Category: WAHM

How to Start Freelance Blogging (When You Don’t Know How to Blog)

Do you know that one of the best work at home gigs you can have as a stay-at-home mom is freelance blogging?

I’m a stay-at-home mom with twins and I’m a part-time freelance writer, but I’m really a freelance blogger. I average around $600 per post and I have several high-paying clients.

How to Launch Your Online Side Hustle Today

You’ve been thinking and dreaming about a side hustle for months now.

You’ve finally decided you want to start a side hustle, but you just don’t know how to start it. You don’t mind working at your day job, but you know you don’t want to be working there forever.

22 Side Business Ideas to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom

Are you a working mama but long to stay home to be with your child?

Why I Struggle With Work-Life Balance As a Mom (With Twins)

I’m not going to lie – having twin toddlers AND running a freelance writing biz on the side AND taking care of the house AND cooking is almost more than I can handle.

5 Essential Tools You Need to Successfully Work From Home

I’m sure you’ve heard how great it is to work from home – the freedom to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it and without any of the hassles of long commutes, gossipy co-workers or a terrible boss breathing down your neck.

It’s true that work from home opportunities have grown 103% since 2005.

More people are quitting their 9-5 job and wanting to be a freelancer, entrepreneur or just want to earn some income online.

And there’s no shortage of work-from-home jobs available for stay-at-home moms either; you don’t even need a degree or experience to get started.

How I Organize My Work While Taking Care of Twins

It’s 8 a.m. on a Monday morning and my twins are watching Paw Patrol while having their morning milk and I’m having my coffee and trying to type this.

My twins are three and I work from home. When I tell people or other bloggers in Facebook groups or Twitter they are often surprised at how much I’m doing.

It’s true. My plate is full to the max. I have three other blogs – FreelancerFAQs, LifeStyleBody and my freelance writing blog over at ElnaCain – and I also write for clients and have a course for new writers too!

And I have twins to take care of.

8 Challenges to Working From Home (With Small Children)

I love working from home.

I have the freedom to structure my day the way I want.

I can wear sweats all day, stay inside all day and if I want to take a day off, I can.

5 Time Saving Tips to Work at Home When You’re Sick

I’m sick.

I have a sinus infection. My throat is on fire, my head is throbbing, but I have to work. And I have to take care of my twin toddlers.