmel
Hi Rimmel, You can, but the blog might be passionless. This means writing a blog for affiliate marketing. An example, might be a coffee blog or a juicer blog. All these posts are about a product and not the blogger!Reply to Elna
love your article, very helpful! I am starting out writing about Mental Health and wellness – I am a Mental Health Practitioner and an educator. The problem with mental health is that there is very little solid evidence and research around diagnosis, even the Diagnostic Statistical Manual used by psychiatrists has no solid science behind it. What would you advise regarding writing about this topic? My perspective is largely driven by people with a lived experience of what works for them. Really interested in your view on this as it is a huge area which needs more clarity. Feel free to check out my site “Landmarkrecovery” I would love to hear your thoughtsReply to Venessa
Hi Vanessa, Starting this type of medical blog will be hard. Google only favors huge medical sites like Web Md. So to grow in this niche will take many years. You need to show your credibility by getting on podcasts, doing guest posting, networking and more to connect yourself with influencers in this niche. Of course, if Google ranking isn’t a big thing for you, you can build a strong tribe with a Facebook group and Instagram page. Youtube is also a great platform. I do follow a Kati Morton, a therapist, and love her videos about mental health.Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I’ve been toying with starting a blog but I’m not sure I want to put up any money at this point. Is there a free website service I can use and if so is there any reason not to? Also, I know you spoke about making sure your blog could bring in money but how exactly do you get to that point? Is there something specific I need to do once starting my blog so that I can either do sponsored posts or affiliate marketing? Thanks so much!Reply to Stacey
Hi Stacey! Have you joined us in the Mom to Mompreneur Facebook group? We talk about this stuff in the group! As for a free blogging platform, there are – is a FREE blogging platform BUT you can’t make money on that blog. In fact, WordPress will put ads on your site and you don’t make money with them and they have the right to your content, it’s not yours. So I strongly suggest having a self-hosted blog. It’s safer and the potential is great! If you don’t have the funds to start NOW, then wait. Get on Medium. This is a blogging platform where you just create a profile and write on that platform. Here is my Medium profile: You can sign up to Medium’s Partner program and get paid for views on your writing.Reply to Elna
Hi! I’ve recently just started looking into blogging. I’m still a little confused on how do you get monetized. Also, there’s 3 topics I think I’d like go write on. Would it be possible to have one blog site with 3 sections to it?Reply to Larisa
Hi Larissa, Having 3 topics on a blog is fine! I have that on this site and my other sites. As for making money blogging there are many ways and Twins Mommy has a lot of content on that subject! The best way is to first create amazing content and build a raving fan base. From there you can do affiliate marketing or sponsored content. Later you can create a product like an eBook, course or printable!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I somewhat hastily picked a variation of my name as my domain. I already have changed my name so much and dont want to get stuck on this. My name isn’t the most common, its Mariella Olano, so I chose How much will this affect me. I plan on getting traffic through social media, should I add xo to my social…Im feeling so indecisive.Reply to Mariella
Hi Mariella, If you build your brand, people will easily find you! Connect with your audience and remind them of your name!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much Elna, you’re so real and so encouraging. I spend so much time trying to earn online but nothing seem pulling. There’s so much I can blog about but not knowing how to even start. I really want to.Reply to Ejiana
Hi Ejiana, First off, give yourself grace and be glad that you are brimming with ideas! I love when this creation process happens. Have a journal near by to jot down your ideas. If you can’t pinpoint a niche for your blog, then have a lifestyle blog with multiple topics! That’s okay. Focus on your ideal reader and what they want to know about. So if it’s college students what do they want to learn more about or need help with? Or moms? Or painters? First time home buyers?Reply to Elna
Hi! I’m so excited to get started with my blog – something I’ve always wanted to do, but always used the excuse of “in my free time” (with heavy sarcasm). I’m finally diving in and feel motivated by you! Here’s my question – when signing up with BlueHost, it asks about things like security and domain protection, and in your screenshot it shows all of those UNchecked. Can you tell me more about that and if I do or do not want to pay for them? I definitely want to be secure and safe.Reply to Natalie
Hi Natalie, Personally I would check security and domain protection, but if you are budget conscious then you can add that later!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I am very new to blogging and have been reading blogs lately on how to get started. Congratulations and thanks a million, your article about starting a blog has been the most thorough so far! I have been an international development professional working for rural communities mainly, for over 20 years. Due to my occupation I have lived in emerging countries. However,about 10 years ago I started to get into traditional medicine and alternative techniques of healing. I have been taking master degrees of herbalism and managed to go to India to study Ayurveda for several months. Now, that I have resigned to my job, I have been devoting more time to do ayurvedic therapies, chakra healing techniques and I have been able lately to combine Ayurveda with western herbalism. Due to COVID pandemic I haven’t been able to make therapies in person anymore (Panchakarma, ayurvedic massages and treatments, as well as healing through chakras), but I have done some online therapies for free. However, I need to feel myself productive and make a living out of my dream occupation, which is traditional healing. I started with posting photos once in a while on Instagram. However I feel something is missing. Maybe I need more courage, since I feel like doing a parachute jump. I do not know where to start. I would much appreciate if you have any tips that resonates with what I would like to do. I still have some questions and would be very grateful to have your advise on: 1. Collecting a mailing list. Does Bluehost/Word Press have that possibility to collect and send frequent newsletters (bulk emailing)? or I have to pay for a software? 2. I would like to have followers that speak either Spanish or English. Does Bluehost have the option to the viewer to change the language (language icon) on any page? 3. Should I start monetising once the blog has achieved traffic? However, what are the best monetising options for brand new blogs? Is still possible? 4. I don’t live in the US. I would like to know, in case I could monetize the blog from the first beginning, how I could receive money from adds, affiliate marketing, sponsorship, etc, if I don’t have a US bank account. I have a bank account in my home country and credit cards. Would that work to get paid anyway? Best and thank you in advance, SandyReply to Sandy
