Are you a new blogger?

Let me guess, you have analysis paralysis, right!


Heck, do you even know what that is?

It’s when you read and read and analyze and try out and read some more about growing your blog until it’s too much.

You don’t know what to believe anymore. One person says to comment on 10 blogs a day while another one says it has nothing to do with commenting and everything to do with subscribers.

I was just like you. I read anything I could get my hands on about SEO, keywords, traffic, email marketing, social media, Pinterest, blog comments and a ton more, but none of that helped me.

It just weighed me down and made me overwhelmed at the idea of trying to grow my blog. There’s simply too much to do!

So, you want to know what I did instead? I just blogged. I blogged my little heart out. Oh, and I networked. I networked my little heart out too.

And you know what?

New blog, 30 days later and 4,000 pageviews, 100’s of pins and about a ton of comments on a lot of my posts.

four thousand page views

How’d That Happen?

A lot of hard work 🙂

Ha, well it didn’t seem like it because I absolutely love building a blog. I lay out my strategy to building my blog here and I will continue to update monthly on how I will grow my blog and eventually monetize it.

But to re-hash my plan:

Use Pinterest to Market My Content

I love Pinterest! Making Pin-worthy images are my thang and it’s just so pretty to look at the Pinterest feed.

But, I’m not using it just to get my eye-candy’s worth. I’m using it to market my content. I branded everything and joined a lot of group boards.

Use Tailwind to Schedule My Pins

I started using the free trial of Tailwind and loved it, so I upgraded to a monthly plan. I will probably exceed the number of pins I can do per month (400) and will upgrade again soon.

Blog comment a Lot

Yup. Been doing that and having a lot of fun.

Create a Lead Magnet and Content Upgrades

Since I want to start an email list, the best way to get subscribers is with an incentive. Since I don’t have a lead magnet yet (this is a freebie) I’m offering content upgrades. These are within-post freebies that relate to the post you are reading.

If you have no clue what I’m talking about, that’s okay. I have an awesome checklist to help you grow your blog, so you don’t have to think about it.

You just follow the plan with me and together we will build a successful and profitable blog. And I don’t think it will happen – no – I KNOW it will happen.

I have some tricks up my sleeve and I know a thing or two about marketing (the non sleazy way of course) and if you stick around, you’ll learn these totally awesome and easy tips.