
22 Motivational Blogs You NEED to Check Out Now!

Have you ever looked at what needs to be done in your life and just thought, “Nah”?

I know all too well how overwhelming being a working mom is.

I have twins, a husband, a house, and an online business – all things I dedicate my time to!

There are days where I need a little extra push to get started.

I mean, as moms, we all need a little motivation!

So I thought I’d put together this list of motivational blogs you can check out just in case you need a little breather and a little inspiration.

What I love about motivational websites is that each one is as unique as the person who runs it.

Not only will you learn about personal development, productivity, and happiness but you also get to enjoy inspirational stories along the way.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get motivated!

And don’t forget to drop YOUR favorite motivational blogs in the comments below.

22 Motivational Blogs to Inspire You

1. Juggling the Jenkins

If you’re on Facebook or YouTube, you’ve probably run across Tiffany Jenkins, owner of Juggling the Jenkins. Her hilarious take on motherhood is refreshing and relatable.

Apart from the laughs, Tiffany is a recovered drug addict and keeps it real with her motivational articles that help other moms deal with mental health struggles.

2. Redefining Mom

Monica Froese of Redefining Mom created her site to help other moms run online businesses by turning their passions into profit.

You’ll find some great information here like how to plan your blog’s content calendar and how to create a budget for your family.

3. Tech Savvy Mama

Tech Savvy Mama is a motivational blog created by Leticia Barr and focuses on integrating technology at home and in schools.

Here you’ll find tips for all things techy such as setting digital boundaries and supporting girls in the world of STEM.

4. Enjoying the Small Things

Kelle Hampton of Enjoying the Small Things blogs about her life through stories and photos, focusing on her appreciation for the small things in her life.

She is the mother of a daughter with Down’s Syndrome but inspirational posts show how she broke through the barriers in order to create an amazing life for her family.

5. Pick The Brain

Pick the Brain is an amazing motivation website that shares inspirational and positive content. Their articles and content are geared toward helping others change their lives, seek success, and reach their goals.

6. Mommy on Purpose

Carly of Mommy on Purpose was determined to be, as she puts it, “a mommy on purpose, not a mommy of circumstance.”

She dedicated her time and effort to make an income at home so she could spend more of her time with her babies and less of her time working.

It wasn’t an easy journey and her blog reflects the kind of inspiration and motivation needed to follow your dreams and make a living at home!

7. Salt in My Coffee

Salt in My Coffee was started as a way for blogger Anna to make an income from home and support her family of four.

What’s amazing is, despite being told she would never profit in the homesteading niche, Anna made it her personal mission to reach over 10K pageviews in her first month of blogging – and she did!

8. Everyday Power

Everyday Power is one of the best inspirational websites with articles on motivation and self-development.

Here you’ll find inspiring quotes, posts, and videos that will encourage and empower you!

This is a contributor blog and the content is geared toward normal, everyday people.

9. The Positivity Blog

The Positivity Blog is just that – a blog to help spread positivity! There are some great practical tips as well as courses that will help you simplify your life (and who doesn’t want that as a working mom?).

You’ll find motivational posts that will help you reduce your stress as well as improve your self-esteem and happiness.

10. Becoming Minimalist

How often have you looked around your home and felt overwhelmed by the clutter?

Becoming Minimalist will motivate you to purge your life of unneeded stuff in your life – both physically and mentally.

But minimalism isn’t just about getting rid of “stuff” and this blog will help you learn how to embrace the saying, “Less is more.”

11. The Daily Motivator

What better way to start the day than on a positive note?

The Daily Motivator posts daily positive reminders and inspirational stories that will help you get motivated.

This is a really simple and straightforward motivational blog. Each day a new inspirational piece is posted to the main page but you can explore the site to find inspiring images and videos!

12. Motivation Grid

Maybe you’ve never heard of it, but Motivation Grid has actually been ranked as one of the most successful blogs in the world! It features positivity and motivational posts to help you turn your dreams into a reality.

