
How to Create a Logo For Your New Mom Blog (And Brand Your Pins)

Have you recently started a blog?

Isn’t it fun and exciting? I know when I started Twins Mommy I couldn’t wait to write a blog post or create a Pin graphic. And you know what? It’s a year later and I still feel like this every night!

How to Create a Logo for Your New Mom Blog (And Brand Your Pins)

But, what if you feel overwhelmed with everything? That can totally happen. There are so many things to do for your blog like SEO, creating an email list, figure out Pinterest and creating a logo and solid brand.

If you’re interested in creating a logo for your blog and you don’t know how I have a handy video to help you!

Creating Your Logo

Create a simple logo that can help you build your brand. I like to create text-based logos:

You pick a font (that’s different than the font you use for your Pin graphics) and build on that.

With a text-based logo you can change how big some words are or stack words. For example, I really like Kandy Apple Mama’s logo:


You can throw in an icon if you want like Kecia does From Mom’s Desk.

In the video, I show you how to make a simple text-based logo and then how to create a “watermark” of your logo for your Pin graphics.

Branding your pins is a good thing to do if you’re a new Pinner and your want to grow your presence on this platform. It helps Pinners know your pins on their feeds and helps you get your brand out there.

Create a Professional Blog

Having a logo helps you be a bit more professional and it helps you grow your brand. It’s okay if you change your logo if you pivot, but go ahead and create one easily right now!

If you’re new to blogging make sure to check out

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Hi Ms. Elna everything in your blogs are all informative. I’m from Philippines. I am so overwhelmed with everything i am learning but this makes me feel more excited to focus on writing. I never know how big thing is this, I thought at first that writing and blogging are just like that. Yet, i found out that here’s more to learn about my simple hobby. Thank You for all your freebies and for sharing all what you have learned in this freelance writing job. Everything is so helpful. I’m looking forward to creating money out of this hobby I love. This is my way of expressing myself through writing. Thank You so much! So much to learn in all your blogs. Keep it up! Keep inspiring everyone specially one like me who knew nothing about in this freelance writing. I don’t have yet my own mac laptop. I have an old laptop here i don’t maybe this would be of help. My only internet now is a prepaid broadband. Right now I am writing this message to you I am only using my phone with data I got to registered. I am a home based wife for now since I got sick. But, you know as I get better each day finances of us as married couple won’t stop and I wanted to help my husband so bad. Thank You for inspiring me. I hope you can still help me. To become a paid writer someday!Reply to Matet
Yay you saved me! I spent a couple of hours trying to figure this out last night and even tried to create a logo from my iPhone… It didn’t even dawn on me to use my laptop with Canva, it looks like there’s so many more options. I even tried googling free logo makers that really aren’t free. So many precious hours wasted, but that’s ok I also learned a lot and watching your video made so much sense. I’m not tech savvy, one day I will get my blog up and running. Your blog has totally inspired me and you’re my online mentor ? Thanks Elna!Reply to Annica
Hi Annica! Thank you so much! So happy you found some great tips to help you create a free logo!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, Thanks for the video and tips. How did you make the gradient colors in your Twins Mommy logo? I love the ombre look of multiple colors fading into each other. Thanks!Reply to Desiree
Hey Desiree! My hubby did the ombre look for my logo! Not sure how he did it. I think he used Photoshop as there is a gradient tool there!Reply to Elna
I loved this! I needed to update my blog and focus on the branding, this helped so much! I was able to create my logo yesterday and it has fueled the fire to keep going. Thank you so much for sharing!!Reply to Heather
Hey Heather! That’s superb! I just went to your site (LOVE your blog name!!!) and LOVE your logo and message. Thanks for stopping by!Reply to Elna
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the compliment! It means a lot to me.Reply to Heather
Ok, this was just what I needed today! Thanks – Been wanting a new logo for our site plus we really, really needed to figure out how to watermark our Pinterest pins. Recently saw someone that was claiming some as their own. 🙁 Appreciate the video walk thru, making it so much easier to try.Reply to Babbette
Hey Babbette, You’re welcome! Glad you found a way to make a good logo! Yeah, watermarking doesn’t always stop others taking your pins unfortunately. They just redirect it to their website…’s happened to me too!Reply to Elna
Hi Elna, I have to admit, I didn’t take a lot of time to create my own logo. I’m not a designer so these types of things don’t come easily to me. It’s nice to know that there are tutorials online that help us who want to learn how to to it ourselves. I think it’s time to sit down and redo my logo and make it stand out more. I love your logos and designs on your blog. Thanks for sharing this with us, I’ll be sure to pass it along. Have a great day 🙂 SusanReply to Susan
Hi Susan! You’re welcome. I’m not that great with designing certain things like logos! That’s why I stick to simple text-based ones! Can’t wait to see the improved logo!Reply to Elna
Wow! Thank you so much for this. It’s very timely for me as I’m thinking whether to DIY my new logo or have it made. Text based logos are awesome!Reply to Madz
Hey Madz, Such a cute logo! LOVE it!! way to go!Reply to Elna
This looks so helpful. I’m a little late to the branding game than I would like to be, so this is perfect help!Reply to Victoria
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed the video tutorial for your logo!Reply to Elna
I really struggle with creating logos! I just never feel satisfied with the ones I choose, but I like this video and how simple, yet professional all of your logos look!Reply to Cole
Hey Cole! <3 Thanks chica! So happy you found something a little easy!Reply to Elna