Want an easy way to make thousands a month sitting at home?

Go from $0-$1000/month with affiliate marketing

Grab your FREE copy of Affiliate Success ($0-$1,000) – Your Affiliate Marketing Planner

I didn’t start affiliate marketing until many years after I started blogging.


I didn’t know about it!

I wish someone would have mentioned it to me sooner because I effectively left tens of thousands of dollars on the table.

But once I learned about affiliate marketing, I tried it out on my blog.

The result?

In one year I earned almost $70,000 just from promoting other people’s products!

Here is a small fraction of some of the income I generated from affiliate marketing.

Here are some more affiliate commissions.

And I’ve only shown you three affiliate products. I have dozens that make that much and more.

Here’s what you’ll find inside the planner

My planner Affiliate Success gives you a break down of planning your affiliate income. With checklists, worksheets and more, you’ll know what you are promoting, how much you will earn and how to promote your affiliate links.

You will also learn:

  • How to add affiliate links to your blog posts the right way
  • Proven tactics to increase your affiliate income (I’m surprised NO ONE is doing these things)

This planner is also editable.

What I mean by that is you can type in the planner digitally or print it out and write in it.

A little about me

Hi! I’m Elna and I’m a mom of twins, a freelance writer for small businesses and a blogger to help other moms make money doing what they LOVE! I enjoy connecting with other moms, and helping them find a profitable path in this blogging noise.

If you need an easy plan to make money, grab the FREE Affiliate Success planner!