
My Pinterest Strategy for 2025 (Getting Me to 100,000 Pageviews in Traffic)

 I’ve had my Pinterest profile for almost a decade and for the first time it has hit over 1 million monthly views.

My traffic on this blog and my other blogs are growing fast and all that traffic is coming from Pinterest.

Yes, Pinterest!

Not from Google SEO or from Facebook or even email.

Just a platform called Pinterest!

Over the years, I’ve created a Pinterest strategy to help me grow my traffic and income, but each year I always had to adapt, tweak, omit and redo.

Why? Pinterest has multiple updates and algorithm shuffles each year, and your pins could go viral or flop during those times.

So, for 2025, my Pinterest strategy really changed and evolved, and I now have seven new things that I’m doing consistently to help me get to 100,000 pageivews in traffic.

1 Be a Pinterest User…Duh!

On of the first things that I wanted to focus on was increasing my monthly views.

There are a lot of Pinterest experts that tell you that monthly views mean nothing and that it’s a vanity metric but I don’t believe that.

When my monthly views were at 400,000 my traffic was under 20,000.

When my wiews grew to over a million then my traffic grew substantially up to 80,000 page views.

When I saw my monthly views increase, I know that people were seeing my pins in their feeds and that Pinterest was serving up my pins to an audience – especially my engaged audience – and they were engaging with my pins.

So, when more people see my pins, more people come to my profile, and more people click on my website.

One of the things that I started doing in December – because up until December my monthly views were around 500,000 – was be on the platform more often that what I normally did.

As a content creator, I mostly go on the platform to upload pins or share my pins and that’s it.

I may create new boards and then find relavent pins for those boards but that’s it.

I mean, meeeee? Be a Pinterest user?????

But for this strategy, I started going to the my home feed – like a Pinterest user – from my phone.

So, on long trips to the ice rink for my son’s hockey practice I would go on my phone and I would peruse Pinterest.

If I saw a Pin “in the wild” that I liked, I would save it to one of my boards.

I cannot stress enough that I never ever have done this in all the years of having a phone.

I don’t use my phone for entertainment purposes , so when I’m out and about or I’m running errands, it just never occurred to me to look at Pinterest.

But, in this season of life I’m finding that I’m spending long hours at the ski lodge so my son can ski.

With this “free” time I can use my phone and go to Pinterest. This is what I do.

I visit the Pinterest feed and save any relevant pins to my board.

I’ll save any pins that I have boards for:

  • Crafts
  • Jobs
  • Desk organization
  • Make and sell
  • Pinterest

I might do this activity for about 3 to 5 minutes, then I’ll go to my boards and check for old boards that need some updating, i.e. a board that hasn’t been pinned to for several weeks.

I noticed immediately an increase in views by doing this, so I think what’s happening is that when I see popular pins in my feed and I save them to my boards then, it gets synced or there’s a relationship between those top pins and my my pins in that board.

This strengthens the board and it strengthens my pins.

So lesson learned: When you have a Pinterest account, act like a Pinterest user!

2 Be More Intentional and Consistent

One thing many pinners have found success on Pinterest is using the native scheduler on Pinterest.

I occasionally use it, but I’m not consistent about it.

But because of pinners claiming success with the native scheduler, I had to take a look into it.

And, for you, if you can’t afford a Pinterest scheduling tool, this strategy may work for you.

The native Pinterest scheduler can save up to 48 pins a day (I think). This tell content creators how much Pinterest wants you to pin per day.

What I do is create alternate pins and schedule them in the native scheduler to go out only on Saturday and Sunday.

Why only those days?

Most pinners pin on the weekends.

I mean I do when I want to find a dinner recipe or some tips to be more productive during the week as a working mom at home.

And, I am also using a Pinterest scheduler and that schedules my pins every day, so it’s not a huge deal that I focus on the weekends.

If you aren’t using a scheduler, check your Pinterest analytics.

If you see a pattern of the highest views on Sundays, then focus on scheduling your pins on that day!

Pinterest wants their users to use their tools, so using the native scheduler on a consistent basis tells Pinterest that you are a user and value the platform.

This is a newer step in my strategy, so I don’t know for sure if this is making a difference in my click-throughs or traffic.

I’ll work on this for a month or two to see if there is a noticeable difference.

3 Make More Pins!!

Another thing I don’t normally do for this blog, is to create alternate pins before I publish the post.

Typically, I’ll create one pin image, publish the post, pin the image to a board, and then schedule that pin to my Pinterest scheduler.

This strategy worked like bonkers but in 2025? Not anymore.

So now, I started creating alternate pins BEFORE I publish a blog post and then pinning all of them to different boards on Pinterest.

Now, that strategy is working for all my sites.

So, I’m deliberately creating alternate pins off the bat rather than waiting weeks to create them and doing this helps my Pinterest strategy because now, I have a reservoir of pins that I can go to when I need to pin something.

I am also toying with different types of pins.

I’ll make pins of just an image of something and other times put text on the pin.

Most of my “only image” pins aren’t getting that much engagement but some actually do.

Pinners see these images and save them to their boards but are also clicking over to my blog post!

