52 Stylized Canva Pin Graphic Templates for Bloggers
Ready Made Pinterest Graphic Templates in Canva for You!
Writing blog posts, creating printables, digital products, learning about SEO, and networking are just a few of the tasks all bloggers have to do to grow their blog.
And, one of the biggest tasks they need to do is make multiple Pin graphics to help them ramp up their blog traffic.
Raise your hand if creating Pin graphics for your latest blog posts is more of a chore and one of the last things you do for the day?
Right now Pinterest is one of the HOTTEST platforms out there for bloggers. And Pinterest LOVES fresh new content.
Explode Your Blog Traffic Quickly With Stylized Pin Graphics
When I first started Twins Mommy, I was learning how to create engaging and eye-candy Pin graphics. I changed my design skills frequently and now enjoy creating many different types of pins for my blog.
And you know what I found?
That if I create off brand Pins and on brand pins and pins with multiple pictures or pins with large fonts or only script fonts that my click through rate shot through the roof!
Pinners would hop on over to my blog, read my post, comment or sign up to my free guides.
And the more pins I published per day the more email sign ups I generated, or pageivews I grew or income I made.
But I have no time to create multiple pins!!
Me too!
To create pins from scratch is hard. It takes time to think of a color scheme, a click-worthy headline and an image that captures what my blog post is about.
That’s why I created these 52 highly stylized Pin graphic templates for Canva.
Once you get your hands on my 52 Pin graphic templates for Canva, just create a copy, swap out the images for your own and create new headlines for these pins. You can change the colors to fit your brand too! Everything with these templates are customizable.
And, I only use FREE fonts for these pins, which means you DON’T have to pay for Canva Premium.
Many of these headlines are copywritten, which means they will build engagement on your profile.
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