Hi! Here are my answers. Bluehost isn’t an email service but you can set up a your own domain specific email address. To send newlsetters you need something like ConvertKit or Mailerlite. Not sure if Bluehost has a way to change language. Maybe Google how to translate your blog. Once you have traffic and readers, you can monetize it. I have a lot of posts about monetizing your post so make sure to read those. The best is with ads and affiliate marketing. If you’re up to it, offering a service is a quick way to make money! For receiving money you would need a Paypal address!Reply to Elna
Hi, Elna Lulu here, I bumped into your blog and It inspired me to get creative and get into writing, having been furloughed to then a lay off in this crisis had me at a loss of hope. I am a single mother with a teenager and it can be hard, growing up I was always told I should be a writer and maybe this is a masked opportunity I should take. Thank you for all the information you provided.Reply to Lulu
Hi Lulu! Now is probably the best time to start a side hustle like blogging or offering a service like freelance writing! Take your time and don’t rush it. Fit blogging into your schedule! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, you really inspire me to pursue my writing skills. I have a free blog site in WordPress but haven’t published in a while or for the longest time now. And after reading tons of your articles about writing on a niche I guess I need to redo or edit my WordPress and subscribe through Bluehost first? That way I can monetize the niche I want to blog as you mentioned. I want to enroll as well in your Masterclass! Please advise me if I have to enroll first before subscribing to Bluehost? I’m confused. I want to learn from experts like you. 🙂Reply to Grace
Hi Grace, Yes you can move your blog to a site using Bluehost. This post walks you through it, but would appreciate if you use my special link for Bluehost when you follow their instructions! Thanks so much! As for the masterclass, that’s on Pinterest so you can enroll any time for that!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thanks for the insight in the great job you did. I really enjoyed it. As you mentioned at the beginning of your article, you are blogging for almost four years, and I want to ask do you plan to start a vlog? Which camera would you use and why? Thanks, AlexReply to Alex
Hi Alex, I do have a Youtube channel! My blogging tools are in this post: to Elna
I am a single mother and wanted to do something different then I started searching on the web, then your website came across to me and it inspired me a lot. you really helped me a lot. and I really like your work, and you know what I have also started my blog after being inspired by you,Reply to Renee
Hi Renee! Wow! Thank you so much for your story! It means a lot to me that my content helped you start a blog and get out there! Have fun blogging!Reply to Elna
Hi curious about how to attract attention and visitors to one’s blog… I’m not sure how to promote once it’s up and running!Reply to Michelle
Hi Michelle, Gaining attention when you start a blog takes a lot of social promotion. Get on Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook and focus your promotion efforts there. As well, when you start a blog you need to fill it with content and not just any content, but highly valuable content for your audience. Talk about their pain points and how your blog can help them with their struggles. From there promote on social media and then start an email list to gain a readership! Good luck!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, As I am not a perfect blogger hence started the blogging on After reading your blog I am planning to move it on wordpress through bluehost. ThanksReply to CHANDRA
Hi Chandra, Kudos for you for taking the step and wanting to have a successful and monetized blog! Good luck!Reply to Elna
I started on on blogger but should i switch it over to wordpressReply to Barbara
Hi Barbara, Yes, I would recommend you move from Blogger to This is a self-hosted platform and how you can start monetizing your blog!Reply to Elna
Hello hun Your blogs are amazing and they have inspired me to start my own. Although the blogsite has only just begun , would be thrilled if you could give it a view. Thank you xxReply to Lo
Hi Lo! That’s great you started a blog! I hope you decide in the future to move your blog to a self-hosted plan using and Bluehost so you can start making money blogging!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna. i started a blog a while ago and used Wixcom. i see you recommend Bluehost and wordpress. do you know anything about Wixcom and if so, are there any advantages of using Bluehost instead? I am thinking of restarting it on Bluehost.Reply to janine
Hi Janine, No, I don’t know much about using Wix except that it’s not self-hosted. The best way to start a blog is by using and Bluehost. It’s the cheapest and EASIEST since WordPress sets up your blog for you and you just need to customize it.Reply to Elna
Hi, I am a single mom and have been researching blogging for months. In the midst of the virus crisis, I have been laid off from my 9-5 job (which I hated!). This is going to give me the perfect opportunity to focus on getting my blog set up, organized, and launched! Truly, a blessing in disguise! I started following you and doing your free beginning course. It has lots of helpful information! I want to make the most of this small window of time. It would be great to have you as a personal mentor. Thank you!Reply to Melea
Hi Melea, I’m so sorry for being laid off. A lot of my mom friends IRL are sharing this with me as well. I’m so fortunate that I have secured blogging and making money online to ride out this pandemic. And I’m so happy you FOUND a way too! I’m here for you. If you have ANY questions, don’t hesitate to email me!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I found your blog really interesting, so thank you very much ? This may well be a silly question, but does would this be something that I could do, as I live in the uk? Many thanks again, SarinaReply to Sarina
Hi Sarina, Of course you can start a blog in the UK! Or anywhere in the world! That’s what is so great about blogging 🙂 If you follow the steps in the video you are on your way to starting a blog and if you read more of my content you can find out how to write a blog post and how to monetize your blog! Good luck! Email me if you are stuck!Reply to Elna