Wow! I can’t believe I’ve been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you to Amanda and Kristen of Kandy Apple Mama and Angela of Natural Born Mommy for this nomination!
I’m honored to be included in this nomination! It’s awesome to know that other bloggers recognize my work on this blog and my Facebook group! And it’s cool that I can pay it forward and nominate other amazing bloggers! I love this about blogging – the connection and relationship building!
The Blogger Recognition Award
This award is giving to bloggers by bloggers for their dedication and hard work they put into their blog and brand. As a new blogger, I didn’t know about this award so finding out was a complete surprise!
When you’re nominated, the blogger is supposed to:
- Write a post about being nominated
- Give a brief story of how and why they started a blog
- Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers
- Thank whoever nominated them and link back to their blog
- Select and notify 15 other blogs they want to give the award to
How Twins Mommy Started
I have a freelance writing blog where I share tips to bloggers and aspiring writers that want to get paid to write online.
But, I wanted to blog more about being a mom to twins and the challenges I faced trying to grow my business while nurturing and taking care of my twins.
Instead of blogging about that on my freelance writing site, I decided to create Twins Mommy. I wanted to connect with other WAHM moms with little ones and help them during this journey.
But, I ended up pivoting!
I decided soon after starting Twins Mommy that I wanted to chronicle my blog’s growth. I wanted to try to grow this blog in a traditional way and monetize it in a traditional way…but in an over saturated niche (mom blogging or making money blogging).
It’s been a little over a year and I’ve monetized this blog with affiliate marketing and created a course!
I’m excited to see what the second year of Twins Mommy will be!
My Top Two Pieces of Advice for New Bloggers
- Write for your audience, not yourself. Starting a blog is exciting, right? You get to get your creative juices flowing and connect with other bloggers. But be careful not to only create blog posts that are more inspiring than informational. Create posts that can help others (even if you don’t know your audience yet).
- Your Niche will reveal itself. One of the biggest challenges new bloggers face is figuring out what to blog about! You have this new blog but can’t decide what to put on it. Instead of worrying about finding your perfect niche, blog about what you want. Blog about recipes, parenting, knitting, dating or whatever! Over time your niche will reveal itself. This is what happened to me.
My 15 Nominees
Cath of This Mama Learns
Kecia From Mom’s Desk
Bridget from This Mom’s Life
Alee from The Beautified Life
Erin from Freelancing Mama
Amber from Humbled Mom
Cynthia from Make Your Blog Beautiful
Heather from Very Anxious Mommy
Shirley from Smart Cents for Life
Caitlin from Rogers Party of 5
Bri from Get With it Mama
Ashley from Oh Yellow
Kanani from Totally Mommed It
Susan from Glorious Mom Blog
Heather from Flashes of Bliss
Check out these awesome bloggers!
And a huge thank you to Kandy Apple Mama for this nomination! <3
If you’ve been nominated, congrats and remember to pay it forward!