I share exactly how I make these alternate pins (because these aren’t dupes of the original pin) in my Pin & Win course.

4 Remove Dozens of Boards


Now this tactic is a little anxious-provoking for me and probably for you when you read that.

But, yes….for this 2025 Pinterest strategy to work for you, you really have to gut your profile.

Recently, I have deleted over 100 Pinterest boards.

Most of those Pinterest boards were group boards but they HAD to go.

I had to revamp my Pinterest profile because I had too many boards and I felt it was weighing down my profile.

I also archived boards that weren’t my current niche topics.

Since my blog pivoted to be more Pinterest friendly, I stopped writing about topics that weren’t really popular on Pinterest and, instead, write more Pinterest loving topics.

These might be about desk organization, crafts to make and sell, and Pinterest marketing tips.

I’m no longer writing about blogging tips or email marketing tips as much, but will focus on more Pinterest tips instead.

I even focused my lead magnet to be about Pinterest, and I also have an eBook and a course all on Pinterest marketing for bloggers!

If you want blogging help, I’m going to transfer that to my Youtube channel and email list.

So, with regards to deleting or archiving my boards, I looked at my email marketing boards, website design boards, and some social media boards.

A lot of the group boards were also in lifestyle niches, and I felt that having those group boards on my profile just confused Pinterest about my niche.

In your Pinterest analytics, if you scroll down, you can the performance of your boards.

Hoover over a board to get the analytics. If you find that your pins aren’t being clicked on or repinned, then it’s best to remove that group board.

And, once I removed over 100 boards, it propelled my blog’s monthly views and traffic.

5 Use a Third Party Scheduler

I know I mentioned in another tip to use the Pinterest native scheduler, but you also have to use a third party scheduler.

This is what will help you pin more consistently over time.

When I started Twins Mommy, I started using Tailwind to schedule my pins and my pins took off.

But this past year, I decided to part ways with Tailwind and try another scheduler – Pin Generator.

And, when I stopped Tailwind and went to Pin Generator, my traffic grew a lot!

So, pivoting to make that switch could help your Pinterest strategy.

For example, if all you do is manual pining and you decide to sign up to Pin Generator, you MAY see a boost.

I can’t promise you this as it can work the other way too, BUT if you go at it slowly you should be fine.

If you manually pinned 5 pins a day, set you scheduler to 5 pins a day and then 7 pins a day and then 10 pins a day over a week or two.

This is what I did when I started incorporating the native Pin scheduler.

I didn’t go gung-ho and scheduled 48 pins; instead, I scheduled on the weekends one pin for Saturday and one pin for Sunday.

Once Pinterest was “used” to that, I could scheduler more pins on each day (which I’m trying to do).

6 Long is the Way to Go

One thing I’m using the native Pinterest scheduler for, is to create longer pins with longer descriptions.

I mean I’ve tried longer pins but never tried longer descriptions for the pins.

These descriptions are SEO’d.

These longer pins are either 1,000 x 1,500 or 1,000 x 2,000 px.

I don’t know if doing the longer pins and description will help, i.e. attract a new type of audience but it’s worth a try.

I’m only doing this for my alternate pins that I create for the native Pinterest scheduler.

I haven’t crossed over to my regular pins for this blog but that could be something I try if I see in my Pinterest analytics that they are taking off.

I can then create a Pinterest template for these longer pins and descriptions.

But the longer descriptions is TOTALLY NEW for my Pinterest strategy.

7 Create New Content…Faster

Look –

I own several blogs and I hired a writer to help me.

But I still feel I’m not creating new content fast enough.

RIGHT NOW, Pinterest is gobbling up new URLs.

It’s in the best interest of bloggers to create new blog posts, publish them and pin them a few times a week.

I wouldn’t worry about creating new URLS every single day, that’s overkill and won’t help with traffic or income (i.e. Mediavine want’s a more stable traffic strategy, not a volatile one).

So, what I’m toying with is either embedding pins of the things I’m talking about, or just using Amazon images for my Amazon marketing.

That way, I can create high list posts with lots of images.

As for using AI for my blog post writing, I use it as an assistant.

I’m a freelance writer and get paid to write, so writing comes naturally to me and…well….I can type pretty fast!

So, I can edit AI writing if I need to.

Most of the time, I use AI for some idea generation, finishing a sentence, create a bullet list, or just having a conversation to help me with a problem.

What really helps me to create content faster is to have a blog template.

I follow this for most of the blog posts on all my sites.

So, a blog post template might look like:

  • Short intro with keyword
  • Lede paragrah
  • List item (image + short description)
  • Conclusion + CTA

I may use video to help with the blog post or add screenshot or graphs.

The biggest thing for me is managing my time. As a solo creator, procrastination is REAL thing for me.

But I’ve been using this blog template and my traffic for all of my sites are growing, which tells me this is a 100,000 pageview blog template!

A Winning 2025 Pinterest Strategy

There ya go!

The seven things I’m doing as part of my overall Pinterest strategy. If you need more help, make sure to grab my Pinterest ebook, 15 Genius Pinterest Secrets.

Or, for a solid NEW strategy, enroll in Pin & Win!

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