Check out their sections on success, productivity, motivation, and entrepreneurship.

13. Life Optimizer

Founded by Donald Latumahina, Life Optimizer is a blog dedicated to personal development.

You can learn how to live your life to the fullest with his motivational articles about productivity, creativity, and balance.

I love how his mantra is to “live by design, not by default” – meaning that you should dream big, find your life purpose, and avoid regret.

14. TEDTalks

You’ve probably watched a TEDTalk or two while browsing the interest – it seems like they are everywhere! I

love the idea that amazing individuals from all around the world are invited to speak on a variety of topics in a way that is personal and relatable.

I would suggest checking out their section of motivational videos where you can dive into presentations about finding your flow, increasing your happiness, and unleashing your creativity (among many, many others).

15. Brené Brown

Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor and has spent years studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy.

I love how her approach to helping others is all about not what’s wrong with you but how having a better understanding of yourself can lead to positive and lasting changes in your life.

Check out her blog full of motivational posts about courage, kindness, and personal growth.

16. Allie Kibler

Allie Kibler is a life coach for women and her blog is about all things motherhood and the mess that comes with it. Her motivational articles cover everything from prioritizing your life to staying productive as a working mom.

Her goal is to empower, encourage, and support others.

She shares her journey of finding joy in her role as a wife, mom, and woman by conquering her stress and overwhelm.

17. Very Anxious Mommy

Heather of Very Anxious Mommy covers many aspects of motherhood from budgeting to helping your child with Autism.

She started her blog as a way to better her family’s unstable financial situation and has dedicated her time to not only being a mom but providing inspiration to other moms as well!

18. Purpose Fairy

Luminita Saviuc of Purpose Fairy blogs about living a purposeful life by shedding light on life’s hidden truths and providing honest observations on the human condition.

Some of her motivational articles include how to embrace negative emotions, deal with anxious thoughts, and cultivate happiness.

19. Live Bold and Bloom

Live Bold and Bloom has some great advice when it comes to finding your passion, forming better habits, and achieving personal success.

You’ll find posts about topics such as midlife crisis, body image, and reaching your goals.

20. Be More With Less

Be More With Less is one of those motivational websites that focuses on the power of simplicity.

There are some great articles about simplifying your life, decluttering your mind, and connecting with your heart.

This is a great blog to check out if you find yourself overwhelmed and stressed.

21. Happiness Project

Through the Happiness Project, author Gretchen Rubin tested different happiness and personal development methods for one year.

Her website explores ways that you can create positive habits and find happiness every day in your life!

Not only does she have some amazing motivational posts but there are also quizzes you can take to help you change your habits and resources you can download.

22. Project Me For Busy Mothers

On Project Me For Busy Mothers, it is Kelly Pietrangeli’s mission to help moms find a better balance between their kids and the rest of life.

Her content will help you identify what is not working in your life and take action to change it.

Motivational Blogs You NEED To Check Out

I hope one of these motivational blogs inspires you to get up and chase your dreams!

What mompreneur doesn’t need a little push from time to time?

Don’t forget to drop your favorite motivational blogs in the comments and pin this list for later!

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Thank you for sharing this list of motivational blogs! It’s inspiring to find resources that can help uplift and motivate, especially for busy moms looking for encouragement and support.Reply to Zohaib
Hi Elna, In these times, I think everyone can use that extra bit of motivation in their life, and they can find some great sources via this article. I regularly check some websites you listed and looking forward to checking out more from this list. I think many readers will benefit from this article. Thanks a lot for taking the time and finding out about all these motivational blogs. Looking forward to checking out more of your articles.Reply to John
Hi John. You’re welcome! I love checking out motivational blogs if I’m in a funk. I hope their blog structure will help you with your blogging journey!Reply to Elna
Thank you for this list of resources! I will be sure to check them out.Reply to Jodi
Hi Jodi, Thanks so much! I love reading motivational blogs and it always puts things into perspective.Reply to Elna