Category: Mompreneur

Stunning Air Dry Clay Ideas to Make & Sell (Handmade Gifts and Decor)

Back when I was pregnant with twins, I got completely hooked on knitting and crocheting.

Here’s a Cute Easter Desk Setup for Your Home Office

Decorating my home office for the seasons?

It’s totally my thing, and Easter is no exception.

18 Festive DIY Christmas Tree Skirt Ideas (to Make & Sell)

If you’re anything like me, decorating the Christmas tree is one of the highlights of the holiday season.

18 Quick Crochet Projects to Sell on Etsy Right Now

When I was pregnant with twins, I needed something to keep my hands busy and my mind calm during those long months of waiting.

That’s when I started knitting.

31 Punk Crafts to Make & Sell (for Tweens)

The holiday season has officially rolled in! Aren’t you excited about all the potential of making money?

As a mom who works from home, I’m always on the lookout for ways to bring in a little extra cash this time of year.

How to Decorate Your Office at Work (Home Office Decor)

One of my favorite things about my work office is my bulletin board.

I recently installed one and it’s made a total difference.

5 Reasons Why Your Sales Page Isn’t Converting (And How to Fix Them)

You’re on the road from being a mom blogger to being a mompreneur and it’s exciting for sure!

You’ve spent the last three days perfecting your sales page and you know your product – whether it’s a Meal Planning course or an eBook about being a full-time creator – will hit it out of the ball park.

The Best Business Books to Start Your Home Business

Are you thinking about starting a home business?

As a mom of twins, I know how hard it is to juggle being a parent and running a business. Finding success at home wasn’t a smooth ride – it involved a fair share of trial and error.

How to Sell Printables on Etsy (2024 Guide for Beginners)

Do you have a creative talent that you want to turn into cash?

Etsy is an amazing online marketplace that lets you sell practically anything so that you can earn money in the comfort of your own home.

And the biggest sellers on Etsy right now are printables!

43 Crafts with Fabric to Make & Sell (Fabric Craft Ideas)

Hey there, crafty moms!

Are you ready to turn your creative flair into a money-making venture?

If you are, I have some amazing fabric craft ideas that are bound to delight both you and your customers – and make you some money!